

We'll try to do regular reports on the status and metrics behind the Wikipedia Mastodon account, but don't expect them to go as in-depth as this first one.

The account was launched on April 13 to coincide with the six-month anniversary of Wikis World, but had been discussed for quite a while before, including on Phabricator and the Wikimedia-l mailing list. We set up this account as explicitly being community-run in a collaborative manner. People are encouraged to submit things to post or be boosted and we'd like to give more people posting access in the future. This vision has not been fully realized but we're slowly getting there.

The community-run aspect might initially seem odd compared to how the Wikipedia Twitter and Facebook accounts are managed by the Wikimedia Foundation, but there are and have been many other volunteer-run social media accounts for other projects.



The account has been incredibly well received in the Fediverse from the very beginning, with the Fediverse Report boosting the account and writing:

Wikipedia is now on Mastodon, at @wikipedia!

They've taken an interesting approach here, as it is an account run by the community, where everyone can contribute (explanation here: At the same time, it is verified on the official homepage of, as you can see in the screenshot.

Personally, I think this suits the spirit of the fediverse that the Wikipedia account is not a PR department, but community members building something together!

The Mastodon project tweeted (yes, on Twitter) a welcome, and even used the account as an example on the verification documentation, next to Mozilla and the Auschwitz Memorial.

More recently the account was recognized and congratulated for "doing everything right" since joining, including using alt-text, boosting others, being part of the community, and more.

It's worth noting that one or two people have shown up in replies to criticize Wikipedia as censoring things and the "normal" concerns about WMF fundraising, but those are pretty rare and don't tend to get any uptake really.



Initially our plan was to post a mix of encyclopedic content (things in the news or featured or at DYK, etc.) and also behind-the-scenes details on how the content is being created. This hasn't been consistently applied; some weeks have been heavier on meta things, while others have been more content-focused. We also ran a poll asking followers what they wanted to see, reaching 986 respondents: 76% replied facts/encyclopedic content, 40% behind the scenes, 24% editing tips, 3% other.

The account has primarily posted in English, with the introduction post being translated on-wiki into a number of languages. Our post about the regional Indonesian conference was first posted in Indonesian and then English. We have been more liberal in boosting non-English content, reaching: German, French, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, and Spanish.

For the first few weeks we also ran polls asking people to share what they had read that week (example), boosting some of the interesting replies as a way to make it more participatory.



On purpose, Mastodon provides way less metrics than corporate social media. Plus we don't use any tracking links and referers will be very spread out since people are reading things on a bunch of different instances. So basically we can look at overall followers (12,067 as of writing) and boosts, favorites, and replies on individual posts. It should go without saying that our goal is not to maximize said metrics, nor should they be solely directing what we do.

Very broadly, posts about content do "better" than meta movement topics. This lines up with the poll results discussed earlier.

Some topics were also posted by other accounts, so we can do a rough comparison across platforms, with a big caveat that all the posts were far from identical, posted at different times, etc. Mastodon culture and lack of an algorithmic timeline leads to higher boosting than you'd likely see elsewhere.

