Kawijakan bot
The following page is a translation of cross-project policy into Sundanese language. Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this document and a translation, the original English version takes precedence. This page has been developed and approved by the community and its compliance is mandatory for all users. It must not be modified without prior community approval. |
Ieu kaca ogé mangrupa kawijakan di Meta, kaasup persetujuan bot otomatis jeung global. Pikeun rekés aksés bot di Meta, buka di Meta:Requests for adminship#Requests for bot flags.
Bot nyaéta prosés otomatis atawa semi-otomatis anu ngaropéa eusi kaca tanpa superpisi manusa sacara langsung. Kusabab bot bisa neken kamampu sumber daya serper atawa ngaruksak proyék, bot kudu tuhu kana kawijakan jeung tetekon di handap ieu. Ieu kawijakan nyurahan cara migunakeun bot dina proyék anu tangtu; bot anu henteu tuhu kana kawijakan bisa dipeungpeuk sagancangna nepi ka operatorna ngaropéa/nyaluyukeun masalahna.

Akun bot
Bot harus dijalankan menggunakan akun terpisah dari operator, karena tidak ada editor manusia yang diberikan status bot. Halaman penggunanya harus secara jelas dan gambalang menunjukkannya sebagai bot untuk membedakannya dari editor manusia, dan operator harus bersedia menjawab setiap komentar. Tidak ada pengguna yang diizinkan untuk menggunakan skrip penjawab otomatis. Beberapa operator mungkin memilih untuk mengalihkan halaman pembicaraan bot ke milik mereka, jika bot mereka tidak dikonfigurasi untuk mendeteksi pesan.
Aya tilu cara pikeun boga aksés bot di wiki.
Bot global
- Bot global dibéré aksés ka sakabéh wiki anu ngawenangkeun bot global (kudu écés disebutkeun dina kawijakan lokal, tingali béréndélanana). Pikeun jadi bot anu boga aksés global, aya sababaraha sarat:
- Operator bot kudu mitembeyan sawala paling lila dua minggu di Steward requests/Bot status#Global bot status requests;
- Sawala bakal dipublikasi maké MassMessage (Sawala bot global anyar), sahingga bisa dituturkeun ku anggota komunitas anu tumali;
- The bot operator must demonstrate the bot task is welcomed on multiple Wikimedia projects. A good way to show it is to be flagged on 5 or more wikis for a single task;
- The operator should make sure to adhere to the wiki's preference as related to the use of the bot flag.
- The global bot status gives the bot access to a restricted number of projects and wikis that allow global bot access. New wikis are added to this set by default. An exhaustive list of wikis that are not included is available. (You can request local bot flags on projects where global bots are not allowed.)
Persetujuan otomatis
If automatic approval is explicitly allowed on the wiki, bot operators can request a local bot flag directly from stewards. To qualify for this, the following requirements must be met:
- this must be permitted by the local bot policy or request page;
- the bot must edit regularly without a bot flag for at least a week or make 100 edits on the applicable wikis for demonstration purposes;
- the bot must only fix double-redirects.
Community consensus
Otherwise if there is a local community interested in processing bot applications, bots must obtain community approval on the most relevant local discussion page before editing without a bot flag at high speeds or without human supervision. Once there is consensus, a local bureaucrat will add the flag, or a steward may be requested to do so.
If there is no local community and the above does not apply, the bot must operate without a bot flag or not at all.
Unacceptable usage
- Controversial changes: Bots may be used to perform edits which are most likely supported by other local editors; they should never be used to perform controversial edits. If you intend to expand the scope of the bot beyond that which was supported by the community, make note of this at the relevant discussion page to ensure that there is no opposition. If your bot flag was given by automatic approval, you must not exceed the limits described under "Automatic approval".
- Data retrieval: Bots may not be used to retrieve bulk content for any use not directly related to an approved bot task. This includes dynamically loading pages from another website, which may result in the website being blacklisted and permanently denied access. If you would like to download bulk content or mirror a project, please do so by downloading or hosting your own copy of our database.
- Spellchecking: No bot may automatically correct spelling mistakes without explicit community approval, particularly in the main content namespace. It is not technically possible in most languages to automatically correct spelling mistakes without a significant margin of error.
Removal of global bot status
Global bot permissions will be removed:
- At the bot's operator request
- If the bot is persistently used to perform tasks that are outside the global bot remit
- If the bot is found to be inactive, with the following provisions:
- A global bot account is deemed inactive if it has not made any edits for a whole year on any project that allows global bot access.
- Before a global bot account's permissions are removed on the basis of inactivity, its operator must be notified at least on their home wiki(s) and at Meta-Wiki.
Although not required, the bot name should clearly contain the word "bot" in its user name to more easily distinguish it from human editors; the most common forms are derived from the operator's username (such as Pathosbot), or using disambiguation style (such as Xenophon (bot)).
Edit throttle and peak hours
Bots running without a bot flag should edit at intervals of over 1 minute between edits (= less than 1 edit per minute). Once they have been authorised and appropriately flagged, they should operate at an absolute minimum interval of 5 seconds (12 edits per minute). Bots should try to avoid running during the busiest hours, as they rapidly use server resources that should be reserved for human readers and editors. During these hours, they should operate at intervals of 20 seconds (3 edits per minute) to conserve resources.
Bots' editing speeds can be automatically adjusted based on server load (slave database server lag) by appending an extra parameter to the query string of each requested URL; see maxlag documentation on mediawiki.
Unless the bot is publicly stated to run autonomously, the operator should remain available, occasionally check for messages, and be ready to shut down the bot if it does not perform as desired or if complaints are received. If the operator is not available, the bot may be blocked until any issues are resolved.
Best practices
Please read wikitech:Help:Toolforge/Developing successful tools for strong recommendations that will make life easier for you and for everyone else in the future!
- Pick a license
- Publish the code
- Have co-maintainers
- Write some documentation
See also
- Bot global: global permission · global groups (toolforge) · béréndélan anggota · group changelog
- Global groups
- Global bot wikis: wikiset overview • wikiset changelog
- Bot status request to stewards
- About bots:
- Bot
- Interwiki bot and Interwiki sorting order
- Pywikibot framework (supports any MediaWiki installation)