CIS-A2K/Reports/Newsletter/February 2020
Access to Knowledge
Review meeting and MoU with Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College
CIS-A2K entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to steward the growth of Kannada Wikipedia and to make available free knowledge in Kannada to all Kannada speaking people across the globe. The broad objective of this program is to insist on Writing Skills, Digital information literacy skills, Ability to critically engage with a concept/theme and Language proficiency skills on the students.
Internship Program On 21 February 2020 Wikipedia Internship Training was conducted for 18 students from the undergraduate courses in Alva's college. In this Internship, students work more intensively for 3 months on Kannada Wikimedia projects. In this training students were about some of the advance techniques on how to contribute to Wikimedia projects and enhance the quality of the Kannada Wikimedia projects read more...
Wikipedia Stall in Media Buzz 2020 On 28 & 29 February 2020 Alva's Journalism Department organised an International Conference. On this occasion, Wikipedia stall was set up in PG studies centre. The stall was arranged in a hall where the whole hall was decorated with Wiki specialities like Introduction to Wikipedia, collage of Alva's Wikipedia Student's Association photos, Event list, Wiki students profile, One of the best wiki articles of each user and Alva's wiki achievements slides. The main aim of this event was to spread the news that even common users can edit in Wikipedia and attract more number of students to the association and also get exposure of the Wikipedia community in the global level. read more...
Train the Trainer Program-2020 CIS-A2K conducted the seventh iteration of Train the trainer on 27 Feb to 1 March 2020 in Mumbai, where 28 community members from 13 different communities took part, we believe that in every experienced Wikimedian, there is a trainer. Trainers are like candles who can light up many other candles, they can inspire many other Wikimedians. This workshop attempts to groom such trainers read more...
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