Topic Mastodon (@Wikipedia) Twitter (@Wikimedia) Depths of Wikipedia (Twitter)
POTY 2022 442 boosts, 628 favorites 18 retweets, 50 likes 302 retweets, 4,537 likes
#WikiCelebrate for Meenakshi Nandhini 28 boosts, 58 favorites 16 boosts, 58 likes
SCOTUS and tomatoes 89 boosts, 156 favorites 1,838 retweets, 27,400 likes
Posts made by @Wikipedia
No. Date Status Boosts Favorites Replies
1 2023-04-13 01:59 UTC Hello Fediverse! 👋 #Wikipedia :wikipedia: is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers, known as Wik… (English) 1262 1087 49
2 2023-05-23 02:24 UTC The votes have been counted, announcing the 2022 #Wikimedia #Commons Picture of the Year :poty:Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), Little egret (Eg… (English) 442 628 9
3 2023-05-17 03:09 UTC Please enjoy the surprisingly wholesome "security and defense" section of Liechtenstein's English Wikipedia article -Annie… (English) 350 474 18
4 2023-05-19 18:54 UTC It's now possible to mark links to your #Wikipedia user page as verified on Mastodon! Documentation:… (English) 323 345 10
5 2023-05-29 16:37 UTC Today's #xkcd comic perfectly captures how we all read #Wikipedia xkcd (CC BY-NC 2.5)… (English) 223 393 12
6 2023-05-30 14:36 UTC In case you needed a rabbit hole today:… (English) 177 226 17
7 2023-05-25 18:58 UTC Happy Towel Day! Today we're celebrating the life and works of Douglas Adams, inspired by The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.https://en.wikipedia.or… (English) 175 206 5
8 2023-05-17 03:28 UTC Annie here! My favorite site to show new Wikimedia contributors is which shows nearby landmarks that need photos. Go… (English) 156 178 17
9 2023-04-14 19:57 UTC Since a few people have mentioned it, we're working on getting the official verified ✔️ .Wikipedia runs on all open source software, you can even see … (English) 112 160 8
10 2023-05-14 15:45 UTC A different kind #WikiPoll this week: we've been on the Fediverse for just over a month now, what kind of posts do you enjoy seeing and want more of?I… (English) 106 34 23
11 2023-04-18 04:29 UTC ah, there we go, got that ✔️ For those curious, the technical path it took was:1. Adding the link to the template: https://gerrit.wikime… (English) 104 200 7
12 2023-05-11 19:11 UTC in honor of the 130 year anniversary of the US Supreme Court's decision to classify tomatoes as vegetables, here is my favorite tomato photo on Wikime… (English) 89 156 4
13 2023-04-19 01:59 UTC The winners of #WikiLovesMonuments 2022 have been announced! of over 150,000 submitted entries from… (English) 69 108 1
14 2023-04-22 04:01 UTC Happy #EarthDay!Have you read today's featured article on the English #Wikipedia: Renewable energy in Scotland?… (English) 60 81 0
15 2023-04-16 05:23 UTC OK, how many hours do you think you spent this week reading #Wikipedia?What's the most interesting thing you learned? What's your favorite article out… (English) 55 20 10
16 2023-04-23 17:01 UTC What topic areas did you turn to #Wikipedia to learn about this week?What's the most interesting thing you learned? What's your favorite article out o… (English) 52 48 75
17 2023-05-23 02:32 UTC Third place in #Wikimedia #Commons Picture of the Year :poty: (you've probably seen this one before)Young stars form in 'The Pillars of Creation' as s… (English) 50 119 4
18 2023-05-29 11:00 UTC If you don't want to watch all 10 hours and 7 minutes of the 2016 film "Paint Drying", #Wikipedia has you covered with a 3-sentence synopsis in today'… (English) 49 49 1
19 2023-05-04 06:00 UTC Meet Oleh Shostak, #Ukrainian #Wikipedia’s most prolific editor… (English) 44 72 0
20 2023-05-17 03:14 UTC Have you ever tried to guess the article from the table of contents? Here's one that's pretty easy!… (English) 41 70 18
21 2023-05-23 02:29 UTC Second place in #Wikimedia #Commons Picture of the Year :poty:Banna children in Ethiopia with traditional body painting, playing on wooden stilts.Attr… (English) 40 89 2
22 2023-04-18 06:00 UTC Sad news, Wikimedian Bli Bayu has passed away; he was one of the founders of the Wikimedia Bali community.… (English) 39 61 0
