CIS-A2K/Events/Train the Trainer Program/2020/Feedback/Brihaspati
Hello, thanks for participating in CIS-A2K/Events/Train the Trainer Program/2020. This is the feedback time.
Please write in details on areas such as
- Event planning
- Training
- Logistics
- Management
For private feedback, send an email to tito+ttt For unidentified feedback, please use this form

Please share your detailed feedback below:
- Please summarize your experience in this training in 2-3 sentences? (How was your experience, was it helpful? Be innovative! You may write in text, or upload a video/audio etc)
- A: In one word pulchritudinous. Stay was amazing and so were all the sessions. I personally enjoyed the meeting with Wikipedians in the real life. I got too many innovative ideas to implement for my own community and I learnt many things like Wikidata, GLAM et al. which were not much known to me before attending TTT.
- In a scale of 1–5 (where 1 means the lowest and 5 means the highest), would you join a similar training programme in future and why? (write in details, please)
- A: 4. I would love to join such programs if scholarships will be provided and if I will have time. Meeting with Wikipedians fills our mind with fresh ideas and energy.
- Please explain in details what went well during the training programme?(write in details, please)
- A: Sessions were interesting; organisers took care that everyone can learn and speak in the event. Everyone was given enough time with breaks so that they can absorb maximum thing without any pressure. Food and stay were also astounding; I was introduced to many regional food items of the India. In addition, Wikipedians also followed CoC and made friendly space there. CIS-A2K's staff was also friendly and available when needed. Special care was taken to bring the different communities together and it was made sure that there will be exchange of ideas between communities or individuals.
- Please explain in details what would you have liked to be different and why?(how could we improve the training programme, write in details, please)
- A: First,location. Though I can understand that it was quite hard to find this much space in the Mumbai city but this was too much far. I came to the Mumbai but wasn't able to meet any Wikipedian staying in the city even though I planned. Second, sessions. We didn't get enough time to learn enough about technical things like Wikidata, soft and template making.
- How do you plan to use and share your learning in near future?
- A: Gujarati community may be going to digitise the library of the Surat for Wikisource and resource exchange. And, I am planning to take help of government for the Gujarati Wikipedia.
- Do you have anything to share?
- A: Do such events often.