Affiliate-selected Board seats/2016/Nominations/Maarten/fr

- Maarten
Nom d’utilisateur Wikimedia ::
- MADe
Questions for all candidates - Questions for this individual candidate that do not apply to other candidates
Cette page en quelques mots : My three priorities:
Je suis impliqué dans la communauté Wikimedia depuis plus de 10 ans. Tout au long de la route, j'ai pu rencontré les gens les plus intéressants. J'ai expérimenté des choses uniques, appris de nouvelles compétences et je me suis perfectionné. Cette candidature est une manière pour moi de réinvestir du temps et des efforts dans la communauté.
J'ai une certaine vision sur comment je veux impacter la Foundation : Se concentrer sur les bénévoles, Renforcer le lien entre la WMF et les sections et Améliorer la responsabilité du conseil (davantage). Étant donnée la situation agitée dans laquelle est la Foundation, je veux commencer par écouter tous les acteurs avant de prendre une décision.
- Tout d'abord, selon moi nos bénévoles sont notre plus précieux atout. J'ai toujours été surpris du manque de « formation des volontaires » anticipée, chose que les sections ont besoin. Nous devons faire davantage pour mobiliser des bénévoles dans notre mouvement. Avec de nouveaux bénévoles, nous devrions les conduire à des responsabilités telles que membres de la communauté ou administrateur communautaire, conseil d'administration de section, comité de la WMF... Je suis actif dans une organisation mondiale similaire dirigée par des bénévoles (Toastmasters). Nous pouvons apprendre d'eux, regardez simplement [$link leur matière de support] !
- C'est un vrai défi, mais j'ai quelques idées pour mettre cela en place :
- Mettre au point un plan de sensibilisation des bénévoles soutenu par les sections/groupes d'utilisateurs.
- Soutenir l'organisation de Wikimanias régionales.
- Pousser à la communication multilingue au niveau de la Foundation.
- Renforcer les comités de bénévoles existants (Affcom, FDC, GAC, Language Committee, Ombudsman...).
- Continuer notre travail d'inclusion de la participation des LGBT, des femmes, des minorités ethniques, des pays du Sud. Avec de sus le développement des bénévoles, cela conduira à plus de diversité dans notre organisation.
- Secondly, I would like to improve the relationships between the Foundation, its affiliated organisations (chapters/user groups, thematic organisation) and the community. Even an outsider will notice that this setup is not ideal. There is not such a thing as a silver bullet to solve this problem, but I will dig into this and want to work on this during my assignment. Some of my current ideas:
- The current WMF is too top heavy. I want a small and focused Foundation, with limited responsibilities (eg. strategy, trademarks, setting out guidelines for local chapters, supporting the affiliated organisations). Remaining secondary responsibilities (securing external grants, big IT activities) should be externalised or handled by a "commercial Wikimedia organisation", a separate legal entity;
- In return, I propose to give the chapters and user groups more financial responsibility (eg. fundraising, more decision power on the donations collected in their territory);
- I want to see more training and support between chapters and user groups;
- I want to attract the best staff to help the community with this, both at Foundation and at chapter level.
- Lastly, our community deserves a transparent and accountable Foundation board. A series of recent events shows that there is room for improvement. When selected, I want to apply international best practices (example) to the legal setup of the board.
Curriculum vitae
Wikimedia : 13y Wikipedia member | founding president of the Belgian chapter | 3y in the South African chapter board | 3y on the Grants Advisory Committee | 8y Administrator Dutch Wikipedia | 3y WikiLovesMonuments lead in Belgium
General : 8y professional experience as Project Manager | Experience with managing complex stakeholder expectations | Acquired leadership abilities in different board positions | High level thinker | Fluency in Dutch, English, French, Afrikaans
In my spare time I love scuba diving, swimming and running.
I have read the 6 requirements for board members and I confirm I'm eligible to serve on the board. (based on this version of the requirements)
- WMBE , Wikimedia Belgium chapter
- The candidacy of Maarten is endorsed by Wikimedia Belgium
--Geertivp (talk) 23:55, 9 March 2016 (UTC)
- At the Wikimedia NYC March 2016 public meeting, attendees took part in an open vote to endorse Maarten's participation as a candidate in this election. This is part of our chapter's policy to encourage a more diverse and more transparent process for the WMF board elections.--Pharos (talk) 17:43, 18 March 2016 (UTC)
- Wikimedia ZA (South Africa) endorses Maarten's candidacy and we consider our selves very fortunate to have had him as a past member and board member in our chapter's early days. His experience, sense of fairness, commitment and good nature will serve the board and the Movement very well should he be elected. We feel he will work hard to promote a more diverse, representative, inclusive, and volunteer/community friendly Wikimedia that will greatly enhance the movement.--Discott (talk) 20:49, 21 March 2016 (UTC)