- 席位數根據活躍用戶數而變化(目前共六位)。
- 當選成員任期24個月
- 至少20名用戶投票(同意+反對+棄權)時投票有效
- 獲得至少 2/3 支持的候選人當選(最多達到所需席位數)
- 現任成員與行政員協調結束投票
- 德國仲裁委員會(de: Schiedsgericht)的一半席位每年十一月進行選舉。總共有10個席位。
- 仲裁委員會的成員不能同時擔任查核使用者、監督者或行政員,但他們會獲得管理員權限(僅限用於仲裁委員會的事務)。
- 從11月1日至7日可以提名選舉候選人,而從8日至21日可以進行投票。
- 每位當選成員服務期為兩年,之後其席位將重新進行選舉。成員可以連任。
- 投票者和候選人必須總共擁有400次編輯(其中至少200次需在條目空間內),並且至少已有4個月的編輯歷史。在選舉前的最後12個月內至少要有50次條目編輯。
- 每位選民可以對每位候選人投一票,但總投票數量不受限制。選民可以投贊成票和反對票,擁有較佳差額的候選人勝出;中立票不計入結果(但是允許投中立票)。
- 每位獲得的票數足以使其他只有四位候選人得票更多的候選人將被選舉出來(=得票數最高的五位候選人將被選出,然而如果第五名出現票數相同的情況,則會有例外,可能會選出六位或更多的候選人)。
- 空缺(例如由於辭職或者沒有足夠的合適候選人來填滿所有席位)只能在下一次定期選舉中填補。在這種情況下,可能會有超過六個席位開放給候選人,額外的委任僅為期一年。
- 選舉由社群自行管理,而非仲裁委員會本身參與。該過程通常於11月和12月進行,並將委員會人數增加至最多15人。任期最長為兩年,在2010年,為了減少連續選舉中空缺數量的波動,有些新的任期僅為一年。在2011年選舉中,有七個為期兩年的席位和一個為期一年的空缺,出於同樣的考量。
- 候選人需要提出一份最多400字的自我介紹聲明,並且會回答社群共識決定的預設問題,合資格的選民在候選人的頁面上也被允許提出有限數量的個別問題。用戶可以在候選人的用戶討論頁面上自由提出任意的問題。
- 用戶需要在選舉年份的11月1日之前,擁有至少150次在英文維基主要空間的編輯記錄。自2009年起,選舉通過使用SecurePoll Mediawiki擴展的秘密投票方式進行。
- 選舉由志願協調員組織和運行,他們被任命為votewiki的選舉管理員,負責操作SecurePoll擴展。結果由監票員核查,這些監票員是不活躍於英文維基百科的監管員。
- 吉米·威爾斯可能會選擇性儀式性地宣布對委員會的任命。
- 委員會於2010年組成。
- 選舉於每年九月舉行。
- 委員會由5名成員組成,所有成員都可能在下次選舉中被替換,但沒有限制現任仲裁員重新競選。
- 任何在主命名空間至少有1000次編輯的用戶都可以自薦。
- 任何在選舉開始前至少3個月創建帳戶,並且在主命名空間有至少500次編輯,以及在過去6個月內有100次編輯的用戶,都有資格投票。
- 選舉採用Schulze方法作為投票系統。選舉通過SecurePoll MediaWiki擴展進行秘密投票。前5名候選人將被選舉為為期1年的任期,而排名第6和第7的候選人可能在需要時被傳喚。
一般信息: 第一屆芬蘭維基百科仲裁委員會於2007年10月1日開始任期,當時由社群選出的10名成員開始了他們的任務。得票最多的五名仲裁委員員自動獲選為為期2年的任期,另外五名則獲選為1年任期。
- 為期兩年的正式成員資格和後備成員資格
- 所有年度選舉均於每年10月1日之前舉行,註冊維基人會選出五名新的仲裁委員會成員,任期兩年。已經服務兩年的成員將自動替換,讓獲得最多票數的五名新提名人上任。因此,每次年度選舉將更換一半的仲裁委員會成員。
- 其餘候選人自動成為仲裁委員會的後備成員,必要時,可以根據他們獲得的投票順序被召喚(第六名完成的候選人先被召喚,然後是第七名,依此類推)。如果仲裁委員會成員是爭議的一方,並且必須自行排除在仲裁過程之外,或者如果仲裁委員會成員選擇在任期結束前辭職,通常會召喚後備成員。在任何時候,對於任何仲裁案件,至少六名合格(未受阻礙)的仲裁委員會成員必須活躍並參與程序。
- 仲裁委員會將從委員中選出一位主席,任期一年。
- 提名: 在九月初開始為期兩週的提名期,候選人可以通過自薦或由其他註冊且資深的維基百科用戶推薦來提名。提名期結束後,為期兩週的投票期隨即開始。即使在官方提名期結束後,用戶仍然可以繼續提名新的候選人。
- 投票: 選舉採用簡單的公開認可投票制。在投票開始前至少有100次編輯的註冊用戶可以對任意數量的候選人投票,但每位候選人只能投一票。除了每位候選人的專門討論頁面外,不允許發表評論或提問。如果出現平票情況,將進行擲硬幣或抽稻草決定勝負。(尚未就此訂立正式政策。)
- 候选人
- 每位註冊用戶都可以在大約兩周的時間內提交他/她的候選人資格。提名結束和投票開始之間有48小時的間隔期。
- 選民資格要求
- 用戶需要一個註冊帳戶,該帳戶至少已有3個月的歷史,並且至少有350次主命名空間的編輯。
- 投票者只能對 Oppose、 Support 或 Neutral 進行投票;不允許發表評論。
- 選民可以在選舉期間改變選票,無需對每位候選人表達自己的意見。
- 通常,候選人不會為自己投票。
- 投票
- 投票從世界協調時間(UTC)00:00開始,並在10天後的00:00結束。除非當選用戶少於5人,在這種情況下,投票將延長5天。
- 中立票不予以計算。候選人需獲得三分之二多數票才能當選:支持票 / (支持票 + 反對票)> 2/3。
- 如出現票數相同的情況,得到最多支持票的五位候選人將被選舉產生(如果支持票數相同,則得到最少反對票的候選人當選)。
- The other eligible candidates become understudies (ranked by number of support votes).
A team with at least 7 members is elected. The term of each member expires 12 months after the election. Elections are run in two sessions, in April and October.
- Nomination:
- Anyone can nominate a candidate or self-nominate.
