Log of events with notes


  Tentative: Wiki Loves Living Heritage retro webinar  

  Monday 22 May 2023 14:00–16:00CETFormat OnlineOrganized by European Network of Focal Points in the UNESCO 2003 ConventionAdded by Susannaanas. Organizing.
An event bringing together participants from the Wikimedia and Living Heritage communities to look ahead.

  Creative Commons Open Culture Platform Call  

  Tuesday 18 April 2023 18:00–19:00Format OnlineOrganized by Creative Commons Open Culture PlatformAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Monthly call

  Tekoälykahvit kulttuuriperintöammattilaisille 3/2024  

  Monday 17 April 2023 13:00–14:00Format OnlineOrganized by Turku University LibraryAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Seuraavat Tekoälykahvit järjestetään keskiviikkona 17.4.2024 klo 13.00–14.00, järjestäjänä Turun yliopiston kirjasto.

  European GLAM-Wiki Coordinators' meeting  

  Tuesday 02 April 2024Format OnlineAdded by Susannaanas. Presenting.
Susanna presents the upcoming GLAM + Commons + AI sauna event.

  Expert Committee  

  Tuesday 19 March 2024 18:00–19:00Format OnlineOrganized by Content Partnerships HubAdded by Tuomas Nolvi. Participating.
The meeting of the Content Partnership Hub Expert Committee

  TAKO Tech  

  Tuesday 19 March 2024 12:00–16:00  Location Museum Centre VapriikkiFormat In personAdded by Tuomas Nolvi. Presenting.
Kokoelmatyön tietoteknisiin ratkaisuihin keskittyneen TAKO-tech ryhmän kevätkokous Klo 12.55 –13.15, GLAM + Commons + AI Sauna, Tuomas Nolvi, Helsingin kaupunginmuseo & Susanna Ånäs, AvoinGLAM

  Tiedon tähden – Knowledge first -seminaari  

  Thursday 14 March 2024 9:30–16:30  Location Museum Centre VapriikkiFormat In personOrganized by National Library of FinlandAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
9.30 Coffee

10.00 Opening, Kimmo Tuominen, National Librarian, The National Library of Finland

10.10–11.10 Our take on open science, Chair: Jyrki Ilva

Speakers & titles:

  • Wilhelm Widmark (Library Director, Stockholm University): How can we get beyond Transformative agreements: A Swedish perspective.
  • Julien Roche (LIBER President, Director of Libraries and Learning Center at University of Lille): : What is the role of academic libraries in Open science?
  • Jyrki Hakapää (Director, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, Research Council of Finland): Open Science and Responsible Research


11.10–12.00 Panel: Scholarly Publishing in the Future, Chair Mikael Laakso Attendees: Wilhelm Widmark, Julien Roche, Jyrki Hakapää, Arja Tuuliniemi, and Kalle-Antti Suominen

12.00–13.00 Lunch

13.00–14.00 Digital Cultural Heritage in Society, Chair: Johanna Lilja

Speakers & titles: Harry Verwayen (Director General, Europeana Foundation): Taking history to the future. Europeana; from portal to platform to data space Minna Karvonen (Deputy Director General, Department for Art and Cultural Policy, Ministry of Education and Culture): Digital cultural heritage as a bridge between people Krister Lindén (Research Director, Department of Digital Humanities, University of Helsinki): How large language models may transform humanities research

Q & A

14.00–14.40 Conversation: Impact of Cultural Heritage Data Attendees: Mikko Tolonen (facilitator), Harry Verwayen, Minna Karvonen, and Krister Lindén

14.40–15.10 Coffee break

15.10–15.20 Value of library network services for Finnish libraries Heli Kautonen (Library Director, University of Turku Library): Rhizomes of practice

15.20–16.30 Open floor & wrapping up; music

  Local Contexts Technical Implementation Working Group  

  Wednesday 13 March 2024 18:30–20:00Format OnlineOrganized by Local ContextsAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Meeting of the Local Context Technical Implementation Working Group

  Saamelaiskielten tuki digitaalisissa palveluissa -hankkeen ohjausryhmän kokous  

  Friday 08 March 2024 9:00–11:00  Location Rovaniemi LibraryFormat In personOrganized by National Library of FinlandAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
The advisory group met at the City Library of Rovaniemi. The first release of the Northern Saami Finto has taken place, and the project continues until the end of the year. Kimberli has provided the project a list of concepts already in Wikidata, and the concepts are for the most part linked both ways between YSO and Wikidata.

