This page is a translated version of the page Arabic Wikipedia and the translation is 56% complete.

Essa página é um artigo descritivo sobre a Wikipédia árabe, sinta-se livre para adicionar qualquer comentário.

Muitas das respostas aqui são cortesia de Isam Bayazidi


Started: Although the home page of Arabic Wikipedia says it started in July 2003, it did not really start until February 2004. Elian sent an email to Arabeyes Mailing List (Arabeyes). You can read the email.

Áreas de força

  • TK

Áreas de fraqueza

Quem é a competição (impresso, online)?

  • TK

Prominent milestones/events

  • TK

Qual tem sido o impacto?

  • TK


Quais características do idioma são desafiadoras?

  • Arabic is read right-to-left, and Arabic wikipedia didn't even have an Arabic interface originally. Isam Bayazidi volunteered to translate the interface, alongside others. Reference
  • Conseguir achar traduções para nomes de criaturas como Clarkia Amonea e Pithovirus

O que iria surpreender o leitor de fora sobre a comunidade?

  • TK

Quais são algumas das práticas/características únicas?

  • TK

Quem foras os participantes mais antigos, quem começou?

  • Isam Bayazidi

Outros Wikipedianos prominentes?

  • Meno25
  • Ciphers


Primeiro teste feito por Toira em 25/02/07

Using alt-shift-x (to display a random page) 20 times I got:

  • 13 articles with decent content [65%], of wich 04 are about arab personalities.
  • 3 esboços. [15%]
  • 4 date articles, half of them have some content. [20%]

Second test made by SegeWiki on 6/01/11

Viewing a random article 20 times I got:

  • 3 one-lined stubs (15%)
  • 10 stubs (50%)
  • 1 good date article (5%)
  • 4 weak articles, not stubs (20%)
  • 2 fair articles (10%)

Third test made by Rich Farmbrough on 2012-01-31

(Note this only reflects the distribution of articles, see some of my research for more details.) Viewing a random article 20 times I got:

  • 3 one-lined stubs (15%)
  • 13 stubs (65%)
  • 1 good date article (5%)
  • 2 weak articles, not stubs (10%)
  • 1 fair articles (5%)