Africa Environment WikiFocus célèbre Wangari Maathai Day
" Peu importe la noirceur du nuage, il y a toujours une fine doublure argentée, et c'est ce que nous devons rechercher. La doublure argentée viendra, sinon à nous, alors à la prochaine génération ou à la génération d'après. Et peut-être qu'avec cette génération, la doublure ne sera plus mince. "
― Wangari Maathai, Unbowed : A Memoir
an activist, educator and government minister from Guinea-Bissau, who in 2012 was the recipient of the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award (Management)Secretary General of the NGO Tiniguena in Guinea-Bissau
access to water supply and sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa has been steadily improving over the last two decades, the region still lags behind all other developing regions.
a chance for advancements and challenges to African agriculture through its effects on precipitation and average temperatures, and its influence on the effectiveness of agricultural intensification measures.
Fisheries are affected by climate change in many ways: marine aquatic ecosystems are being affected by rising ocean temperatures,[2] ocean acidification[3] and ocean deoxygenation