As started on the mailing list, this is a draft proposal to restrict the number of appointed members of the Board of Trustees.



A Resolution To Restrict The Number Of Appointed Members To The Wikimedia Foundation Board Of Trustees.

WHEREAS: The Wikimedia Community has indicated a desire for its governance to be more accountable in the decisions and policy made.

WHEREAS: Appointed Trustees directly influence policy creation and the direction the Foundation takes.

WHEREAS: The aforementioned type of Trustee is not restricted in number and is not accountable to the editors of the projects that comprise the Foundation.

BE IT RESOLVED; That the Bylaws of the Wikimedia Foundation shall be amended, in accordance with the provisions of Article XI, Section 1, as directed by the relevant portions of this Resolution.

BE IT RESOLVED; That Article IV, Section 3 (G) be created through the addition of the following text; "Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the number of appointed Trustees shall not exceed 35% of the Board as a whole. This provision shall be considered to have no effect on interim appointments to regularly elected Trusteeships where the term expires at the next election and where the Community regularly elects the occupant of that Trusteeship. In such a case, preference should be given to an appointee who has indicated an intent to stand for reelection, followed by candidates from the last election."

BE IT RESOLVED; That the definitions in this provision shall be be considered to be the operating authority when determining the intent of this Resolution.

As used in this Resolution, Appointed Trustee shall refer to any Trustee occupying a seat that is regularly appointed by the Board of Trustees.
As used in this Resolution, an Elected Trustee shall be any Trustee who is elected by the community.