Brazil Program/Reports/September Report 2013




  • Educaca-br maillist mailing list was created and is working as a hub for discussions about the Wikimedia Education Program in Brazil, building connections, having experiences and strategies shared and allowing joint activities.
  • All teachers involved in the program and members of the Brazilian community was invited to join a mailing list (20 professors joined the list).
  • Translation and creation of all pages around the Education Extension (following the USA/Canada sample).
  • Rodrigo Padula has planned and travelled to USA to meet the education team and scheduled/participated in meetings at Wikimedia's office.
  • The team has advanced in the conversation with BandTec, UFRJ, UNIRIO, UFPF universities regarding the Education Program.
  • Discussed partnership with the Nova Escola magazine (the major magazine targeting professors in Brazil) editors: proposal includes new blog on the Magazine website written by Wikipedians and the Brazil Catalyst Program team, videos, hangouts and events.
  • Tried to make training module work on the PT Wikipedia - didn't work.

Data Analysis

  • Developed graph on access to the Portuguese Wikipedia on wmflabs -
  • Under development: script to get projects daily access data from dumps and make it available on tool labs [1].
  • Started efforts to localize STiki to ptwiki.
  • Helped community evaluating the usage of Gadgets on ptwiki.
  • Under development: a non-tech interface to add events on the PT Wikipedia timeline through editing Wikipages, so that any editor will help improve it in the future.
  • Contact made with researchers from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ([:pt:UFRJ]) and Faculdade de Tecnologia Bandeirantes (BandTec) that researches behavior on wikis an are willing to use ptwiki data in their work.

Participation in events

  • Oona in Fórum da Internet: see detailed report in Portuguese. Oona presented a lecture on Education, Culture and copyright, featuring Wikimedia projects, the education program and raising aspects to be considered in the new legislation on copyright. About 120 people attended the presentation. Major outcomes were:
    • Partnership with UFPA: meeting with the Federal University of Pará, in the north region of Brazil, whose International Relations rectory department wants to develop projects in partnership with Wikimedia movement, in order to publish content about the state of Pará on Wikisources, Wikiversity, Commons and Wikipedia. They want to get a formal contract with a Brazilian Institution (possibly our future partner) to be able to have expenses with the project (organizing a seminar, paying flights and hotels for speakers, etc).
    • Started discussing a Hackathon on MediaWiki and data analysis to happen just before the International Forum of Free Sotware (FISL) for 2014
    • Created a page at Wikimedia Brasil website to be a hub to keep track of documents and references on the Internet Civil Rights bill developed by civil society and researchers.
  • Rodrigo Padula organized and participated in the 4º Seminário de Educação e Tecnologia , event part of the Piraí Digital project. He presented a 2 days workshop for the teachers of the local schools, teaching strategies and metodologies about how professors can effectively apply Wikimedia's projects on the classroom.
    • During the event he had meetings with the event's organizers starting to plan a partnership with the local Pirai schools.
    • It has been proposed (and is under evaluation) the next activity including a workshop for all the teachers of the Pirai Digital project.
  • Rodrigo Padula proposed and planned the participation in the Iberoconf meeting - Mexico City
  • Henrique participated in Dev Brasil at Rio Info 2013 (on September, 19), event targeted at software developers aiming at creating networks for learning activities and technical knowledge sharing. Entitled "Colaboração, Comunidade e Compartilhamento", Henrique Andrade's presentation showed how to collaborate with the Wikimedia community by offering technical contributions. The debate brought up the possibility of creating a WikiProject at Wikibooks to write tutorials in Portuguese for recently launched programming frameworks.
  • On September 25, Henrique spoke at the Centro de Competências em Software Livre of pt:Universidade de São Paulo (CCSL-USP) receber - the free software center in the University of São Paulo. About 50 people (students, researchers and veteran wikipedians) attended the presentation. The debate was focused on the development and localization of tools to combat vandalism as well as on academic research opportunities. Those presentations aim at engaging more developers and data analysts in the Wikimedia community in Brazil.
  • On Septmber, 22, the 19th community meet-up in São Paulo took place at CCSP. Twelve people attend the meeting and they debated the participation of Brazilians at Wikimania 2013, the relationship with PRs at Wikipedia, tools to combat vandalism and ways of organizing the community work. It's expected to set up monthly meet-ups, hoping WikiSampa 20 will happen in October.