Amical Wikimedia/Strategic Plan 2019-2024

That the sum of all human knowledge will be available in Catalan and that all knowledge about Catalan culture will also be available in every language.

Amical Wikimedia's values

  • We are committed with the idea of a world where every human being can freely share the sum of all knowledge. We aim to keep on improving the quality of this knowledge.
  • We foster open knowledge, promoting the usage of licenses, formats and sources freely accessible and we support the development of technical solutions that will help to eradicate inequalities and biases on Wikimedia projects.
  • We promote the promotion of the Catalan culture and language through these projects, both in major and minoritized languages.
  • We work with volunteers in cultural and educative areas, as well as in other organizations in order to make knowledge available, usable and re-usable online.
  • We want to encourage, involve and recognize the support of our community of volunteers, readers and contributors, because Wikipedia and its sister projects would not exist without them.

A map of our future


The Five Axes

  • Enlarge the community designing strategies to attract editors from all the Catalan-speaking areas, focusing on zones where there is no community, and diversify in-person meetings all over the territory. Organize internal formation sessions taking into consideration the territorial diversity, gender diversity and sociocultural groups with little representation.
  • Stabilize the activity of educative wikiprojects in universities with which we have already collaborated, and strengthen our position as an institutional model. Within the possibilities of our community, expand this network with universities and foreign educative centers that promote the Catalan language. Strengthen our projects with new education stages, particularly secondary, all over the territory.
  • Participate in the integration of different groups and in the online experience sharing with other people who are already part of the discourse and values of Amical Wikimedia to develop stable spaces with their activities.
  • Bring together new free knowledge and software agents, so that they can manage their own spaces for meetings and collaboration with Wikimedia projects.
  • Further diversify the responsibilities of the association through the creation of working groups. Manage the global Wikimedia movement activity through these working groups and promote our volunteer-based model in the international field.
  • Promote a community flow that favors wikipedians participating in our sister projects and a qualitative compensation of human capital.
  • Document and preserve good associative practices and working models, so that the community can keep a good internal atmosphere and adopt a certain resilience in the event of negative sociopolitical or human circumstances. Work to move it to other communities of the global movement.
  • Preserve the community and volunteer spirit through activities focused on each member of the association, so that everyone feels like they have an important role in it, whatever their ideas or concerns in relation with Amical might be.

  • Create a communication plan with goals and actions revisable annually. Promote the edition of media resources in order to achieve the formative goals, explain what is Amical and spread its ideas.
  • Internal communication. Use fluid communication channels that allow information storage and simplify the debate and the decision-making processes for issues related to the governance and strategy of the association. Use ephemeral and immediate channels to point out specific aspects and encourage participation, but not for final decisions. Show the mission and values of Amical and favor a space of reflection and public positioning for one-time issues.
  • External communication. Make the Amical activity public through in-person activities, social media, and mass media. Make it easier to periodically send information prepared by means of participation, with news and on-going projects in the association and projects. Periodically measure reader satisfaction in order to know their view on the project.
  • Continue and reaffirm the discourse from the last Strategic plan 2014-2018 and defend the values of Amical Wikimedia.

  • Foster quality over quantity on Wikipedia and its sister projects. Boost the connection of knowledge corpus between the different projects.
  • Incorporate quantitative data, current events and territorial and linguistic diversity in new events, in order to promote the participation and equity of the Catalan-speaking territory and the causes that justify them. Encourage moving this approach to newly created content in a homogeneous way.
  • Favor the review and removal of redundancies, and the elaboration, if need be, of support documentation with a common structure to incorporate contents.
  • Create a discussion in order to identify some criteria to write a list of trustworthy knowledge sources that fall outside the general admissibility or information verification criteria.
  • Move current collaborations with institutions that favor open access with certain licenses, so that an actual improvement can be perceived in the incorporation of released contents.

  • Simplify the entry resources for new editors relating to policies, consensus and activity monitoring. Resize and simplify the current bureaucracy in order to soften a prolonged community integration in the Wikimedia projects.
  • Collaborate with organizations working on the accessibilities of different groups with motor or visual disabilities in order to remove the complexity of accessing and editing our different projects.
  • Offer and encourage the integration of existent and complementary tools that make participation more efficient, as well as the time invested in projects, especially about monitoring and project managing, education project and in-person events.
  • Ease the entry of volunteers with different personal competencies through other participation options, such as the usage of databases, images, speech projects, gamification or artificial intelligence.
  • Foresee and research the best way to adapt ourselves to possible future technological changes that might affect the evolution of Wikimedia projects, as well as to the creation, adaptation or disappearance of some of them. In this sense, research how to preserve all generated knowledge no matter what platform will be used in the future and without losing the foundational values of Amical, in favor of the free knowledge in Catalan.

  • Keep and increase the participation of Amical in the campaigns to foster the usage of Catalan online, in order to Catalanize web browsers and operating systems in the different varieties of the language.
  • Maximize the projection of Wikimedia projects in social media so that they become established as a platform with a bigger number of readers and about more diverse topics.
  • Increase the presence of direct accesses to the Catalan Wikimedia projects in digital platforms used by collaborations, as well as other integration tools that can be embedded in third-party projects.
  • Persist in the increase of the percentage of readers distributed territorially so that they are more adjusted to the percentage of Catalan speaks in the different areas where the language is spoken.


  • Increase the number of views of the Catalan Wikipedia in Spain to over 5%.
  • Achieve 250 million annual visits on Wikipedia, 10 million on Wiktionary and 1.5 million on the rest of our sister projects.
  • Stabilize nodes of active members in the Balearic Islands, Land of Valencia, Andorra and areas of Catalonia without member stability.
  • Reach out to more collaboration circles with Wikipedia and/or Amical members in North Catalonia, Alguer and Catalan Houses in other countries.
  • Achieve a stable number of 2,000 monthly active wikipedians.
  • Achieve between 10% and 20% of content growth (page number) in all sister projects.
  • Stabilize sister projects based on a community set around 5 very active users.
  • Milestone of 850,000 articles, 1,000 featured articles and near 20% of stubs on Wikipedia.
  • Become established in at least 10 schools/high-schools and stabilize activity in 8 of the total 24 centers of the "Xarxa Vives" of universities from all over the territory.
  • Keep 20 very active libraries and archives and with regular annual activities, of the over 200 participants in the #bibliowikis network during the 2014-2018 period.
  • Adapt locally all possible sister projects features for complete navigation of Catalan Wikimedia projects in a mobile network.
  • Reach 15 very active members (more than 5 annual activities) and 8 members less than 30 years old to guarantee a generational relief in Amical Wikimedia.
  • Reach the incorporation of, at least, 10 women in the social mass of Amical Wikimedia.
  • Maintain the percentage of active Catalan Wikimedia users that are, at the same time, Amical members (over 40%) to avoid losing the link between the association and the community of editors.
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