CIS-A2K/Events/Train the Trainer Program/2020/Feedback/Rangan Datta Wiki
Hello, thanks for participating in CIS-A2K/Events/Train the Trainer Program/2020. This is the feedback time.
Please write in details on areas such as
- Event planning
- Training
- Logistics
- Management
For private feedback, send an email to tito+ttt For unidentified feedback, please use this form

Please share your detailed feedback below:
- Please summarize your experience in this training in 2-3 sentences? (How was your experience, was it helpful? Be innovative! You may write in text, or upload a video/audio etc)
- A:It was a great experience that involved lot of interactive sessions. It was extremely helpful and learnt a lot about wikipedia projects in other Indian languages.
- In a scale of 1–5 (where 1 means the lowest and 5 means the highest), would you join a similar training programme in future and why? (write in details, please)
- A:5. I would love to join similar training programmes especially those focused specified areas like wikivoyage, wikidata, etc.
- Please explain in details what went well during the training programme?(write in details, please)
- A:Everything went very well. The venue, food and the interactive sessions. The best thing I liked was the photo walk.
- Please explain in details what would you have liked to be different and why?(how could we improve the training programme, write in details, please)
- A:I would like to have a technical session in TTT with a brief inside into mediawiki
- How do you plan to use and share your learning in near future?
- A:I woulld love to conduct a national level wikivoyage workshop
- Do you have anything to share?
- A:Wish TTT a grand success for the years to come.