Art+Feminism User Group/UCoC Survey 2020

Art+Feminism Wikimedia Universal Code of Conduct Survey


The extended deadline to participate in the survey was Sunday, July 26th, 2020. The survey was available in English, Spanish and French.

Recently, the Wikimedia Foundation Board voted on a mandate to create a Universal Code of Conduct for all Wikimedia projects. Art+Feminism considers this a big step for the Wikimedia movement and we want to invite our community to be part of the consultation process.⁣

Internally, we’ve compiled all relevant information and links in a guidance document. We invite you to consult and share with projects and individuals interested in creating a safe environment for all on Wikimedia.⁣

If you would like to participate in an online discussion about the UCoC on Friday, July 17th at 2:30 pm UTC (Duration: 1 hour), please RSVP here: Link to Google Form.

We’ve created this survey (five-minutes) to get a sense of our community’s thoughts on this matter. The deadline to participate in the survey is Thursday, July 16th, 2020.

Please note that this conversation will happen primarily in English, however, facilitators speak Spanish and French and can offer translation into those languages. If you can provide translation into another language (via the chat or verbally) please let us know. We invite you to share your preferences regarding the primary language for this meeting and other Art+Feminism meetings. (Translations into Spanish and French of the document soon).



1. Conduct and anti-harassment policies and guidelines exist for certain language-specific Wikipedia projects. What are the primary Wikipedia language(s) that you work on and are you aware of existing policies or guidelines?

2. Do you feel safe contributing to Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, or other sister projects, and why?

3. What, in your opinion, would make Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, or other sister projects safer spaces, and why?

4. What do you think should be the top priorities for basic rules of conduct in a project like Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons?

5. How should safety and conduct rules and guidelines be upheld or enforced on Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, or other sister projects, and by whom?

6. What communities do you see yourself belonging to? We know that depending where you live, some ways of identifying may resonate more than others. Please choose all that apply to you.

  • I identify as a member of an indigenous community.
  • I identify as trans.
  • I identify as gender non-binary.
  • I identify as gender non-conforming.
  • I identify as a member of the LGBTQI community.
  • I identify as female.
  • I identify as male.
  • I identify as black, brown, non-white, or a person of color (depending on where you live, some terms may resonate more than others).
  • I identify as coming from the global South (Asia Pacific, Africa, Latin America).
  • I identify as a member of a religious/spiritual community.
  • I identify as an ally in supporting marginalized communities.
  • I identify as a member of another community (please specify).
  • Other: ____________.