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啲發展工作係一路推進咁. 依家嘅phase η原來就係我哋呢家最長嘅項目,不過我哋卒之係開始接近收尾嘅階段。呢個有幾方面嘅理由,其一就係我哋確實有喺嗰段時間落來係壯大咗團隊,同時據返我哋由Mythical Man-Month所了解到嘅,吸納多啲嘅容量亦好需時日——不過依家係時候期待係加快到項目發展再向前。你可以喺Phase η 孵化器平臺追踪返個進展。
We are also working to plan out the next phase in a way that will hopefully avoid a prolonged period as the one that is now closing. You can see our initial work to break this down in the top-level task in Phabricator.
The design work is gaining speed, and we have in the last few days done a number of user-tests with some of you on the design for how viewing a function will work and feel. We will very soon publish the UX research results, the designs, and more background on that work. Stay tuned! As always, if you're interested in participating in future user-tests, please email Aishwarya and let her know the natural languages you are literate in and a self-estimate of your programming skills, if any (and yes, we in particular look for people with no programming skills).
One thing we noticed is that we really need to improve our code coverage in unit tests, and introduce automatic end-to-end tests. We are working on a plan to improve the situation, which will allow us to evolve the code more confidently in the future. We now have automatic publication of code coverage for three of our five codebases, and we're working on the other two: WikiLambda PHP and Vue, and the schemata, utility, and definition code bases have coverage, and the orchestrator and evaluator back-end services should be coming soon. One major issue is that the Wikimedia continuous integration and testing environment is not really set up for an architecture as ours, where a back-end service for evaluation of functions and the wiki are developed in parallel and both have moving parts. As said, we are working on a plan towards getting a better grip on this situation.
For now, we have published our first draft of our manual smoke testing protocol, which also gives an idea of the capabilities that are currently available.