Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2009/Vote interface/ro

Alegerile s-au încheiat pe 10 august 2009. Nici un vot nu mai este acceptat.
Rezultatele au fost anunţate pe 12 august 2009.
Alegerile 2009 pentru consiliul de administraţie



Alegerile 2009 pentru Consiliul de Administrare

Jump text


Acest vot va fi efectuat pe serverele operate de SPI. Apăsaţi pe butonul de mai jos pentru a fi dirijat către serverul de votare.



Welcome to the 2009 election for the Wikimedia Board of Trustees. We are voting for three people to represent the community of users on the various Wikimedia projects. They will help to determine the future direction that the Wikimedia projects will take, individually and as a group, and represent your interests and concerns to the Board of Trustees. They will decide on ways to generate income and the allocation of moneys raised.

Please read the candidates' statements and responses to queries carefully before voting. Each of the candidates is a respected user, who has contributed considerable time and effort to making these projects a welcoming environment committed to the pursuit and free distribution of human knowledge.

Please rank the candidates according to your preferences by filling in a number beside the box (1 = favourite candidate, 2 = second favourite, ...). You may give the same preference to more than one candidate and may keep candidates unranked. It is presumed that you prefer all ranked candidates to all not ranked candidates and that you are indifferent between all not ranked candidates.

The winner of the election will be calculated using the Schulze method. For more information, see the official election pages.

For more information, see: