CIS-A2K/Work plan July 2018 - June 2019/Budget

Main pageContent EnrichmentSkill BuildingPartnerships DevelopmentLeadership Building
Line item number Budget Head FDC(INR) FDC(USD)
Conversion rate: Indian national rupees (INR) 1 → US$ 0.015
1.1 Program Director 680,803 10,212.04
1.2 Program Manager 1,568,160 23,522.4
1.3 Senior Program Officer (Community and Program Support) 720,000 10,800
1.4 Program Officer (Communications & Documentation) 480,000 7,200
1.5 Finance Officer 840,000 12,600
Staff-salaries sub total 4,288,963 64,334.44
2 Program Expenses
2.1.1 Community Advocate (Community and Program Support) Kannada 360,000 5,400
2.1.2 Community Advocate (Community and Program Support) Marathi 480,000 7,200
2.1.3 Community Advocate (Community and Program Support) Odia 360,000 5,400
2.1.4 Community Advocate (Community and Program Support) Punjabi 300,000 4,500
2.1.5 Community Advocate (Community and Program Support) Telugu 480,000 7,200
2.1.6 Program Associate (Education program, cohorts, Metrics and Quarry Support) 360,000 5,400
2.1.7 Research Intern (Bridging Gender Gap) 240,000 3,600
2.1.8 Consultant: Tech Support 480,000 7,200
2.2.1 Volunteer support 1,250,000 18,750
2.2.2 Events (includes Workshops and meet-ups) 1,200,000 18,000
2.2.3 Digitization 240,000 3,600
2.2.4 Skill building 600,000 9,000
2.2.5 General Service & Support to the movement 800,000 12,000
2.2.6 Creating movement resources 200,000 3,000
2.2.7 Miscellaneous 120,000 1,800
2.2.8 Indian Wikimedians' Global Engagement 680,000 10,200
2.2.9 CIS-A2K members Global Engagement 400,000 6,000
Program Expenses Sub-total 8,550,000 128,250
3 Operational Expenses
3.1 Institutional development 1,500,000 22,500
3.2 Consumables 270,000 4,050
3.3 Equipment (with license) 280,000 4,200
Operational Expenses Sub-total 2,050,000 30,750
Grand Total 14,888,963 223,334.445