23 2023-05-04 01:37 UTC The final round of voting for #Commons Picture of the Year is now open! :poty:… (English) 39 33 0
24 2023-04-14 04:46 UTC The famous line, "Houston, we have a problem" is actually...a misquote.,_we_have_a_problemOn this day in 1970, af… (English) 37 50 0
25 2023-05-07 04:56 UTC The first week of May was pretty busy, what topic areas did you read or contribute to on #Wikipedia this week?What's the most interesting thing you le… (English) 35 19 42
26 2023-05-13 10:00 UTC From today's #FeaturedArticle on the English #Wikipedia:The frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii) aka frillneck lizard, frill-necked lizard or frille… (English) 34 59 1
27 2023-04-20 20:58 UTC Hallo Fediverse! 👋#Wikipedia :wikipedia: ist eine vielsprachige, freie Online-Enzyklopädie, die von einer Gemeinschaft aus Freiwilligen, bekannt als W… (Deutsch) 34 52 1
28 2023-04-26 21:46 UTC 안녕하세요 페디버스입니다! 👋#Wikipedia :wikipedia: 는 위키백과인들로 알려진 자원 봉사자 커뮤니티가 개방형 협업과 미디어위키라는 위키 기반 편집 시스템을 사용하여 작성하고 유지 관리하는 다국어 무료 온라인 백과사전입니다.https://ko.wikipe… (한국어) 33 14 2
29 2023-04-19 02:05 UTC 2nd place in #WikiLovesMonuments 2022:The Fetsund Booms, Norway by Jarle Kvam (CC-BY-SA 4.0)Fetsund Lenser er et nasjonalt kulturminne, fløtningsmuseu… (English) 32 72 1
30 2023-04-20 18:00 UTC The #Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) has published its 2022 Environmental #Sustainability Report:… (English) 30 43 0
31 2023-04-13 02:03 UTC There are currently 332 language editions of #Wikipedia (again, per Wikipedia) - we'll do our best to bring multilingual content, but we would appreci… (English) 30 32 4
32 2023-04-22 03:07 UTC The #WikiForHumanRights challenge has kicked off, with a theme of "Right to the healthy environment"… (English) 30 29 0
33 2023-04-28 14:48 UTC In response to questions about the EU's new #DigitalServicesAct, want to share 2 posts about #Wikipedia's designation as a Very Large Online PlatformF… (English) 30 28 2
34 2023-05-11 19:13 UTC more info on the Nix vs. Heddon article which, I must add, has a delightful "see also" section… (English) 29 38 2
35 2023-05-19 08:00 UTC Happy #FollowFriday - here are some #Wikimedia affiliates to follow:* @wm_au - Wikimedia Australia (joined the Fediverse last week!) * @wikimediaitali… (English) 29 27 1
36 2023-05-02 04:16 UTC Happy May! This month we're celebrating Meenakshi nandhini, an administrator on the #Malayalam #Wikipedia… (English) 28 58 0
37 2023-05-05 08:17 UTC The #Wikimedia Foundation legal team has published a blog post about #Wikipedia's "Very Large Online Platform" (#VLOP) status under the #DigitalServic… (English) 27 28 2
38 2023-05-29 06:52 UTC A new episode of the #Wikimove #podcast came out earlier this month, focusing on #decentralization within the #Wikimedia movementhttps://www.wikimedia… (English) 26 29 2
39 2023-04-25 16:12 UTC The Museum of Northern #California Art is running an exhibit "Northern California on #Wikipedia", with photos taken by Frank Schulenburg aka @wikiphot… (English) 23 29 0
40 2023-04-15 21:00 UTC The #Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia's non-profit host) has proposed changes to the Terms of Use and is requesting feedback through April 24: https://… (English) 22 17 1
41 2023-04-30 03:53 UTC Reminder, there's only a few days left to vote in the first round of the #Commons Picture of the Year contest! :poty:… (English) 22 15 2
42 2023-05-18 06:49 UTC Reminder: Today is the last day for voting for #Commons Picture of the Year! :poty:… (English) 21 14 1
43 2023-05-30 14:56 UTC I'm probably biased, but I think Colorado is my favorite on this mapxkcd 1079 (CC BY-NC 2.5)… (English) 19 56 7
44 2023-04-25 03:55 UTC The fourth International #Roma Day edit-a-thon took place earlier this month, "to combat prejudice and discrimination against Roma by spreading knowle… (English) 19 36 0
45 2023-04-19 02:11 UTC 3rd place in #WikiLovesMonuments 2022:Sacred Heart chapel in Zakopane Jaszczurówka, Poland by Jakub T. Jankiewicz (CC-BY-SA 4.0)https://commons.wikime… (English) 17 54 0
46 2023-04-30 08:00 UTC On the English #Wikipedia, editors track the top 25 viewed articles every week: can do the sam… (English) 17 22 6
