Brazil Program/Education program/Communication/Textos para recrutamento de embaixadores

Situation and complication


One of our biggest limitations in the expansion of the Education Program in Brazil is having a strong base of Campus Ambassadors in order to support the professors. The Campus Ambassadors are the lifeblood of the program, and in order to succeed in different areas, we want to be able to provide this network of support to the professors.

Our first phase of the pilot (1st semester 2012) we were able to recruit enough ambassadors, but it was a little last minute. We are getting a lot of response to the Open Call for Professors, and we want to be able to support these professors as much as possible!

Strategies for increasing number of ambassadors


We are planning on expanding our number of ambassadors through the following recruitment flows:

Method Rationale Estimated # of ambassadors
1. Recycle past Campus Ambassadors Already experienced group; easy group to pull from, though only in SP or Rio ~5-8
2. Convert top students who participated Know how to edit; presumably are passionate about the program if they want to continue! ~1-2
3. Advertise via a geo-targeted notice to logged-in Wikipedians Some Wikipedians may not be aware of the program, or may have been unable to contribute last semester. This would extend our reach to a group of interested individuals we don't necessarily already know ~5-10
4. Ask all professors chosen if they have a student they would like to recommend for the ambassador program Incorporated in the Open Call, it provides at least one means of attempting ambassador recruitment in those regions ~2
5. Talk to the departments of the courses chosen to see if they have teaching assistants available The potential of utilizing "training assistants" of departments in the universities was suggested by several professors during our [[meetings in May 2012). This varies by both school and department, and we'll have to come up with clearer policies regarding paid vs. unpaid ambassadors, 0-2

The banner will allow us to extend our reach beyond only those users that we know.


The banner will be geo-targeted users of Pt.Wikipedia logged in from Brazil. Interested individuals will be able to sign up on the landing page and then attend an IRC session for more information.

  1. Look up coordinates for Brazil for the geo-targeting
  2. Write text for the banner (See US example
  3. Create landing page on pt.wp where interested individuals can sign up to attend an IRC session
  4. Submit edit request


Assunto do email
Convite para ser Embaixador da Wikipédia
Corpo do email

Caros estudantes,

gostaríamos de convidá-los a participar do Projeto Wikipédia na Universidade. Este projeto, iniciado em 2011 como parte do Programa Wikipédia no Ensino, tem como objetivo atrair e motivar estudantes, professores e universidades a utilizarem a Wikipédia como ferramenta de ensino, formando-se assim novos wikipedistas, bem como a produção/melhora de artigos na Wikipédia em língua portuguesa e a proliferação do conhecimento livre.

Se você quer saber mais sobre o projeto, contate os embaixadores mais próximo de sua universidade e participe.

  • Explicar o que um embaixador faz
  • Explicar sobre o treinamento e a tutoria da Wikipédia
  • Explicar como a pessoa pode participar
  • Link para página dos embaixadores

Equipe dos embaixadores da Wikipédia

Mais informações:
Contato: embaixadores-wikipedia



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