- Eligible candidates must be at least 18 years old, have autopatrolled rights, a history of 12 months of edits, have reached at least 600 edits three months before the beginning of the election session, and at least 50 valid edits in the last six months, without active blocks on it.wiki
- Exiting members of the ArbCom can reapply for a consecutive second term only once. They cannot be elected three times in a row. After two consecutive terms, they must skip at least one election session before reapplying again.
- The nomination period lasts for one week. Users have one additional week available for questions to candidates
- Voting:
- In order to vote, users must have an edit history of at least 600 edits reached three months before the beginning of the election session and at least 50 valid edits in the last six months.
- The voting period lasts for two weeks.
- At least 30 users must participate in the voting for each candidate
- Conclusion:
- Candidates who received less than 30 supporting votes or less than 75% support (neutral votes are not taken into account) are ineligible for the Arbitration Committe
- All candidates who received at least 30 supporting votes and at least 75% support (neutral votes are not taken into account) are elected in the Arbitration Committee.
- Unprivileged members of the Arbitration Committee get limited administrator rights (privileged read-only accesses just for use for the Arbitration Committee) not regular rights.
- 成員的任期為一年。
- Usually, every alternating six months, three or four positions are up for election. Members of the Dutch Wikipedia community vote on candidates.
- Candidates need at least an edit history of nine months and 1000 non-vandalism edits and they can renominate themselves unlimited.
- Users need a registered account with at least 100 non-vandalism edits, the first at least one month old, to vote.
- Candidates need at least 75% (votes in favour divided by total votes for that specific candidate) to pass the vote, and the candidates with the highest percentages of votes are elected.
Polish Wikipedia Arbitration Committee was set up over a year ago, after a discussion in the summer of 2007, when the main documents of the English Arbitration Committee were translated (which served as a basis) together with activity reports/summaries of the English and German ArbComs.
- Elections: The Committee consists of 9 members and the elections take place twice a year, in March and September, each of which replaces half of the Committee's count with new members, so that the terms overlap and each Arbiter serves a term of a full year. During the first election (September 2007), all nine members were elected, four of which (the four with the fewest votes) served for half a year and were replaced in March. September elections result in 5 seats being exchanged.