47 2023-05-03 05:42 UTC Salut Fediverse ! 👋#Wikipedia :wikipedia: est une encyclopédie en ligne multilingue sous licence libre, écrite et maintenue par des bénévoles, les Wik… (français) 16 21 1
48 2023-05-23 02:46 UTC These photos and the other Picture of the Year finalists are all amazing, hopefully they inspire you to also contribute freely licensed media to #Wiki… (English) 16 21 0
49 2023-05-02 10:00 UTC The #Wikimedia Foundation is requesting feedback on the proposed 2023-2024 Annual Plan through May 19:… (English) 16 13 0
50 2023-04-18 16:00 UTC To better represent Wikipedia's multilingualism, our introduction post can now be translated on-wiki: (there's already a full Kore… (English) 15 30 3
51 2023-04-15 13:00 UTC Half as Interesting has a new video explaining English #Wikipedia's dispute resolution process and "Arbitration Committee" (basically the Supreme Cour… (English) 14 26 2
52 2023-04-21 06:20 UTC The Akan #Wikipedia has been closed's not an actual language, it's a language *family*. Instead, efforts have moved to Wikipedias in the … (English) 13 41 0
53 2023-05-03 02:00 UTC If you've ever wondered what it looks like when engineers deploy new versions of #MediaWiki to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia wikis (aka the "train"), … (English) 13 27 0
54 2023-04-14 22:18 UTC There's a formal process for creating a new language edition of Wikipedia, it needs:1. An ISO 639 language code 2. To be sufficiently unique from othe… (English) 13 22 0
55 2023-04-29 14:00 UTC The #Wikimedia Foundation published their March public policy recap:… (English) 12 12 0
56 2023-04-28 21:00 UTC An update on improving search in "a few dozen languages":… (English) 11 27 1
57 2023-04-17 00:00 UTC Voting in the Seventeenth Annual #Commons Picture of the Year contest is open now! :poty: are selecting the best featured pi… (English) 10 9 0
58 2023-05-08 04:38 UTC Halo, Fediverse! 👋#Wikipedia :wikipedia: adalah sebuah ensiklopedia bebas multibahasa yang ditulis dan dipelihara oleh para sukarelawan yang disebut d… (Bahasa Indonesia) 9 14 1
59 2023-04-14 22:08 UTC The Gurene #Wikipedia launched earlier this year, as the fourth Ghanaian language to have its own edition.… (English) 7 16 1
60 2023-04-26 21:50 UTC Hallo Fediverse! 👋#Wikipedia :wikipedia: is een meertalige vrije online encyclopedie die geschreven en onderhouden wordt door vrijwilligers, ook beken… (Nederlands) 6 20 1
61 2023-04-28 15:19 UTC Finally, there's similar legislation/laws out there that will likely include Wikipedia, e.g. UK's Online Safety Bill (ctrl+f "Wikipedia" on https://ha… (English) 6 12 0
62 2023-05-09 05:37 UTC Hi wiki friends!#WikiNusantara is coming back! The third edition of the conference will be held in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, #Indonesia, on May 2… (English) 6 6 0
63 2023-05-10 00:45 UTC The #Wikimedia Foundation has published its 2021-2022 "Form 990" tax document along with a summary blog post:… (English) 5 19 0
64 2023-04-28 15:12 UTC Plenty of unknowns: "it's a new law; it's pretty fuzzy and/or demanding in some areas; and it applies across a very large and diverse region of the wo… (English) 5 8 2
65 2023-04-28 14:58 UTC The WMF and Wikimedia Europe actively participated in lobbying during the drafting process to ensure that Wikipedia's needs would be allowed, e.g. mod… (English) 4 19 1
66 2023-04-20 20:55 UTC שלום פדיוורס! 👋#ויקיפדיה :wikipedia: היא מיזם לכתיבה של אנציקלופדיה רב‏לשונית חופשית מקוונת שמתוחזקת על־ידי קהילת מתנדבים, שידועים כוויקיפדים, באמצעות… (עברית) 4 12 2
67 2023-04-28 15:08 UTC The designation of "Very Large Online Platform" was not a surprise, the WMF published user numbers (as required) in February:https://foundation.wikime… (English) 4 10 2
68 2023-05-09 05:33 UTC Hai, Kawan Wiki!#WikiNusantara akan hadir kembali! Konferensi ini merupakan konferensi yang ketiga kalinya dan akan digelar di Banjarmasin, Kalimantan… (Bahasa Indonesia) 3 6 1
69 2023-05-08 04:39 UTC Rahayu, Fediverse! 👋#Wikipedia :wikipedia: iku sawijining bauwarna mardika manéka basa kang tinulis lan ingopèn déning para naralila aran Wikipédiawan… (Jawa) 2 9 0

