subclassification_string_from_n_n_language(n_wikipedia, n_encyclopedia, English)
- 英語 : Wikipedias are encyclopedias.
subclassification_string_from_n_n_language(n_wikipedia, n_encyclopedia, German)
- ドイツ語 : Wikipedien sind Enzyklopädien.
Subclassification(Wikipedia, Encyclopedia)
- 英語 : Wikipedias are encyclopedias.
- ドイツ語 : Wikipedien sind Enzyklopädien.
Article( content: [ Instantiation( instance: San Francisco (Q62), class: Object_with_modifier_and_of( object: center, modifier: And_modifier( conjuncts: [cultural, commercial, financial] ), of: Northern California (Q1066807) ) ), Ranking( subject: San Francisco (Q62), rank: 4, object: city (Q515), by: population (Q1613416), local_constraint: California (Q99), after: [Los Angeles (Q65), San Diego (Q16552), San Jose (Q16553)] ) ] )
- 英語 : San Francisco is the cultural, commercial, and financial center of Northern California. It is the fourth-most populous city in California, after Los Angeles, San Diego and San Jose.
- ドイツ語 : San Francisco ist das kulturelle, kommerzielle und finanzielle Zentrum Nordkaliforniens. Es ist, nach Los Angeles, San Diego und San Jose, die viertgrößte Stadt in Kalifornien.
A slightly longer example for abstract content: Jupiter.
Basic, extended, and longer sentences that one may expect to be generated in the NLG process, together with their origin and what data would need to be fetched from Wikidata: Sample sentences.
In preparation for the upcoming Phase ζ (zeta), we have created a few examples of function composition.
初期モックアップ § 継承では単一のコンストラクタと英語のレンダラーで、編集者のユーザーインターフェイス内でどのように見えるか、2つのモックアップ(とても粗いものです)を見ることが出来ます。