
- 依下列章节编辑及整理:
- 持续、加载与共享
- 用PDF格式呈现 (example)
- 以ODF文本格式导出
- ordered as a printed book with PediaPress (example)
See this press release Wikis Go Printable for more information on this project.
The extension has been tested on *.wikibooks.org since October 2008 and is live in the German Wikipedia since January 27th 2009. Further deployments are scheduled.
您现在被跳转至此页面,是因为我们需要通知您维基百科即将部署该扩展。您需要事先进行一些设置,而这些页面(see all)能够为您提供指导。
- 翻译帮助。有四个帮助页需要翻译。参照#Pages used by this extension 上面的建议以了解如何能在你的维基上创建这些页面。
- 翻译图书工具的快速入门手册页
- 关于反馈页面,也许会在元维基上有许多页面需要找到过滤并翻译成英文的方法反馈。可以参照#Reporting Bugs, Collecting Feedback & Getting Help 上的更多信息。另外 some users often use the Help page discussion to comment on the tool, not on the Help.
- 讨论页上面的一个指向到反馈页面的链接解决了这个问题。
- Hint for translators: Give this extension a test drive at http://simple.wikipedia.org to get a better understanding of functions and concepts used with this extension. Also be mindful when translating the word "page" as it may refer to a wiki page (or article) as well as to a page in a PDF or printed book.
- 创建其他相关页、类型和模板。最有效的扩展部属,请参照 #Pages used by this extension。
- Collect a list of templates with content that should be omitted in PDFs, see #Templates to exclude in offline exports.
- Consider managing books to the benefit of all users, see #Organizing stored books
- Prepare MainPage for visitors brought by press coverage, see #Preparing MainPage
- 图书
- usually refers to a collection of pages (optionally with chapters, title, subtitle), may also refer to a derived PDF, a printed book or a stored book.
- 暂存图书
- a collection of articles, remembered in the current browser session. The list of articles of a transient book can be seen at [[Special:Book]].
- 收藏图书
- a stored collection of articles, persisted on a regular wikipage, either in the user namespace ([[User:Name/Books/Bookname]]) or the global namespace ([[Wikipedia:Books/Bookname]]). Stored books can be loaded. The transient book then is a copy of the stored book.
- 图书页面
- usually refers to [[Special:Book]] where all articles of a transient book are listed and the book can be modified, saved, ordered, exported. May also refer to a stored book.
- (图书)门户组件
- "create book" entitled box in the sidebar (encapsulates 'add/remove article'-, 'Show book (N articles)'-, 'Load book'-, 'remove book'-, 'Books help'-links).
- 图书帮助
- The main [[Help:Books]] page linked from the portlet.
- “离线输出”,“输出”,“打印中”,“打印本”,……
- refers to an export of a book either digitally (PDF, ODF) or physically (printed book).
- "Suggestions", "Suggested pages"
- refers to a feature that suggests pages that are related to the current set of pages in the book.
- Try to get concepts right. For example "Show Book (19 pages)" may be misinterpreted as if the PDF will have 19 pages although it will be based on 19 articles and probably will have lots more pages in a PDF or printed book. What does clear book refer to if one just loaded a stored book which now is also a transient book?
If you need to change messages, either change them in translatewiki.net (ext-collection) (effective after the next software update) or change them for the wiki by visiting [[Special:Allmessages]] and filtering for "coll-*" to see all related messages. A quick look at the source may help to find the right message identifier if in doubt.
Note: The metaphor book works good for most wikis. But it does not on *.wikibooks.org where it clashes with their concept of book. If you alter translations in translatewiki.net it might be good to notify all projects (e.g. wikibook) using the same language.
The localization of messages used in generated PDFs can also be change in translatewiki.net (mwlibrl).
- Double check with translatewiki.net to verify all system messages used in this extension are translated for your language.
List of all pages, categories, templates that should be created.
