CIS-A2K/Events/Advanced Wikidata Training 2018/Feedback/Bodhisattwa
Hello, thanks for participating in Advanced Wikidata Training 2018. This is the feedback time.

Please write in details on areas such as
- Event planning
- Training
- Logistics
- Management
For private feedback, send an email to tito For unidentified feedback, please use this form

Please share your detailed feedback below:
- Please summarize your experience in this workshop in 2-3 sentences? (How was you experience, was it helpful? Be innovative! You may write in text, or upload a video/audio etc)
- A: Overall, I can say, it was the most enriching Wikimedia workshop I have ever attended. It was really thrilling to sit together with the most experienced Wikidatans from different parts of India and learn from each other. I hope, the interaction doesn't end with this workshop and we can closely coordinate with each other in coming days.
- In a scale of 1–5 (where 1 means the lowest and 5 means the highest), would you join a similar Wikidata workshop in future? (write in details, please)
- A:
- Please explain in details what went well during the workshop?(write in details, please)
- A: The agenda of the workshop was focused and designed to update the participants to newest Wikidata technology. Asaf's unique style of delivering complicated stuff was highly enjoyable, as always. The interaction with each other also enriched me a lot in different ways. I wish, I had more time to learn.
- Please explain in details what would you have liked to be different?(how could we improve the workshop, write in details, please)
- A: Next time, I would like to attend a workshop which could be, maybe, 3-4 days long. 2 days were not enough. We missed sessions on complicated SPARQL queries because of time constraint.
- How do you plan to use and share your learning in near future?
- A: Like I have done it in previous workshops before, this time also, I will implement any learning experience, new to me, in different Wikiprojects.