A usability study has been conducted for the Northern Saami Finna. The group acknowledges that continued public support for securing the services in the Saami languages is required.

The event was a welcome in-person introduction to the network members from the Rovaniemi City Library and Siida and can potentially spark new projects. We discussed community heritage workshops in Siida and a historical map collection in Rovaniemi City Library. We also discussed the adoption of Traditional Knowledge Label in Finnish heritage collections and that is moving forward.

  Europeana / TMO Suomi (ja Arkistoverkosto)  

  Monday 04 March 2024 10:00Format HybridOrganized by Time Machine Organization FinlandAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Arkistoverkoston kanssa yhdessä järjestettävä tapaaminen, jossa Juha Henriksson kertoo Europeanasta. Juha Henriksson valittiin ENA:n hallitukseen (Management Board) ja jäsenneuvostoon (Members Council) vuosiksi 2024–2026.

Time Machine Organization (TMO) on mukana, kun toteutetaan tulevaa Euroopan digitaalisen kulttuuriperinnön data-avaruutta.

Lisäksi: Europeana Network Associationin (ENA) puitteissa toimii seitsemän aktiivista yhteisöä sekä lukuisia työryhmiä, jotka järjestävät webinaareja ja muita tapahtumia sekä julkaisevat runsaasti hyödyllistä ohjeistusta ja työkaluja. ENA:ssa on tällä hetkellä jäsenenä 4500 kulttuuriperinnön ammattilaista eri puolilta Eurooppaa, joten kyseessä on erittäin laaja yhteistyöverkosto. ENA:n jäsenyys on ilmainen, joten kannattaa liittyä jäseneksi, jos ette ole vielä sitä tehneet.

Sovitaan, kuka edustaa milloinkin tapaamisessa ja raportoidaan keskustelusta tässä lokissa.

  Open Data Day Finland  

  Saturday 02 March 2024–Friday 08 March 2024Format HybridOrganized by Open Knowledge FinlandAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Annual global event

  Advocacy Office Hours  

  Wednesday 28 February 2024 17.00–18.00Format OnlineOrganized by Global Advocacy teamChaired by FPutz (WMF)Added by Susannaanas. Participating.
Open office hour with the Wikimedia Global Advocacy Team

  Maximizing the Value(s) of Open Access in Cultural Heritage Institutions  

  Wednesday 28 February 2024 14.00–15.00Format OnlineOrganized by Creative Commons Open Culture PlatformAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
CC’s Open Culture Program hosted a new webinar in their Open Culture Live series.

  AvoinGLAM Bureaucratic 2024 #2  

  Monday 26 February 2024 15.00–16.30Format OnlineOrganized by AvoinGLAMChaired by Tove ØrstedAdded by Susannaanas. Organizing.
The regular meeting of the 2024 Steering Group

  AI and the Commons feat. Yaniv Benhamou & Melanie Dulong de Rosnay  

  Wednesday 21 February 2024 17:00–18:30EETFormat OnlineOrganized by Open FutureAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
This time we will be joined by Yaniv Benhamou (University of Geneva) and Melanie Dulong de Rosnay (CNRS) who recently published a research paper on the licensing of personal and non-personal data inspired by a commons-based project. The paper we want to discuss at the call introduces a template for "Open Data Commons Licenses," advocating for controlled openness with defined restrictions and proposing governance mechanisms to safeguard commons from value capture.

  FY23 Final Learning Conversations NWE Grantees  

  Wednesday 21 February 2024 14:00–15:00Format OnlineChaired by Agnes BruszikAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
  Notes  2
AvoinGLAM's session with Agnes Bruszik to discuss the learnings of the 2023 program.