(requires no creation)- A special introduction page (the page shown when a user clicks on "Create a book") which allows to enable the "book creator" and transcludes a short help page. The name of this help page can be set in
The default is:Help:Books/Book creator text
i.e. a subpage of the configured help page named "Book creator text". [[Special:Book]]
(不需要创建)- A special page which allows all major interactions on transient books.
(不需要创建)- The rendering page shows a progress while the document is generated. Once finished it shows a download link to the document. It might also show an error if the rendering failed. Text can be configured in
. [[Special:Book/load_collection]]
(不需要创建)- Used when loading stored books. Visible to the user only if one wants to load a book although another one exists in the session. Text can be configured in
- Main help page (example) for this tool, linked from the portlet. Its location can be configured in the system message
- All templates linked from this page will be excluded in print. It is recommended to not use this feature as it is a centralized and inflexible approach. The [[Category:Exclude in print]] is suggest instead (see below). Location can be changed in
[[Category:Wikipedia:Book tool]]
- Used to store all documentation and related pages and templates.
- Category which tracks all stored books. This category is special as all included pages can be loaded as a book by a "load book"-link which appears in the portlet if one visits a page in this category. That said stored books are automatically added at creation time, while non-stored book pages should not exist in this category. Can be configured by
. You probably want to change this message to "Wikipedia:Books" (category "Books" is the default). [[Category:Exclude in print]]
- Used to track all templates that inject information which is useless or distracting in exports (see below for some motivation). Can be configured by
[[Template:Saved book]]
- This template (example) is automatically included at the top of every stored book. It can be customized to make a stored book-page more appealing and to hold some metadata. Location can be configured by
. [[Template:Hide in print]]
- This template (example) returns all markup that was passed in the first parameter (read: does nothing). If added to the [[Category:Exclude in print]] it allows to selectively omit content in printed books or PDFs. Very handy! You can name this whatever you like, but don't forget to add it to the category and document/link it in the expert's help. Note: This template received quick adoption and soon was one of the most included templates, so you might want to protect it.
[[Template:Only in print]]
and[[Template:PrintOnly in print]]
- This template (example) returns none of the markup that was passed in the first parameter, while the corresponding [[Template:Only in print/Print]] (example) returns the passed markup. See Help for experts for more on the */Print-subpage used to substitute templates in print. The prefix which is used to substitute templates in print can be configured by
Some communities may want to add some extra text to the license in the PDF.
The license to be included in the PDF is configurable by setting MediaWiki:Coll-license_url
to a URL which points to the raw wikitext that shall be used to render the license. By default on public Wikimedia sites this is set to https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Templates to exclude in offline exports
There are many templates with content which should be excluded in print versions. There are at least three major types:
- 维护消息
- They are useless and distracting in offline exports as one can not contribute if offline. Examples: Maintenance, Cleanup...
- 警告及提示消息
- They are useless and distracting in offline exports as users noticed them when selecting the content and choose to add it anyway. Examples: Sources of articles, Disputes, Deletion, General...
- 导航内容
- Navigation links are useless and distracting in exports. Examples: Compact TOC, Wikimedia sister projects...
It is recommended to identify and add relevant templates to this category early – before deployment if possible.
In German Wikipedia we were able to quickly identify 130 templates by having looked at related categories. We listed them all on one page and used a bot to assign the category. Only 14 templates were identified that needed to be added manually since then.
Hint: Some templates serve as templates for others. In such cases it may be sufficient to add this (parent) template to the category; resulting in the exclusion of a whole class of templates.
Communicating the availability of the book creator and printed books
It is possible to transclude a page at the PDF rendering page which is seen by a user if she clicks on Download as PDF. At this page users (who are obviously in some offline desiring state) can be introduced to the book creator and the option to get 'printed books.
See en:Help:Books/Rendering page info text for an example of this page on en.wp and here to see how it looks at the PDF rendering page.
If the page exists at the location configured in this system message Coll-rendering_page_info_text_article
(example on en.wp), it will show up on the PDF rendering page.