We don't have any actual metrics that can be shared specifically about the impact a boost by us causes, but anecdotally when we boost other people's posts, they would see a significant uptick in boosts/favorites (though obviously that doesn't apply to the top posts from already popular accounts).

Posts boosted by @Wikipedia - note that boost/favorite/reply counts will be undercounted for non-Mastodon posts
No. Date Account Status Boosts Favorites Replies
1 2023-05-27 16:28 UTC gutenberg_org We just joined Mastodon, please follow us. Still more posts to come soon.… (English) 1777 1323 130
2 2023-04-18 17:20 UTC fediversereport Wikipedia is now on Mastodon, at @wikipedia!They've taken an interesting approach here, as it is an account run by the community, where everyone can c… (English) 1034 962 18
3 2023-04-16 17:07 UTC FediFollows #Libraries picks of the day:@SarahHLib - Academic librarian at Bodleian in Oxford UK@wikipedia - Community-run account for the online encyclopaedia@in… (English) 166 132 5
4 2023-05-24 13:24 UTC rmounce BIG preprint just dropped: "Wikipedia and open access""We find that open-access articles are extensively and increasi… (English) 103 72 3
5 2023-05-19 19:29 UTC tchambers @wikipedia @taavi @mediawiki Integration of the #Fediverse and #Mastodon Identity standards into the software that powers #WikiPedia & other Wiki's is… (English) 59 100 1
6 2023-05-10 05:33 UTC RTP Wikipedia Tells UK Gov It Won't Comply With Proposed Age Verification Mandates#News UK #UnitedKingdom #Wikimedia #Wikimedia #digitalID #internet #agev… (English) 57 55 4
7 2023-05-19 15:56 UTC Raymond Große Freude, liebe Mit-Wikipedianer*innen: Seit heute könnt ihr euren Wikipedia-Account mit dem Mastodon-Account verknüpfen, so dass ihr im Mastodon-… (Deutsch) 54 55 5
8 2023-05-29 17:50 UTC shipscrewunscrewer Since depths of Wikipedia isn't on here yet, I'll repost this article from the German @wikipedia :"shit day," the extra workday(s) employers would add… (English) 52 69 5
9 2023-05-01 16:49 UTC otterlove Listen to #Wikipedia being updated in real time. (Click the volume slider if you don't hear anything)… (English) 47 44 5
10 2023-05-08 20:37 UTC vrandecic "Wikidata: The Making Of"The history of #wikidata by Markus Krötzsch, @nightrose , and me. From the inception of the idea to the project proposal and … (English) 43 41 0
11 2023-05-07 08:48 UTC lukasmezger Bei @openjur ist jetzt erstmals(!) die Urschrift des Grundgesetzes digital verfügbar. @wikimediaDE berichtet bei @netzpolitik_feed über das Projekt (m… (Deutsch) 41 41 3
12 2023-05-10 15:43 UTC graemewinter "Bullshit asymmetry principle" - OK this is my favourite @wikipedia phrase this week… (English) 34 49 4
13 2023-04-16 17:50 UTC wikicite #introduction WikiCite is:* a series of conferences and hackathons around Wikimedia, citations, and linked bibliographic metadata;* a collection of pr… (English) 32 28 2
14 2023-04-26 12:27 UTC internetarchive How can public interest values shape the development and deployment of #AI in cultural heritage? Join experts from Internet Archive, Creative Commons,… (English) 29 39 3
15 2023-05-06 10:21 UTC ChemicalEyeGuy On the day of the #Coronation of #KingCharles , the #Wikipedia Article of the Day ⬇️ is about King Edward I, reviled by history as a brutal tyrant and… (English) 27 45 0
16 2023-04-18 19:12 UTC hananc @fediversereport @wikipediaBut is Mastodon on Wikipedia? YES!… (English) 26 64 0
17 2023-05-11 16:43 UTC funcrunch My @wikipedia success story for the week: Helping get the page for recently departed Black #opera singer #GraceBumbry to the "recent deaths" section o… (English) 26 54 4
18 2023-04-19 12:40 UTC Sampei E' arrivata anche #Wikipedia nel fediverso con la sua istanza ufficiale! 🤟 Sull'istanza troviamo tutti gli account ufficiali della fondazi… (italiano) 25 36 3
19 2023-03-05 21:03 UTC n8 Your #DailyWikipediaTimewaste - the other periodic tables: rectangles are for chumps,… (English) 22 34 2
