Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2007/Candidates/Oscar/en
(Redirected from Board elections/2007/Candidates/Oscar/en)
User | Oscar | |
Real name | Oscar van Dillen | |
Location | Rotterdam, Netherlands | |
Age | 49 | |
User page(s) | User:Oscar, foundation:User:Oscar, commons:User:Oscar, nl:User:Oscar, de:User:Oscar, en:User:Oscar, es:User:Oscarami, fr:User:Oscar, it:User:Oscar, tr:User:Oscar, zh:User:Oscar, and more; also pages on dutch language wikibooks, wikinews among others. | |
Wikimedia participant since | february 2004 | |
Projects in which I participate | basically many but nlwikipedia and metawiki have most of my edits. | |
Languages in which I participate | i am fluent in dutch, english, german and french, and speak more languages more or less, yet my main contributions are in the dutch-language projects and metawiki. | |
Link to user contribution pages | some direct links from my main projects: nlwikipedia edits, nlwikipedia logs, metawiki edits, metawiki logs, nlwikimediawiki edits, nlwikimediawiki logs, but also enwikipedia edits, commonswiki edits... | |
My candidate statement | i am a professional composer and teacher at the rotterdam conservatory, in my professional career i have been an interim manager for years as well. having been appointed as an elected community-member to the expanded board of trustees in december 2006, i had the honor to serve a 6 month term since (see further explanation). having grown up from the projects, i became a sysop at nlwiki in may 2004, on meta in april 2005, and have been a steward since june 2005; i was founding and first president of wikimedia nederland, a member of the now dormant special projects committee, and currently chair of the audit committee. i have tried my best to still keep in touch with as many of basic things as possible going on in the projects, not an easy job for a busy board member. in the frankfurt board retreat of 2006 (see my report) i compared wikimedia to a giant with feet of clay, this has been my main worry and concern: to consolidate the organisation of volunteers (like i myself am) with a core of newly hired skilled people, which supports our further growth into the future and remain an independent organization. since this is only partly accomplished, i would like to further contribute to the next steps, which will enhance our growth and outreach, our quality and stability, our independence and responsibility. | |
For questions, please post here | Board elections/2007/Candidates/Oscar/questions |