Affiliations Committee/Candidates/2023/Din-nani1

Abdul-Rasheed Yussif

  • User: Din-nani1 (User account list / User page link)
  • Primary Wikimedia projects: Wikidata, Dagbani Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and English Wikipedia.
  • Language capabilities (language and level of proficiency): English - 5 Dagbani - 5
  • Regional experiences: Sub-Saharan Africa
  • What experience do you have participating on committees, within or outside the Wikimedia movement?
    Within the Wikimedia movement, my committee involvement has been multifaceted. As part of the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group, I've actively engaged in committees focused on community engagement, project development, and diversity and inclusion. I've collaborated with fellow Wikimedians to strategize and implement initiatives that enhance community participation and promote inclusivity. Outside the Wikimedia movement, my experience includes active participation in committees related to educational development and curriculum design. Serving as the Curriculum Lead at Jisonayili Islamic Primary School I contributed to committees that shape the academic direction of the institution, providing me with a broader perspective on organizational dynamics and decision-making processes.
  • What skills, experience, or perspective would you bring or contribute to the committee, if appointed?
    As a Project Manager, I've honed skills in strategic planning, organizational development, and conflict resolution. My background in Educational Psychology equips me with insights into effective learning methodologies, human behavior, and communication strategies. These skills are invaluable in facilitating consensus-building and understanding the diverse needs of Wikimedia contributors. My perspective is grounded in the belief that education is a powerful tool for community empowerment. I aim to bring this perspective to the committee by advocating for educational initiatives that align with Wikimedia's goals. Additionally, my commitment to diversity and inclusion is not only a professional ethos but a personal one, evidenced by my efforts within the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group.
  • Is there any other pertinent information that you would like us to take into account when reviewing your application?
    In addition to my professional roles, I am deeply committed to ongoing professional development. I regularly engage in workshops and training sessions related to project management, community development, and diversity and inclusion. This commitment ensures that I stay informed about best practices and emerging trends, contributing to my effectiveness as a committee member. Furthermore, my experience as a Curriculum Lead provides me with a unique perspective on integrating Wikimedia projects into educational settings. This intersection of education and Wikimedia aligns with the broader mission of making knowledge accessible to diverse audiences.
  • Which sub-committee are you interested in working with (Conflict Intervention, Recognitions)?:
    Either - wherever there's a need for
  • What do you think are the benefits and responsibilities of functioning as formal affiliates, and when is a group of Wikimedians ready to form an affiliate?
    Formal affiliates serve as crucial bridges between global and local Wikimedia communities. They facilitate collaboration, resource sharing, and the amplification of the impact of Wikimedia projects. The benefits include increased visibility, access to resources, and the ability to tailor initiatives to local needs while aligning with the broader movement. A group of Wikimedians is ready to form an affiliate when they exhibit a sustained commitment to Wikimedia values, actively engage with the community, and contribute meaningfully to Wikimedia projects. This commitment should be demonstrated through consistent project involvement, community outreach, and the establishment of governance structures that reflect the diversity of their contributors.
  • Please describe your experience working with conflict resolution, and how you have helped build consensus and support diversity.
    In my role as Project Manager, we have not experienced conflicts within the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group but have put down approaches to deal with such if they occur. My approach to conflict resolution is rooted in principles of open communication, active listening, and understanding the underlying motivations of those involved. Furthermore, my initiatives within the user group, such as organizing events that highlight marginalized topics and languages, demonstrate a proactive commitment to supporting diversity. These initiatives go beyond mere acknowledgment and actively contribute to creating a more inclusive space within the Wikimedia community.

Endorsements (Abdul-Rasheed Yussif)
