Africa Environment/Microfunding/Green Advocacy in Nigeria through the Knowledge Advancement of Eco/Green Focused Projects & Developments on Open Source in Lagos, Nigeria

Submit of request
This request for micro-funding to Africa Environment has just been submitted by [[User:ReoMartins|ReoMartins]] on 27-02-2023 and is awaiting support.



One of the major objectives of Wiki In Africa is to facilitate projects that consistently collaborate with and support the work of existing and future Wikimedia Volunteer teams, especially in Africa towards the advancement of contributions to the Wikimedia projects. Hence the need for a collaboration with the Wikimedia Community User Group Côte d’Ivoire and African Knowledge Initiative to celebrate Africa Environment Day/Wangari Maathai Day in 2023. This year's celebration would hinge on a thematic focus centered on contributing and creating advocacy of climate and environment related discuss in Africa to the Wikimedia through it's project, as it would be organized by volunteers across the continent especially. Lagos, Nigeria being the commercial capital of the country has been reported to have been experiencing a high degree of urbanization whilst suffering it's challenges that comes with environmental stress, decadence and disorientation. But certain social impact innovative projects have been developed in cognizance of the SDGs to control this decadence and suggest sustainable ways of interacting with the environment so that the region can also benefit from the impact of urbanization. It is in believe with this mandate that this project hopes to bridge the knowledge gap that exists on the free encyclopedia and other Wikipedia sister projects as regards notable entities and developments in Lagos, Nigeria that have made positive impact in environmental protection through developing sustainable and eco-friendly innovative ideas in tackling environmental problems within the region. We would love to partner with a local environmental organization advocating for urban sustainability through the circular economy and green spaces management, with the sole aim of gathering data and information about credible projects, people, organizations, stories within Lagos, Nigeria that are tackling environmental issues innovatively, as well as gather data and publish information about existing environmental challenges facing the region and contribute the knowledge of these topics to the general sum of knowledge through Wiki projects - free for learning , reading and knowing about.



This project hopes to increase the contribution of credible content about environmentally inclined and green focused developments and actions established in Lagos, Nigeria with a bid to tackle climate and environmental decadence, and promoting urban sustainability through organizing a meet-up and edit-a-thon. Hence, the objectives of this project would be achieved through the following activities:

    1. Introduce new volunteers to the community of Wikimedia volunteer editors
    2. Train existing and new editors on contributing topics relating to the discuss on Wikimedia projects
    3. Host an edit-a-thon to facilitate the contributions of credible content in context of discuss
    4. Organize a workshop to harvest thoughts on the environment, advocacy and open source
    5. Collaborate with environmental organization partners


    1. ReoMartins Experienced Wikimedia Volunteer Editor, Environmental Advocate has had experience organizing meet ups and facilitating projects with aims centered at promoting free knowledge on African music and environmental topics. A photo tour of urban green spaces in Lagos, Nigeria would be one of the numerous project he has managed amongst a coupled others he has also co-organized and participated. He would be instituted with the capacity to onboard participants and manage the project.
    2. Timmylegend Experienced Wikimedia Volunteer Editor, Millennium Campus Network Fellow, Co-Founder at Free Knowledge Africa would be responsible for facilitating the training and workshop.

This is an individual request which would be managed and facilitated by both team members as organizers. Funds would also be received into an individual's bank account but will be dedicated for the project.



The project hopes to build a community of volunteers who are interested in open source and the environment.


    1. Number of events: 2
    2. Number of participants: 30
    3. Number of new editors: 10
    4. Number of of articles created or improved upon: 100+


Object Unit price ($) Quantity Total ($)
Workspace 200$ 2 400$
Local Transport 100$ 1 100$
Organizer's Accomodation 75$ 2 150$
Internet 100$ 1 100$
Lunch 210$ 2 420$
Certificates of Participation 5$ 30 150$
Social Media Ad 50$ 1 50$
Incontigencies 50$ 1 50$ Total 1420 €

Any changes made to the budget after the application is submitted will void the application. You will then need to submit an updated application


  • Anthere :
  • Papischou :
  • Timmylegend:  Strong support
  • Prithee P:  Strong support
  • Isaacayodele32:  Strong support