Affiliate-selected Board seats/2014/Nominations/Anders Wennersten/es

This page is a translated version of the page Affiliate-selected Board seats/2014/Nominations/Anders Wennersten and the translation is 33% complete.

Name: Anders Wennersten

Picture of the candidate Anders Wennersten

Wikimedia username: Anders Wennersten (talk · contribs) om meta, Yger (talk · contribs)

Questions for the candidate

Declaración de intenciones

Creo firmemente en la visión del movimiento conocimiento libre para todos. También apoyo con firmeza la forma de trabajo de Wikipedia, una organización horizontal sin directivos.

Como puede verse en mi resumen, tengo una experiencia extensa en proyectos y movimientos.

Lo que quiero alcanzar:

  • que evolucionemos el apoyo a los proyectos, para obtener mejores artículos y de mejor calidad. Por mi experiencia no hemos todo el potencial de las nuevas tecnologías como wikidata, mapas, bots. Tampoco el poder de la cooperación más estrecha entre las versiones de diferentes lenguas y los contribuyentes de dierentes orígenes: voluntarios, gente de instituciones como universidades o GLAM, y también gente con base en la empresa privada.
  • Que las entidades del movimiento mantengan la creatividad de las comunidades y que sean al tiempo profesionales. Veo a los capítulos y afiliados como elementos clave, al estar cerca de las comunidades y de los actores locales. Pero no quiero que nuestras entidades (incluida la Fundación Wikimedia) se institucionalicen y se hagan demasiado grandes, perdiendo el contacto con nuestros colaboradores externos y con los proyectos.

Al hacer mayor había planeado dejar de estar activo en el movimiento salvo sv.wp [wikipedia en sueco], pero presento aquí mi candidatura, de todas formas, pues creo que mi bagaje me hace cumplir casi todos los criterios fijados para este puesto. Al tiempo he de admitir que tengo la mayor consideración y respeto por Patricio y Alice y que por mi parte daría la bienvenida a su reelección. Pero como se me solicitó para que hubiera más candidatos, he presentado esta nominación.


Vida civil

Nací en 1948. Vivo en Estocolmo. Mi esposa nació en Australia y tenemos dos hijos y un nieto. Comencé a trabajar en Tecnologías de la Información en 1969, sien de los primeros en poner en marcha sistemas de bases de datos (1974), correo (1983) y web (1993).

My main employment has been with telecom company Ericsson, where I from 1988 to 1995 was head of a department with 130 software engineers, making tools for the 4000 software designers making telecom switches at some 25 centers around the world. Both in this assignment and later at Corporate Technology I got very used working with groups from different countries and from other telecom companies. I also after Ericsson have experience from working in Boards of several different (smaller) NGOs.

Wikimedia movement

Stated editing 2006, more or less fulltime from 2007. I am now the most active editor on sv:wp and has some 180000 edits, this year checking and correcting all new articles on sv:wp.

I was one of four founders for WMSE in 2007 and its treasurer until 2009, now I am in its election committee.

I was member of chapcom (now affcom) 2008 and 2009 when very many new chapters were formed. I was part of the very early attempts to get a chapters coordination group established 2008-2009. I was a member of the Audit committee for the Board in 2009-2010

Since 2013 I am a member of FDC where my term ends now in June, and I will not ask for an extension.


I am eligible to serve in the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation. Anders Wennersten


We, the board of Wikimedia Sverige, endorse hereby Anders Wennersten for one of the affiliated-selected board seats on the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation and support his nomination.

Anders Wennersten is a long term wikimedian, who has long experience from the Swedish Wikipedia, and he is one of the most contributing editors there. He was one the founders of Wikimedia Sverige in 2007, and was board member for several years. Currently he is leading the nomination committee of our chapter, having a good insight into the board´s work, connection to the community and understanding of what kind of skills the board needs.

Anders Wennersten has a clear view of what he wants to achieve for the movement and can take the necessary discussions. He has from his long professional career a long term experience from large organisations and how decision making is done in those.

Anders Wennersten has a passion for free knowledge and is a person who is interested in how new technology can be used, including how for example Wikidata can be used to improve and extend the Wikimedia projects.

He has also experience from the global work in the Wikimedia movement, as formerly being one of the board members of the Chapcom (now Affcom) and has been member of the Audit Committee. Currently he is a member of the FDC. This gives him an insight in, and understanding of, our global movement, its diversity and its needs.

By this we endorse Anders Wennersten and think that he is the right person for the board in a situation when the Wikimedia movement faces several challenges as a growing organisation.

--Mattias Blomgren (chairman) for the Board of Wikimedia Sverige