CampaignEvents/Deployment status/pl

This page is a translated version of the page CampaignEvents/Deployment status and the translation is 55% complete.

This page provides the deployment status of the Campaign Event extension across various Wikimedia wikis. The Campaign Event extension provides features for event organizers and participants, such as the Event Registration tool, which allows organizers to create and manage event registrations directly on the wiki. This facilitates better organization, tracking, and analysis of events hosted within the Wikimedia community.

Current Deployment Status for CampaignEvents extension

Projekt Wiki
Test Wikis Testwiki, Test2wiki, beta cluster
Global wikis Meta-Wiki
Wikipedia Igbo Wikipedia, Swahili Wikipedia

How to Request the CampaignEvents Extension for your wiki

We are committed to enabling the CampaignEvents extension on more wikis. If you wish to see this extension enabled on your local wiki project, we invite you to follow the steps below:

  1. Get Community Consensus: Start a discussion on your community’s central discussion page (e.g., Village Pump) to get consensus for enabling the CampaignEvents extension.
    Note: If you have any questions, need a demo, or would like assistance with a community office hour, please feel free to get in touch with us. We are here to help!
  2. Utwórz zgłoszenie w Phabricator: Utwórz zadanie w Phabricator w ramach projektu "CampaignEvents", załączając link do dyskusji prowadzącej do osiągnięcia konsensusu przez społeczność. Użyj następującego szablonu dla zadania w Phabricator:

Szablon Zadania Phabricator

Title: Enable CampaignEvents Extension on [Twoja Wiki]


  • Wiki: [Adres URL Twojej Wiki]
  • Consensus Discussion: [Link do dyskusji, która prowadziła do osiągnięcia konsensusu przez społeczność]
  • Summary of consensus discussion: [Krótkie podsumowanie konsensusu osiągniętego w wyniku dyskusji.]
  • Expected Outcome: The CampaignEvents extension is enabled on [Twoja Wiki].
  • Other Information (optional): [Dowolne dodatkowe informacje lub specyficzne potrzeby dotyczące Twojej wiki]


  • Campaign-Tools, Campaign-Registration, CampaignEvents