Association des Wikipédiens Ukrainiens

Association of Ukrainian Wikipedia editors (ukrainian: Товариство редакторів української Вікіпедії, ТРУ Вікі) - is a non-profit organization in Ukraine that has been created for promotion and support of Ukrainian Wikipedia and its editors, Ukrainian language and culture in the world.
- user:Jbuket (Yevhen Buket, Head of the Board, buketius gmail com)
- user:A1
- user:Olexa Yur
Every person, who is active in editing Ukrainian Wikipedia and older than 14 years old can be a member of Organization. To become a member a volunteer should contact the Board and write the application for membership.
The Organization was founded on September 12, 2017 and registered according to the legislation of Ukraine.
Wikimédia Commons a d’autres médias relatifs à :
- World classics in Ukrainian Vocal contest
- Presentation of the translation book of "Watching the Sky and Thinking a Thougt" to 200th anniversary of Mykhaylo Petrenko
- Promotion of the transfer of Ukrainian printed publications to free licenses. First achievement
- The concert on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of Ukrainian Wikipedia