While many may enjoy creating their own books, others will be pleased if they can directly access books on certain topics.
The [[Wikipedia:Books]] page can be used to promote availability and accessibility of stored books. There is not much experience on this topic yet but some of the ideas that came up are listed in the subsections below.
- 提供一个创建“好书”的指南:
- 如何选择合适的标题
- 如何加入前言
- 如何选择标题;
- 推荐数量的文章
- Develop guidelines for books that are allowed to exist in the global namespace. These could require (examples):
- reasonable number of included articles (e.g. more than 5 less than 200);
- 包含意义明确的标题和副标题;
- 专注一个话题;
- 收录文章的合理的质量(例如无争议、stubs、candidates for deletion,等。)。
- Coordinate topics.
- 列出本周、本月或本年度的部分图书。
- 标注并推荐优秀图书。
- Add "There is a book on this topic"-box to related articles, categories or portals.
- Link or transclude parts of the bookshelf A-Z.
Stored books are tracked in the category [[Category:Wikipedia:Books]], but this gets crowded rapidly (de.wp is close to 1.000 stored books – mostly in user space – created within 10 days). Further the category view allows not to display metadata or access books by topic. It would be possible to link books to categories but this would either clutter the main categories with books or require/result in a replication of the category tree in a different namespace.
There is a bot that can automatically generate a bookshelf which allows to explore books by title (A-Z) or keywords. Of course a bookshelf can be created manually also. Visit the bookshelf page for more details on the bot approach.
MainPages next to portals are special as they often use a multi column web layout. Such pages look really bad in rendered PDFs (fixed width constraints of portrait-layout pages). But then again this is the page which almost every user new to this tool adds first to his book.
A workaround to avoid premature disappointment is to prepare MainPage to look better in PDFs. This can be done by using the [[Hide in print]] template in a way that MainPage (in printed) has no table at all or consists only of on column.
Another issue is the visibility of the portlet. Visitors (not you) to Wikipedia mostly simply ignore the sidebar. It might help if there is some notice about this new feature and a link to the help page on the MainPage's "News about Wikipedia"-box (if available at all) for a limited time.
There is a central feedback page at meta (in english) aimed to collect all feature requests, suggestions, bug reports, questions, etc. Non-english Wikipedias may want to setup a similar page (example) on their wiki and define some policy when and how issues are translated and escalated to the feedback page on meta.
使用component "Collection" 管理错误。
Experiences from past deployments
What worked: Reception of the tool was mostly positive. Many stored books were created in a short period of time. Media quickly covered this topic once there was a press release by the German chapter.
What didn't work: It was planned to limit the new tool to logged-in users for the first week. Somehow this plan was not executed. As a result the feature was activated while documentation and localization were not really finished. For some users the portlet did not show up on some pages, probably due to caching. The MainPage was not print-version friendly (see above). Finally there was a slashdot effect after the popular german online news magazin Heise covered the story. The rendering server collapsed (load close to 300) instead of serving visitors.
- October 2014: Book tool bug day.
- September 2014: statistics for sales have been updated till the end of 2013, at [1].
- 2013–2014 – See mw:PDF rendering and talk page for updates.
- 3 Mar 2009 – PDF-server update & ColExt update
- Important Change: The template substitution was changed from a prefix to a suffix */Print. The license to be included in the PDF is now configurable by setting
- updated to mwlib release 0.9.11 (changelog)
- updated to mwlib.rl release 0.9.8 (changelog)
- Collection-Extension was updated to trunk (changelog)
- Important Change: The template substitution was changed from a prefix to a suffix */Print. The license to be included in the PDF is now configurable by setting
- 19 Feb 2009 – PDF-server update & ColExt update
- 8 Feb 2009 – PDF-server update
- 27 Jan 2009 – PDF-server & ColExt update
mwlib + mwlib.rl are used for rendering documents, Collection-Extension implements the UI in Mediawiki