Abstract Wikipedia/Updates/zh
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Subscribe for short on-wiki MassMessage notifications about each new issue |
- 2024年:
All further updates from February 2024 on are now hosted on Wikifunctions itself.
- 2024-01-25: Getting debug information from code; Function of the Week: Wrap string
- 2024-01-17: Refreshing the Function page; Function of the Week: ROT13
- 2024-01-11: The Joy of Collaboration; Introducing the Function of the Week: reverse string
- 2024-01-03: Introducing our first new type: Lists
- 2023年:
- 2023-12-13: Looking back at 2023
- 2023-12-06: Announcing Wikifunctions on the Wikimedia Foundation blog. Looking for feedback on the Function page proposal.
- 2023-11-30: Welcome, Grace and Miguel! Appointing Functioneers now by community
- 2023-11-16: What types next?
- 维基函数:自由的代码函数库
- 2023-11-03: Python in WebAssembly; Improvements on Object Selector; Next Volunteer's Corner
- 基于[WebAssembly]工作
- 2023-10-04: Arguments made easier
- 2023-09-27: Serializers and deserializers for types
- 2023-09-20: Renderers and parsers for types
- 2023-09-08: Let’s start building morphological paradigms!
- 2023-08-31: Wikimania digest, CoSMo language, GFpedia demo, CCKS keynote
- [wp:wikimania|维基年会]上的[wp:Wikifunctions|维基函数]
- 2023-08-07: Wikifunctions is starting up (also on Diff blog)
- 2023-07-26: Wikifunctions is up (read-only), Welcome Megan, and we are hiring!
- 2023-07-20: Planning deployment dates
- 2023-07-17: Google.org supports Abstract Wikipedia with $3 Million
- 2023-07-12: Rockefeller Foundation supports Abstract Wikipedia with $1 Million
- 2023-07-07: Welcome Amy!
- 2023-06-28: Thank you, Cai and Allan!
- 2023-06-22: Team offsite in Delft
- 2023-06-07: Multilingual editing
- 2023-06-02: Hackathon in Athens
- 2023-05-25: Our new viewing and editing experience is now available
- 2023-05-17: Thank you, Julia!
- 2023-05-12: Welcome Carrie!
- 2023-04-28: Wikimedia Endowment awards $1 Million Dollar grant to Abstract Wikipedia, Team's manifesto published, Volunteer’s corner 8 May
- 2023-04-19: Selecting the right implementation, Reflections by Maria Keet, Abstract Wikipedia in Swedish
- 2023-03-23: Abstract Wikipedia and Grammatical Framework
- 2023-03-15: Quo vadis, Abstract Wikipedia?
- 2023-03-02: Decolonizing Functions
- 2023-02-23: Thank you, Adesoji! Welcome Allan! A new position for an engineer, and videos and another meeting opportunity
- 2023-02-17: Wikifunctions: a Compendium of Calculations; DUCT and Abstract Representation presentations
- 2023-02-08: More thoughts on the fellows’ evaluation; Name for improvement process
- 2023-02-01: Closing Goal 4 - the Function page
- 2023-01-25: 珍重再見 ❤️
- 2023-01-19: 維基函式2023年1月的狀態
- 2023-01-11: Sandy的告別信: 構思中
- 2022年:
- 2022-12-19: Fellows' evaluation and Ariel's goodbye letter
- 2022-12-09: Thank you to the volunteers
- 2022-12-02: Monthly public NLG meetings
- 2022-11-23: Meet Ori Livneh, Google.org Fellow / Returning Wikipedian (direct link)
- 2022-11-17: Code of Conduct for Wikifunctions
- 2022-11-09: Checking lexical forms
- 2022-11-04: One Ring, or a thousand flowers?
- 2022-10-27: Thank you, fellows!
- 2022-10-20: A demo video of Wikifunctions Beta
- 2022-10-14: Welcome, Stef!
- 2022-10-05: Catching up
- 2022-09-30: Cory in residency in İstanbul - closing parenthesis
- 2022-09-27: Staff contributions to Wikifunctions
- 2022-09-23: The State of Abstract Wikipedia Natural Language Generation (direct link)
- 2022-08-19: Template language draft and Wikimania 2022
- 2022-08-09: Wikifunctions Beta
- 2022-08-05: Launch plan and representing functions
- 2022-07-29: Benjamin arrays
- 2022-07-20: Welcome, Rebecca and Elena! Welcome to the second round of Google.org fellows!
- 2022-07-15: The potential of Abstract Wikipedia
- 2022-07-12: Welcome, Amin! Cory in residency
- 2022-06-30: Thank you, Aishwarya! And we are hiring
- 2022-06-21: Manually-written articles
- 2022-06-10: Recommendations for Wikifunctions
- 2022-06-07: Model articles
- 2022-05-27: A proposal for the NLG architecture
- 2022-05-20: Abstract Wikipedia Team's first off-site
- 2022-05-05: How can we make functions popular?