20 2023-05-10 02:34 UTC dillonthebiologist My analysis today was a journeyI have #turtle #taxonomy issues that has plagued me with problems. Found out its a mixture of a conflicting backbone #p… (English) 20 58 3
21 2023-05-10 12:00 UTC mediawiki How and why did Wikipedia became a multi-datacenter deployment?This is an introduction post chronicling our seven-year journey, the MediaWiki infrastr… (English) 20 26 0
22 2023-05-01 14:38 UTC craignewmark Wikipedia is where facts go to live /CraigHelp increase the representation of AANHPI women in science fiction & pop culture on #Wikipedia! Register to… (English) 20 16 1
23 2023-04-16 16:39 UTC wikilovesmonuments Wiki Loves Monuments is a photograph competition on built heritage, organized since 2010. Are you excited to see the winners of 2022? We will be annou… (Nederlands) 17 15 0
24 2023-05-07 23:19 UTC wm_au #1Lib1Ref is an annual campaign for librarians to add 1 reference (at least) to Wikipedia. We're holding a session on June 1st to teach you about #Wik… (English) 17 6 1
25 2023-04-26 20:50 UTC juhele Flickr2Commons is really great tool how to "feed" Wikimedia Commons (and thus also @wikiped… (čeština) 15 16 1
26 2023-05-15 16:00 UTC wikidata It's time for the latest edition of the #Wikidata Weekly Summary! Here is what happened over the past week!… (English) 14 13 0
27 2023-05-07 05:32 UTC funcrunch @wikipedia I learned that a British Imperial fluid ounce is not the same size as a United States customary fluid ounce.… (English) 13 24 5
28 2023-05-08 15:03 UTC seav For today’s #MappyMondays, let’s look at a map not of the Earth but of the #NightSky. Here is an animated map that I created in 2008 of the apparent #… (English) 12 20 2
29 2023-04-23 17:51 UTC cragsand @wikipedia Glad to see so many dedicated science editors on Wikipedia. It's a delight when looking up information about NASA / ESA missions.Just a whi… (English) 11 27 0
30 2023-05-25 19:06 UTC linkoftheweek 📎 Link of the day: 📂 Category: Computers » Internet » Services"WikiShootMe V3 (WSM) is a tool to show #Wikidata it… (English) 11 11 1
31 2023-05-24 00:36 UTC baltakatei I spent a few hours in @inkscape this afternoon updating some ISO 10628 chemical engineering process flow diagram symbol drawings I made that were ref… (English) 10 41 1
32 2023-05-07 05:08 UTC chris_hayes @wikipedia That there's a genus of jumping spiders that look just like ants! "Ant-mimicking jumping spiders"… (English) 10 24 2
33 2023-04-22 18:06 UTC Raymond Samstagabend Zeit für ein technisches Oldie: Der Commodore PC30-III Fotografiert wie immer im #Wikipedia @Lokal_K Alle Detalfotos des Motherboard unte… (Deutsch) 9 36 3
34 2023-05-04 23:31 UTC dmontagne En mai, c'est le mois africain sur Wikipédia ! Des idées de femmes géographes originaires de ce continent dont vous aimeriez trouver la biographie sur… (français) 9 8 0
35 2023-04-29 02:04 UTC wikifunctions Newsletter 110 - Wikimedia Endowment awards $1 Million Dollar grant to Abstract Wikipedia - Team's manifesto published - Volunteer’s corner 8 May http… (English) 8 9 0
36 2023-04-17 19:15 UTC wikicite Once a month, typically the last Tuesday of each month, we have a meeting over Zoom to discuss recent projects.Our next meeting is Tuesday, 25 April 2… (English) 8 7 0
37 2023-04-22 14:25 UTC photocyte Another weekend, another #Wikipedia edit. This time I collated all the variants of the BCA assay that I could find. Nice that the original assay & its… (English) 7 20 1
38 2023-05-18 00:26 UTC funcrunch Yay, got another article about a trailblazing woman of color to @wikipedia's main page "In the News" section: #Chicana politician #GloriaMolina (May 3… (English) 7 20 0
39 2023-04-17 17:00 UTC wikidata Books, Passenger stations and ATMs: here is what happened around #Wikidata over the past week!… (English) 7 15 0