  Expert Committee  

  Tuesday 20 February 2024 18:00–19:00Format OnlineOrganized by Content Partnerships HubChaired by Eric Luth (WMSE)Added by Susannaanas. Participating.
The Content Partnership Expert Committee meeting

  Digitaalisen kulttuuriperinnön pyöreä pöytä  

  Thursday 15 February 2024 10:00–Saturday 28 September 2024Organized by National Archives of FinlandAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Digitaalisen kulttuuriperinnön pyöreä pöytä on yhteistyöverkosto, joka pyrkii edistämään kulttuuriperintösektorin strategisen ja linjaavan tason yhteistyötä.

  Future audiences  

  Thursday 15 February 2024 15:00UTCOrganized by Future Audiences / Wikimedia FoundationAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
The agenda for this call is the conclusion of ChatGPT plugin experiment, and what comes next.

  Wiki Loves Living Heritage retrospective with ENFP  

  Thursday 15 February 2024 13.00–Saturday 28 September 2024CETOrganized by European Network of Focal Points in the UNESCO 2003 ConventionAdded by Susannaanas. Presenting.
* Wiki Loves Living Heritage – sharing outcomes and learning points. Leena Marsio (Finland), Jorijn Neyrick (Belgium), Susanna Ånäs (Finland)
  • Experiences from different European countries in implementing the campaign. Sophie Muyllaert (Belgium), Tolin Jojo (Germany), Katharina Spanlang (Austria), Naira Kilichyan (Armenia)
  • Open discussion and ways forward in working with open access and wiki-communities

  Tekoälykahvit : Esittelyssä AI Sauna  

  Wednesday 14 February 2024 13.00–14.00Format OnlineOrganized by AvoinGLAMAdded by Susannaanas. Organizing.
  Notes  37
Seuraavat Tekoälykahvit järjestetään ystävänpäivänä keskiviikkona 14.2.2024 klo 13.00–14.00, järjestäjänä AvoinGLAM. Tämän kerran aiheena on 6.–7. toukokuuta järjestettävä kaksipäiväinen tekoälyaiheinen tapahtuma työnimellä AI Sauna. Voit ehdottaa esitystä näille tekoälykahveille, kirjoita osoitteeseen avoinglam@okf.fi.

  Alignment Assembly on AI and the Commons  

  Tuesday 13 February 2024–Friday 15 March 2024Organized by Open FutureAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Seuraavat Tekoälykahvit järjestetään ystävänpäivänä keskiviikkona 14.2.2024 klo 13.00–14.00, järjestäjänä AvoinGLAM. Tämän kerran aiheena on 6.–7. toukokuuta järjestettävä kaksipäiväinen tekoälyaiheinen tapahtuma työnimellä GLAM + Commons + AI sauna. Voit ehdottaa esitystä näille tekoälykahveille, kirjoita osoitteeseen avoinglam@okf.fi.

  Events! Events!  

  Thursday 08 February 2024Added by Susannaanas. .
This Month in GLAM January

  European GLAM-Wiki Coordinators' meeting  

  Tuesday 06 February 2024Format OnlineAdded by Susannaanas. Presenting.
Susanna presents Wiki Loves Living Heritage results as well as introduces the upcoming GLAM + Commons + AI sauna event. The event will be a topic in the next meeting.

  Webinaari 1: Mitä tulevaisuusajattelu on ja miksi se kuuluu kaikille?  

  Tuesday 06 February 2024Format OnlineOrganized by The Finnish Innovation Fund SitraAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Tulevaisuusajattelusta tulevaisuusvaltaan -webinaarisarja pureutuu tulevaisuusajattelun ja tulevaisuusvallan teemoihin. Webinaarisarjassa tutustut myös Tulevaisuusvaltalinssi-työkaluun ja opit hyödyntämään sitä toiminnassasi.

Osallistuminen webinaarisarjaan tai webinaaritallenteiden katsominen on myös edellytys Tulevaisuusvalta-ohjelmaan hakemiselle.

Webinaarisarjan ensimmäisessä osassa käymme läpi ennakoinnin ja tulevaisuusajattelun perusteita ja tutustumme myös tulevaisuusvallan käsitteeseen. Pohdimme myös, miksi tulevaisuusajattelua tarvitaan epävarmuuksien ajassa, mitä se käytännössä tarkoittaa ja miksi se kuuluu kaikille.

