Arctic Knot Conference 2021/Submissions/Bidumsáme älládahttem dáhtorálldarin = Pite Sámi Revitalisation in the Digital Era

Submission no.
Title of the submission
Bidumsáme älládahttem dáhtorálldarin = Pite Sámi Revitalisation in the Digital Era
Author of the submission
Olve Utne
Submission format
  • Live video presentation (30 minutes)
Language of presentation
E-mail address
Country of origin
Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
National Library of Norway; BidumBágo
Personal homepage or blog
Abstract (up to 300 words to describe your proposal)

Pite Sámi is a severly threatened language in the Swedish community, a sleeping language in the Norwegian community; and a language in the process of revitalisation in both places. In the introduction, we will briefly define and describe the language and its sources from the mid-1700s until around 2000, and then describe the efforts made by the community and by researchers on the Norwegian and Swedish side in the years up to the publication of the first dictionary and grammars around 2015. The main focus of this presentation will be on the dictionary project BidumBágo, which builds on a critical review of (1) the post 2000 project outcome and (2) the historical sources in dialogue with the language community. We will review some of the available software solutions, including the multilingual output needs and the challenges they pose. Finally we will look at how one can best weigh the needs of books (literatary writing/translation, school book translation), societal visibility/infrastructure (toponyms, signs, public information), dictionaries, teaching (language immersion, language lessons) and wiki projects. [NOT FINALISED, will be adjusted]

What will attendees take away from this session?
[Information will come.]
Theme of session
  • Language technology
Slides or further information (optional)
Special requests
Cannot present after Friday 17:00 CEST
Is this Submission a Draft or Final? draft

Interested attendees


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