COME: Controversial Memory Together Exploring politics of memory in Bleiburg/Pliberk

COME: Controversial Memory Together Exploring politics of memory in Bleiburg/Pliberk
Bleiburg/Pliberk (Austria), 2-9 July 2023

About the project

In many European countries, the acceptance of right-wing populist and right-wing extremist ideologies is increasing. We stand against this! In this context, fascist groups use distorted or incomplete representations of history to give historical legitimacy to their ideological stance. An example of this is the myth of the "Bleiburg/Pliberk massacre", which is widespread in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. Until recently, thousands of Ustaša supporters, (neo-)Nazis, fascists, conservatives and church representatives gathered every year in May in the town of Bleiburg/Pliberk to commemorate the alleged victims of the so-called "Bleiburg/Pliberk Massacre" in May 1945. Especially since the 1990s, the commemoration on the occasion of this myth developed into one of the largest networking meetings of the extreme right in Europe. It was not until 2022 that the commemoration was officially banned by the Austrian federal government.

This youth exchange aims to engage young people (between 18-30) in activism against right-wing populism and right-wing extremism. Depending on the interests of the participants, they can create social media posts, create and/or revise Wikipedia articles, record podcasts, plan interviews, plan anti-fascist commemorative events, write journalistic articles, create exhibition concepts, make short films, design educational workshops and/or creatively produce literary writing during the exchange and afterwards.

This is the overview page of the Wikipedia part of the project.


  1. Shikeishu (talk) 10:39, 4 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]


Here we will list all articles that we edited during the project.

Article suggestions

Bild Article Description de en hr sh sl Σ
Wikidata st.
Bleiburg repatriations Incident in Yugoslavia at the end of World War II + + + + + 5 Q312388 6 +
Bleiburg view on maps municipality in Völkermarkt District, Carinthia, Austria + + + + + 5 Q871356 19 +
Croatian memorial at Loibacher Feld memorial site for Croatian Ustaše soldiers in Bleiburg/Pliberk (Austria) + - - - - 1 Q62071410 5 +
4 Independent State of Croatia view on maps World War II-era puppet state of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy (April 1941-May 1945) + + + + + 5 Q153128 28 +
5 Ustaše Croatian fascist and ultranationalist organization (1929–45) + + + + + 5 Q151179 17 +
Maja Haderlap (b. 1961) Austrian writer + + - - + 3 Q93959 21 +
7 Angel of Oblivion novel by Maja Haderlap - - - - - 0 Q27955303 4
8 Carinthian Plebiscite view on maps 1920 plebiscite in the southern portion of Carinthia + + + - + 4 Q692136 4 +
9 Austria victim theory Ideology that Austria was an involuntary victim of Nazism + + - + - 3 Q28221984 6
Nikola Mandić (1869-1945) Croatian politician (1869-1945) + + + + - 4 Q1561127 15 +
Ante Pavelić (1889-1959) Croatian fascist general and military dictator (1889-1959) + + + + + 5 Q36965 29 +
12 Moscow Declaration allied Powers' agreement in the wane of WWII + + - - + 3 Q698269 6
Jasenovac concentration camp view on maps concentration camp run by the Ustaše in Independent State of Croatia during World War II. + + + + + 5 Q155032 19 +
14 Jastrebarsko concentration camp view on maps concentration camp for children of the Independent State of Croatia + + + + - 4 Q1276289 7
15 Sisak II concentration camp view on maps concentration camp in the Independent State of Croatia + + - + - 3 Q1719420 4
16 Ernst Kirchweger (1898-1965) first Austrian after 1945 to die as a result of political violence (1898-1965) + + - - - 2 Q86316 15 +
17 Kreisky–Peter–Wiesenthal affair political and personal feud + + - - - 2 Q1787717 2
18 Kurt Waldheim affair international debate about alleged participation of Kurt Waldheim in war crimes during the NS regime + - - - - 1 Q1530225 6
Kurt Waldheim (1918-2007) Austrian politician and diplomat (1918-2007) + + + + + 5 Q1260 35 +
Wehrmachtsausstellung exhibitions on the war crimes of the Wehrmacht + + - - - 2 Q896407 8 +
Marko Perković (b. 1966) Croatian singer-songwriter - + + + + 4 Q935263 17 +
Thompson Croatian rock band + + - - - 2 Q15285649 11 +
23 Roma of Croatia ethnic group in Croatia - + + - - 2 Q3502513 1 +
Σ → Autolist→ map gallery 20 20 12 12 11 75 avg: 3\15\65% 285 Wikimedia Commons