- 2022-04-28: Requirements for code in Wikifunctions
- 2022-04-20:歡迎,Josh!我們正在招聘一位產品經理。
- 2022-04-12: 歡迎,Google.org的朋友們!
- 2022-04-08: 阶段「η」完成
- 2022-04-01: Typed lists are looong
- 2022-03-25: Designing Wikifunctions, brick by brick (direct link)
- 2022-03-14: What's in a name?
- 2022-03-04: Update on the ongoing development phase; Designs for view function upcoming; Update on tests and smoke testing
- 2022-02-11:查看功能设计和启动计划要求。
- 2022-02-04:拉姆达怎么了?
- 2022-01-28:我们如何表示函数?
- 2022-01-21:欢迎,卢卡!
- 2022-01-13:更新阶段「η」。
- 2021年:
- 2021-12-21: Licensing decision, and closing the year
- 2021-12-16: Proposed summary of the licensing discussion. Welcome, Mariya! Office hour on Monday at 19:00 UTC
- 2021-12-09:维基功能上的多样性和公平性。
- 2021-12-02: Restructuring the licensing discussion; Design update; Logo assets
- 2021-11-22:我们应该使用什么许可证?
- 2021-11-18:欢迎,朱莉娅!
- 2021-11-04: Welcome, David! - and a request for help testing designs
- 2021-10-27: We have a logo for Wikifunctions
- 2021-10-22: Inclusion and diversity despite mathematics
- 2021-10-08:欢迎,蔡和阿德索吉!
- 2021-09-30:谢谢你,林赛!
- 2021-09-24: User research reports and lessons learned
- 2021-09-17: Lexemes and paradigms
- 2021-09-10: Morphological paradigms
- 2021-09-03: Generating text with Ninai and Udiron
- 2021-08-27:「ζ」阶段已完成。
- 2021-08-20: Wikimania and GF Summer School debrief
- 2021-08-13: Testers and Wikimania
- 2021-07-29: Abstract descriptions for Wikidata
- 2021-07-22: Boolean logic in Wikilambda
- 2021-07-16: Welcome Max Binder! - and we’re hiring!
- 2021-06-30:「ε」阶段已完成。
- 2021-06-24: Invitation to the Grammatical Framework Summer School
- 2021-06-17:为什么允许一个函数的多个实现?
- 2021-06-04:值班时间、视频、会议机会、和播客。
- 2021-05-28:什么「维基功能」不是。
- 2021-05-11:「δ」阶段已完成。
- 2021-05-06: The missing link from Abstract Wikipedia to Lexicographic data in Wikidata
- 2021-04-29: Lexicographical coverage, a first function call evaluated, and more
- 2021-04-21:欢迎,艾西瓦娅和卡罗琳!
- 2021-04-15: Selection of focus languages
- 2021-04-08:维基功能的使命宣言。
- 2021-04-02:「γ」阶段已完成。
- 2021-03-25: Outreachy intern analysis of Scribunto modules across wikis
- 2021-03-17: Logo concept voting closes, and 30 Lexic-o-days opens
- 2021-03-10: Vue.js and Abstract Wikipedia
- 2021-03-03: Focus languages for improvements to the lexicographic extension of Wikidata and Abstract Wikipedia
- 2021-02-25: Logo concept voting will start on Monday
- 2021-02-18: A test suite for evaluation engines (and other updates)
- 2021-02-10: Two prototype tools to visualize lexicographic coverage in Wikidata
- 2021-02-04:「β」阶段已完成。
- 2021-01-28: Community contributions to development
- 2021-01-21: A pre-generic function model
- 2021-01-15: Looking for logo proposals
- 2021-01-07:欢迎,科里!
- 2020年:
- 2020-12-18:时事通讯休息一下。
- 2020-12-09: Open Source: the Outreachy program and Abstract Wikipedia
- 2020-12-02:欢迎,吉诺瓦!
- 2020-11-25: Reserved ZIDs
- 2020-11-17: Naming contest results
- 2020-11-10:对象。
- 2020-11-05: Starting the second round of the naming contest
- 2020-10-29:生日快乐,维基数据!
- 2020-10-22: Labels, documentation, short descriptions for objects
- 2020-10-14: Naming contest; Outreachy program; initial development of ZObjects; developing for the Semantic Web
- 2020-10-07: Functions are a form of knowledge; functions answer questions
- 2020-09-30: Which path we are going to take
- 2020-09-15 – 2020-12-22:功能命名竞赛维基;然后是logo竞赛。
- 2020-07-02:该项目的公开公告;开发从Extension:WikiLambda开始;邮件列表和其他渠道的建立;并增加了深入的讨论。
- 2020-05-22:维基媒体基金会决议批准的项目。
- 2013 – 2020:早期的项目讨论,研究和建议。