CIS-A2K/Events/Online book re-licensing event with PAH Solapur University

CIS-A2K is working on various Wikimedia projects with partner PAH Solapur University for the last two years. The activity plan as per the MoU could not actualise this year due to pandemic. However, the online sessions on Wikimedia Commons and relicensing were held for members of Mass Communication department. In response to the appeal for relicensing during Marathi Language fortnight, the Vice Chancellor of University, Dr. Mrunalini Phadnavis released her book which was recently published. The Marathi book, Arthachya Awati-Bhawati deals with various aspects of global and Indian economy in lucid language. In response to this appeal, eminent scientist Prof. Madhav Gadgil also released two books under free license. Considering the importance of the content donation, Mass communication department of the University organised online publication and relicensing ceremony of the book in the presence of Prof. Madhav Gadgil. CIS-A2K facilitated the whole process.
The online programme was conducted on 24 January 2021. This one & half hour programme was attended by professors from different universities, writers and citizens. CIS-A2K representative explained the content generation process in Wikimedia projects with specific focus on relicensing. Prof. Gadgil elaborated on open knowledge platforms and status of Marathi language content on web. Author of the book, VC Mrunalini Phadnavis spoke about the contents of the book and expressed her wish to release more works under free license. Total 80-100 people participated in this event.
The University has decided to work on digitisation and relicensing programme in this year. We received positive response from many authors and copyright holders after the session. The event was well published by the media also.
