Boards training workshop April 2016

Focus of the training
edit- The objective of the third Boards training workshop is to support affiliates by improving the skills and competences of their board members by organizing a two-day training for recently elected board members.
- Knowledge and skills of individual board members and the quality of the board improves which will lead to better understanding of the role of the board and their responsibilities (and vice versa).
- The Board will work more effectively, which will lead to more informed decision making.
- Improved network of individual board members (e. g. closer connection between board members from different countries and trustful relationships), establishing constant cross-board relations leading towards more cooperation and knowledge sharing between boards.
And next to these direct objectives:
- This 3rd training should be the new starting point for a series of trainings. [1] [2]
- All material developed and used for this training will be published and lay a basis for an international, community-wide board-skill-documentation (“international board handbook”)[3]
editThe initiative for this training was taken by Tim Moritz Hector (WM Deutschland) and Frans Grijzenhout (WM Nederland). The other members of the projectboard are: Emeric Vallespi (WM France), Michael Maggs (WM UK) and Matttias Blomgren (WM Sverige).
Whom are we inviting / subscription
edit- In order to enhance the impact of the training, we decided to reduce the scope of this 3rd training. We plan to organize a training for newly elected board members from chapters or affiliates with staff or an ED, where the board is a governing body and not a managing or operational board. This will make it possible to pay more attention to: grant processes, relation board – staff and other issues that now pose obstacles for good board performance and growth.
- The third training will be open for recently elected board members and for board members of affiliates that are planning to hire their first paid staff member.
Logistics / Location and costs
edit- The training will be held in the two days preceding the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin and run parallel to the pre-conference. We will use the same location: Verlag Der Tagesspiegel, Askanischer Platz 3, 10963 Berlin. Please note that this is a seperate event only preceding the Wikimedia Conference. Attending the conference does not mean access to the workshop and vice versa.
- There will be a participation fee of € 60 to cover the costs of catering. WMDE is going to tell all the participants how to pay this after registration. Travel costs and accomodation must be arranged by the affiliate itself.
edit- The presentations of the sessions are available on the Documentation page.
- The project brief, the issue log, the evaluation of the training and other material about the organisation of the training are available. Please contact Tim Moritz Hector or Frans Grijzenhout.
editWednesday 20 April 2016
edit12:00 – 13:00 introduction
- Introduction to the training
- To know each other
13:00 – 13:30 lunch (outside / snacks)
13:30 – 15:30 session 1: Introduction to international relations
- Title: How are relations within the international Wikimedia movement established?
- Subjects: Brief introduction to international relations and communication. Short intro to the Board of Trustees, WMF-organization, international committees like FDC and Affcom, chapters and affiliates. International communication: In-person meetings like Wikimania, platforms like Meta, communication tools like Wikimedia-l. How to stay informed about actual developments?
- Form: Presentation, Q and A
- Goal: Better understanding of the organizational environment of Wikimedia. How to stay informed about actual developments and how to contribute.
- Trainer: Nicole Ebber
15:30 – 15:45 tea break
15:45 - 17:45 session 2: My task as a board member
- Title: What is the role of the board of a chapter and what is my task within the board?
- Subjects: Introduction to board responsibilities: legal (may differ per country), financial, other duties. Pay attention to the chapter agreement with WMF and the independent status of a chapter.
- Form: Practical session: design “job descriptions” for the board and for individual seats.
- Material available: Dutch examples of job descriptions.
- Goal: Get a better understanding of the responsibilities of the board and the individual seats.
- Trainers: Michael Maggs, Frans Grijzenhout
17:45 - 18:00 closing, wrap up
Thursday 21 April 2016
edit9:00 – 13:00 session 3: Tasks of boards and tasks of EDs (including coffee break)
- Title: What is the task of a board member vs. an ED / staff member?
- Subjects: What do you expect from your ED / staff? Make up a dual list: tasks of the board and tasks of the ED / staff. Personal feedback from EDs + chairs. Including the role of annual plans, reporting lines, communication board – staff, grant applications, do’s and don’t’s. Revisit the job-description of board members made in session 2.
- Form: Breakout-sessions.
- Material available: Dual list for the Dutch situation.
- Goal: Get the basics of good governance.
- Trainer: Ana-Maria Stuth
13:00 – 13:30 lunch
13:30 – 15:30 session 4: How can I fulfill my tasks as a board member and not burn out?
- Title: A personal question: How can I effectively fulfill my tasks?
- Subjects: Time management: not the broad motivational thing, but a hands-on approach for board members. Handles issues like: the preparation for board meetings, how and when to meet, reporting, follow-up, communication in between meetings. How do we effectively work as a group together.
- Form: Practice
- Goal: Help board members with personal effectiveness
- Trainer: Anna Troberg
15:30 – 15:45 tea-break
15:45 – 17:30 session 5: Conflict of interest
- Title: How to deal with issues regarding Conflict of Interest
- Subjects: Introduction: what is considered a Conflict of interest, some examples, prevention mechanisms.
- Form: Introduction, examples, with ample time for discussion
- Goal: Raise the awareness for Conflict of interest, including ways of prevention.
- Trainer: Asaf Bartov
17:30 – 18:00 closing, evaluation