40 2023-04-23 17:46 UTC stephenserjeant @wikipedia I learned who wrote the music for the #BBC’s coverage of the #LondonMarathon - it’s so perfectly fitting I was amazed it wasn’t commissione… (English) 7 14 0
41 2023-04-23 19:24 UTC TorbjornBjorkman @wikipedia Statistical physics!I'm currently teaching a university course on the topic, and while it's sometimes a pain in the neck, Wikipedia is the … (English) 7 13 0
42 2023-04-22 14:00 UTC daieuxetdailleurs Un peu de #sportféminin pour commencer les vacances...- Madeleine Renaud, championne de France et détentrice du record de #sautenlongueur de 1936 à 19… (français) 7 8 0
43 2023-04-23 15:54 UTC mage "Bilan" de deux mois de contribution à #Wikipédia sur la culture #LGBT  :… (français) 7 7 1
44 2023-05-02 19:41 UTC wikisusdev The newsletter for April is out! Filled with news, activities and a spectacular gallery of Featured images. This issue has news related to SDGs 2, 4,… (English) 7 6 0
45 2023-04-15 07:11 UTC bibliofab66 L'article Risque de catastrophe planétaire lié à l'intelligence artificielle générale vient d'être créé sur #Wikipédia. Pas très rassurant, mais … (français) 7 3 0
46 2023-04-23 17:05 UTC Loukas @wikipedia i just looked up the line of succession to the French throne. The Orleanist line which dates from 1830 has been united with the legalist li… (English) 6 15 2
47 2023-05-17 05:53 UTC awinkler @wikipedia @magnusmanske great! A similar feature is implemented in the Wkimedia Commons App ( where you can immediatel… (English) 6 15 1
48 2023-04-24 18:01 UTC wikidata GitHub, Ears and Flags: here is what happened around #Wikidata over the past week!… (English) 6 12 0
49 2023-04-23 23:02 UTC aaronneallucas @wikipedia A new Wikipedia article just added a few days ago: Space pharmacology… (English) 6 8 0
50 2023-05-07 05:00 UTC rrgeorge @wikipedia The Battle of Puebla:… (English) 6 8 0
51 2023-05-02 18:00 UTC wikidata Another week, another edition of the Weekly Summary! Here is what happened around #Wikidata over the past week!… (English) 6 7 0
52 2023-05-28 02:55 UTC Fralambert Découvre un bel article sur l'usage grandissant du bourdon Bombus impatiens, un pollinisateur indigène, dans les bleuetières.Et je lit aussi son artic… (français) 6 5 0
53 2023-04-26 09:58 UTC samwilson "Where to find references for Wikipedia — #Wikipedia For Beginners"From #Wikimedia #Australia.… (English) 5 13 0
54 2023-05-07 05:09 UTC hias1234 @wikipedia The WOW signal… (English) 5 11 1
55 2023-04-30 08:07 UTC jabberati @wikipedia For this week, that there is a online database containing genealogical records of Islandic people with a 100% coverage of people who are al… (English) 5 10 0
56 2023-04-15 20:12 UTC EvoMRI Upcoming #Wikipedia excursion to the Greifswald Mire Center in support of efforts to improve coverage of wetland #ecology and related matters across W… (English) 5 5 0
57 2023-05-26 21:39 UTC dancarkner A rare modern #klezmer #Wikipedia biography I've written today since it was a shame he wasn't on there at all despite being mentioned on many articles… (English) 4 19 1
58 2023-04-23 06:56 UTC patafisik C'est la belle saison ! Envie de partir à la chasse ? Des gadget de #OpenStreetMap et #Wikimédia vous attendent dans les #wikicaches en #ValléDAoste..… (français) 4 6 1
59 2023-05-02 18:03 UTC wikimediaitalia Anche su #Wikipedia in italiano si festeggerà la Giornata Internazionale dei Musei. Dal 15 al 21 maggio in collaborazione con i volontari di Wikipedia… (italiano) 4 3 2
60 2023-04-16 10:04 UTC julian @wikipedia I spent a good amount of time on this page yesterday: I ended up implementing Welzl's… (English) 3 14 0
61 2023-05-20 06:04 UTC patafisik Ultimo weekend per partecipare alla writing week sui "#Musei italiani e non solo" su #Wikipedia 😉… (italiano) 3 7 1
62 2023-05-08 14:54 UTC patafisik @wikimediaitalia La writing week su #Wikipedia :wikipedia: sui #musei italiani e non solo è iniziata, partecipate numerosi!… (italiano) 3 5 0
