CEE/Newsletter/Newsroom/Wikimedia Serbia at November and December 2024

Wikimedia Serbia at November and December 2024
By: Gorana Gomirac (VMRS)

During November and December, Wikimedia Serbia continued successfully implementing activities within its programs. Workshops were held for students in Belgrade and Vranje, and new partnerships were established. Two important Wikipedian in Residence projects were completed at libraries in Arilje and Vranje, resulting in the digitization of hundreds of files and the creation of a substantial number of articles. An edit-a-thon was organized regarding the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the “In the World of Flora and Fauna” competition. The global #SheSaid campaign was also completed, with over 1,400 new quotes by prominent women added to the Wikiquote in Serbian. Wikimedia Serbia received accreditation from the National Library of Serbia to implement the Wiki Seniors in Libraries: Librarians as Creators of Innovative Knowledge for the Third Age in 2025. During this period, Wikimedia Serbia also celebrated its 19th anniversary, announcing the best projects of 2024 and awarding recognition to volunteers.

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Education Program
  • During November and December, efforts were made to establish, renew, and expand existing partnerships within the Wikipedia in Schools project with the following institutions:
    • Workshops were held for students at the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Belgrade, the Faculty of Education in Vranje at the University of Niš, and the Faculty of Contemporary Arts at the University of Business Academy in Belgrade. Participants will publish their articles on Wikipedia.
    • A new partnership was established and a workshop was held at the “Vuk Karadžić” Elementary School in Vranje.
    • A collaboration was planned with the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade and the Wikimedia community of Algeria.
  • Accreditation was obtained from the National Library of Serbia to implement the program Wiki Seniors in Libraries: Librarians as creators of innovative knowledge for the third age in 2025.
  • Wikimedia Serbia got a scholarship for participation in the EduWiki Conference in Colombia.
  • Wikimedia Serbia participated in the JuDig – South Slavic Languages in the Digital Environment conference and the Artificial Intelligence conference, where two research papers were presented.
  • A participation in the mentorship program organized by the Wikipedia & Education user group was agreed upon, with the aim of supporting others in developing educational activities.
GLAM Program
  • The Wikipedian in Residence projects were finalized, and reports were submitted to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia. During this period, two Wikipedian in Residence projects were completed:
    • In collaboration with the National Library "Dobrilo Nenadić" in Arilje, a two-month project was finalized, after which the equipment was provided for use by the library for the continued digitization of content. A total of 60 new articles were written and 465 files were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
    • In collaboration with the Public Library "Bora Stanković", a one-month project was carried out, and a repeat of the project is planned for 2025. A promotional event and a press conference were also held in Vranje to present the project's results. A total of 30 new articles were written and 200 files were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
  • Preparations for the #1Lib1Ref campaign were realized in cooperation with the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Preparation activities were done for establishing partnerships for 2025 with the City Library "Vladislav Petković Dis" in Čačak and the National Library "Vuk Karadžić" in Veliko Gradište.
  • An edit-a-thon was organized as part of the Wiki Librarians project, during which librarians created articles about Turkey. A total of 43 new articles were written and 2 improved by 10 librarians.
Diversity Program
  • Wikimedia Serbia has put a lot of work and effort into organizing diverse activities within the Diversity Program. During these two months, the following activities were held:
    • The competition “In the World of Flora and Fauna” ran from November 4th to December 4th, aiming to improve articles on Wikipedia about plants and animal life. A total of 6 editors participated, creating 21 new articles and improving 21 existing ones.
    • The global #SheSaid campaign contributed to increasing the visibility of women by creating and improving quotes on Wikiquote. A total of 1,434 quotes were added across 75 pages, and the most active participants were rewarded with book vouchers.
    • An edit-a-thon regarding the International Day of Persons with Disabilities began with a workshop for representatives of AIESEC, the Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia, and the Union of organizations for helping people with intellectual disabilities in Serbia. The edit-a-thon lasted from December 3rd to 10th, with 10 editors creating 26 new articles and improving one article on Wikipedia.
  • Wikimedia Serbia organized a celebration to mark the 19th anniversary of its work. During the event, awards were presented for the best project, best photo project, and best newcomer project for 2024. Travel cost reimbursement was provided for participants from outside Belgrade.
  • The final results of the Volunteer projects funding were published in December, with 9 projects selected for funding.
  • The Extraordinary Assembly of Wikimedia Serbia was held on December 8th, 2024.