  Mediataiteen historia tulevaisuudessa / Media Art History in the Future seminar  

  Friday 26 January 2024 10:00–17:00  Location MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art CentreFormat HybridOrganized by Finnish Media Art NetworkAdded by Susannaanas. Presenting.
Media Art History in the Future Seminar gathers and conveys versatile information and practical tools accumulated in the MEHI project, and looks to the future, examining the place of media art as part of research and art history. The goal of the seminar day is to inspire media art and museum professionals to continue historical work. In the morning workshops, the practices of media art cataloging and conservation planning, ontology for media art and open licensing of works of art will be presented. The subjects of the research-focused afternoon session will be introduced by e.g. Jussi Parikka, Ph.D., Riikka Niemelä, Ph.D., and Media & Visual Artist Merja Puustinen.

  AvoinGLAM Bureaucratic 2024 #1  

  Friday 19 January 2024  Location Helsinki City Museum  MapFormat HybridOrganized by AvoinGLAMAdded by Susannaanas. Organizing.
The first meeting of the 2024 Steering Group

  Human Rights Impact Assessment of WMF AI/ML Products (Volunteers Focus Group)  

  Thursday 18 January 2024Format OnlineOrganized by Wikimedia Foundation Future AudiencesAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Susanna participated in this focus group discussion. She created the linked memo to prepare for the discussion.

  Whose Open Culture? Decolonization, Indigenization, and Restitution  

  Thursday 18 January 2024Format OnlineOrganized by Creative CommonsAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Susanna participated in this focus group discussion. She created the linked memo to prepare for the discussion.


  Wednesday 17 January 2024 13.00–14.00Format OnlineOrganized by National Library of FinlandAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
  Web page  50  50  5
Seuraavat Tekoälykahvit nautitaan keskiviikkona 17.1.2024 klo 13.00–14.00, järjestäjänä Kansalliskirjasto. Keskustelua jatketaan mm. kevääksi kaavaillusta KAM-sektorin yhteisestä tekoälyhackathonista, lisäksi kuullaan Hugging Face Hubista ja kielimallien hyödyntämisestä HY:n opetuksessa.

  Expert Committee  

  Tuesday 16 January 2024 18:00–19:00Format OnlineOrganized by Content Partnerships HubChaired by Eric Luth (WMSE)Added by Susannaanas. Participating.
The Content Partnership Expert Committee meeting

  Roundtable: Part of a Global Cultural Commons? Provenance Research in 2024  

  Tuesday 16 January 2024 18:00–19:00Format OnlineOrganized by Wikimedia DeutschlandAdded by Susannaanas. Participating.
Wikimedia projects intersect with provenance research, offering an open platform for capturing and connecting vast data on artwork biographies. Collaborations between Wikipedians, art scholars, and provenance researchers are underway, exploring the potential of Wikidata and Wikibase. A roundtable, featuring experts like Bénédicte Savoy and Lynn Rother, will discuss current issues, technological needs, Wikimedia projects, and planned collaborations in digital provenance research.

  AvoinGLAM annual meeting  

  Wednesday 13 December 2023Format OnlineOrganized by AvoinGLAMAdded by Susannaanas. Organizing.
Join the AvoinGLAM annual meeting! It is part of our new more sovereign governance, where AvoinGLAM will be coordinated by an elected Steering Group.

In the General Meeting

Run for the 2024 Steering group!

AvoinGLAM’s daily activities and programmatic decisions are carried out by the Steering group.

The Steering group will have 5–10 elected members including the chair. The AvoinGLAM coordinator (Susanna) and the OKFI ED (Janne) additionally participate in the Steering Group meetings as non-voting members.

To be eligible for voting and to run for candidacy in the AvoinGLAM Steering group, individuals must join Open Knowledge Finland as members.

AvoinGLAM may refuse the candidacy of individuals in conflict with the Wikimedia Universal Code of Conduct, UCoC. The candidates must also commit to the OKFI Code of Conduct.

Add an introduction to the candidates slide deck. We can use the same intro online afterwards. You can run for the Steering Group even if you cannot join the event. Make sure to add your introduction.

Membership and community

Participating in the workings of AvoinGLAM is free for anyone and does not require formal membership. All meetings are open for anyone to participate under the Universal Code of Conduct.

Anyone can join AvoinGLAM’s global community by signing up in the AvoinGLAM page on Meta-wiki.