- 提名: Each election is a two-stage process. For 7 days (March and September 1-7) candidates can be nominated (self-nominations are also acceptable, as well as re-nominations). Each candidate who self-nominates or confirms his nomination must collect 5 votes of endorsement in order to get through to the second round. The minimal criteria for the candidates are: half-year long edition history and 1000 edits. Until 2020 The candidates were not required to be sysops and when elected, regular users got sysop rights for their term. Since 2020 elected users are granted Arb-com user right for the duration of their term.
- 投票: The second stage lasts 2 weeks (March and September 8-21). Each Wikipedian with a minimum of 500 non-deleted edits in the mainspace and a 3-month edition history may cast a "for", "against" or "abstain" vote for each candidate. The final ArbCom members are those who amass the most net votes (for votes minus against votes, with abstain votes having no weight). If two candidates get the same amount of net votes, the one with the longer edition history receives a higher standing.
Arbiters may resign during their term, at which occasion the next candidate from the appropriate election takes the vacant place. In case of longer inactivity they may also be dismissed by the Committee itself.
The Portuguese ArbCom consists of 5 members and 2 substitute members, which are elected yearly. One month before the end of the term, the election process starts.
- The first 15 days of the election period are for nominations and self-nominations of candidates.
- If there are less than 10 candidates at the end of that period, the deadline is repeatedly extended by seven days, until the minimum number of 10 nominations is achieved.
- Candidates must be over 18 years old and be willing to identify themselves to the WMF. They also must have over 2000 edits in the main namespace and have an account older than 1 year.
- Voting occurs in the following 15 days. The 5 most voted candidates (as long as they've reached more than 66% of support and at least 10 favorable votes) are elected as members of the ArbCom. The next two most voted candidates are elected as the substitute members.
- In case of ties, the lesser number of oppose votes and the age of the account are used as criteria, in this order.
A 7 member team is elected for 6 months (with elections held twice a year).
- 提名:
- 任何人都可以提名候選人或自我提名。
- 候選人必須有 8 個月的編輯歷史和2000次編輯歷史。
- Those who confirm their nomination (obviously blocked users can not confirm since they are blocked) answer questions.
- 投票:
- In order to vote, users must have 3 months of editing history and 500 edits and no less than 100 edits in last 6 months before beginning of nomination.
- 投票期持續一周。
- 投票結果實時顯示,用戶可以在最初投票後更改投票。
- Some votes may be stricken by bureaucrats (for example, a vote from a user that has been inactive for a length of time).
- Conclusion:
- Candidates who received more than 33% votes in opposition are ineligible for the Arbitration Committee.
- The top seven candidates counting the support votes from those remaining are then considered elected to the Arbitration Committee; they become main arbitrators.
選舉產生的 5 名成員團隊任期 12 個月。
- 提名:
- Anyone can nominate a candidate or self-nominate.
- Candidates must have a history of 6 months of editing and 1000 edits.
- 投票:
- In order to vote, users must have 90 days of editing history and 300 edits.
- 投票期持續兩週。
- 投票結果實時顯示,用戶可以在最初投票後更改投票。
- At least 10 users must participate in the voting.
- Conclusion:
- Candidates who received less than 75% support votes are ineligible for the Arbitration Committee.
- The top five candidates counting the difference between support and oppose votes from those remaining are then considered elected to the Arbitration Committee.
- Elections are held in July of every year. Prior to the election, a committee of election coordinators is set up. These coordinators do not participate in the nomination process or vote in the election.
- Candidates are nominated through a nomination process by other users. This process lasts for approximately 2 weeks.
- An election is held, and Wikinews community members with 250 edits approximately two weeks prior to the election can vote. All Wikimedia Foundation board members, full-time staff, and paid developers are eligible to vote, provided they have edited a Wikimedia project one month prior to the election in that capacity. In the most recent election, voters only cast support votes or comments, there were no oppose or negative votes.
- The Arbitration Committee Election Coordinators confirm the results, and the candidates with the majority of votes become members of the Arbitration Committee. The Committee serves a 1 year term.
Projects with inactive or trial Arbitration Committees
- 韓語 (不活躍)
- 瑞典語 (不活躍)
- 泰語 (任期於2016年1月屆滿,此後未舉行選舉)
- 斯洛文尼亞語 (已刪除,重定向至 Wikipedija:Mediacija)。 該頁面僅作為最終設置的框架而存在。到目前為止還不需要調解,因此選舉過程的規則尚未確定。