63 2023-04-19 20:41 UTC ainali Ett rykande färskt avsnitt av #wikipediapodden med både heta diskussioner och tekniska nödstopp.… (svenska) 3 3 0
64 2023-04-26 18:48 UTC wikimediaitalia Qui vi spieghiamo che cos'è #WikimediaCommons e come si attribuiscono correttamente all'autore le #immagini che ci si trovano. La prossima volta che c… (italiano) 3 1 0
65 2023-05-07 07:30 UTC FalconMarkSix @wikipedia I was watching the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special and they kept mentioning Kevin Bacon and I thought, "Who's Kevin Bacon??"https… (English) 2 10 5
66 2023-05-04 17:00 UTC stjn BrandonXLF’s Autoref allows users to use Citoid feature (‘Cite’ button) from VisualEditor in regular wikitext editor (WikiEditor) using its ‘Reference… (English) 2 8 0
67 2023-04-22 14:16 UTC superbasswp Heute mache ich Fotos vom „Goldene Sonne“ Award in Kalkar - im grauen Regen. #fotografie #wikipedia… (Deutsch) 2 8 0
68 2023-04-22 10:06 UTC lokal_profil Wikimedia Sveriges årsmöte på gång. Många tack till ArkDes för att vi får vara i era fina lokaler. #WMSE #Wikimedia #ArkDes… (English) 2 6 1
69 2023-05-07 19:23 UTC calea99 @wikipedia That I'm descended from a Norse god!**This is almost definitely not true.… (English) 2 6 0
70 2023-05-07 06:42 UTC Queenero89 @wikipedia… (English) 2 5 0
71 2023-05-05 07:34 UTC OfiLibreURJC Ayer @wikipedia hizo un cambio de interfaz, ¡por primera vez en una década! 😊 Esto facilita el acceso y búsqueda, y se diseñó a partir del feedback de… (español) 2 5 0
72 2023-05-10 21:12 UTC ainali Ett kort men snärtigt avsnitt av #Wikipediapodden med en "can do" attityd. Eller?… (svenska) 2 2 0
73 2023-05-03 20:43 UTC ainali Trots avsnitt 222 av #Wikipediapodden gör vi inga numerologiska slutsatser i veckans poddavsnitt, men vi besöker en falsk vän.https://wikipediapodden.… (svenska) 2 1 1
74 2023-05-17 21:30 UTC ainali Ett trallande avsnitt av #Wikipediapodden i lyckorus, men inte helt utan problem.… (svenska) 2 1 0
75 2023-05-04 01:45 UTC These are some beautiful pictures y'all. Really gorgeous. Even if you can't vote, check them out.#POTY #CreativeCommons #WikimediaRT: https://wikis.wo… (English) 2 0 1
76 2023-04-18 08:54 UTC patafisik Vi avevo parlato recentemente della mappa di #OpenStreetMap visualizzata su #Wikipedia con #Kartographer: se ci cliccate sopra vi si apre una pagina c… (italiano) 1 5 0
77 2023-04-30 08:09 UTC theklan @wikipedia I just learnt about annhilationism and translated it for @euwikipedia… (English) 1 4 0
78 2023-04-24 21:09 UTC davidgerard Stu Spasm's Wikipedia article now has an old photo of him.… (English) 1 3 0
79 2023-05-07 10:33 UTC mora @wikipedia… (English) 1 3 0
80 2023-04-30 13:23 UTC aton @wikipedia in… (Deutsch) 1 2 0
81 2023-05-07 17:48 UTC werawelt @wikipedia… (Deutsch) 1 2 0
82 2023-04-30 14:39 UTC habibmhenni [#Wikipediafr "Edit Check" Invitation de l'équipe rédaction, à la réunion du mercredi 3 mai 2023 :…] (français) 1 2 0
83 2023-05-07 16:39 UTC Dietmar @wikipedia… (Nederlands) 1 2 0
84 2023-05-23 16:14 UTC Lucy De data voor de wikikring Twente zijn al weer voor een jaar in het vooruit gepland zie:… (Nederlands) 1 1 1
85 2023-04-12 21:44 UTC ainali Vi döljer ingenting när vi pratar om att dölja sidversioner i veckans avsnitt av #wikipediapodden.… (svenska) 1 1 0
86 2023-04-27 20:25 UTC ainali Efter en lite försenad redigeringsomgång finns det nu ett nytt avsnitt av #Wikipediapodden. Det 200:e sedan Magnus och jag tog över! https://wikipedia… (svenska) 1 1 0

Next steps


In no particular order:

  • Work on regularly/semi-regularly posting "interesting content" (see ongoing discussion)
  • Recruit more people to suggest content
  • Recruit more people to write non-English posts, especially language communities already active on the Fediverse (German, French, ...)
  • Build up some "evergreen" content that can be slotted in when we don't have other content ready to go