CEE/Newsletter/October 2017/Contents/Ukraine report

Ukraine report: Meeting with the National Library of Ukraine

By Perohanych

On October 11, 2017, Yuri Perohanych, co-founder of Wikimedia Ukraine, held a two hours meeting at the main scientific library of Ukraine — the National Library of Ukraine named after Volodymyr Vernadsky. There were Volodymyr Popyk, General Director of the libryary, his two deputies, and about 40 library staff. The purpose of the meeting was: 1) to get familiar with the mechanism of Wikipedia's work; 2) to express thoughts on how to better capture the library's achievements in Wikipedia in connection with its upcoming 100th anniversary; 3) to outline the ways of further cooperation.

For many participants, a lot of information on the first issue was new. On the second issue, Perohanych advised to submit as much information as possible under the CC BY or CC BY-SA licences at the library's website, as well as in the literature that the library will issue for the anniversary. On the third issue, the library will identify and communicate the contacts of its coordinator.

On October 18, 2017 Yuri Perohanych took part in a round table "What should be the Ukrainian encyclopedia in the modern information society?" where he made a presentation "Use of free licenses when publishing encyclopedic articles". The round table was organised by the State Scientific Institution "Encyclopedic Publishing House".