Boards training workshop March 2014/Notes and resources



Please add your own reflections here.

Chris K

  • There was a good, frank discussion about challenges faced by all movement entities (we avoided "We've had this problem but can't admit it in front of XXXX body" and everyone was frank and open regardless of affiliation)
  • We stayed focused on common issues in governance (e.g. we managed to avoid "this idea doesn't apply in our country")
  • While there was a range of attendees from "big" and "small" organisations, everyone seemed to take something away from it
  • Perhaps the "strategy" session would ideally come before the "governance" session?
  • Lots of thoughts about potential training needs for the future. Interesting that the "burnout" session in particular brought out the need for 'soft skills' e.g. time management and conflict resolution which improve personal effectiveness.