Africa Youth Day 2022/About us


The Africa Youth Day (AYD) 2022 is implemented by the WikiVibrance Project in partnership with Africa Knowledge Initiative, Wikimedia Foundation, African Union, and Africa No Filter. AYD 2022 is a month-long campaign in recognition of Africa Youth Day 2022 in the wikimedia movement and seeks to engage youth and their communities in activities that will increase open and accessible knowledge by Africans for Africa and the world, in order to preserve language, identities and contribute to our collective futures. This will be done with a focus on this year's theme for Africa Youth Day " Breaking the Barriers to Meaningful Youth Participation and Inclusion in Advocacy". We recognize the potential of the African wikimedia youth to advocate for free knowledge in relation to the African narrative, specifically for language, culture, place and identities among others.

Hence, we are working with eleven (11) wikimedia communities in Africa and diaspora to mobilize and engage young people in activities that will ensure we have deliberables seen here and as such will build activities around contests, edit-a-thons, photowalks, write-a-thons and transl-a-thons depending on the capacity of their community given the stated deliberables with a core focus on the theme of the Africa Youth Day 2022.