Wikipedia bahasa Bali

This page is a translated version of the page Balinese Wikipedia and the translation is 75% complete.
Halaman ini terakhir kali diperbarui pada Mei 2023

This page is a descriptive article on the Balinese Wikipedia, feel free to add any comment.


Wikipedia bahasa Bali dimulai pada 19 Oktober 2019. Artikel pertamanya ialah Kaca utama (Halaman Utama).

Areas of weakness
  • Terlalu banyak rintisan, khususnya pada artikel geografi.
  • Some (many) articles are not referenced well.



What are some unique practices/characteristics?

  • Satu-satunya Wikipedia di Indonesia yang menggunakan kedua aksara, aksara Bali dan Latin.
  • Create WikiPustaka and WikiLontar, the first project in Wikipedia about manuscripts.

Who were the earliest participants, who started it?


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