CampaignEvents/Deployment status/pl
This page provides the deployment status of the Campaign Event extension across various Wikimedia wikis. The Campaign Event extension provides features for event organizers and participants, such as the Event Registration tool, which allows organizers to create and manage event registrations directly on the wiki. This facilitates better organization, tracking, and analysis of events hosted within the Wikimedia community.
Current Deployment Status for CampaignEvents extension
Projekt | Wiki |
Test Wikis | Testwiki, Test2wiki, beta cluster |
Global wikis | Meta-Wiki, Wikidane |
Wikipedia | Wikipedia w języku arabskim, Wikipedia w języku chińskim, English Wikipedia, French Wikipedia, Wikipedia w języku igbo, Wikipedia w języku indonezyjskim, Wikipedia w języku włoskim, Wikipedia w języku malajskim, Wikipedia w języku polskim, Wikipedia w języku portugalskim, Wikipedia w języku hiszpańskim, Wikipedia w języku suahili, Wikipedia w języku francuskim |
Wiktionary | Malay Wiktionary |
Affiliate wikis | Wiki Movimento Brasil, Wikimedia Ukraine |
Global Deployment Plan
We are excited to announce that the CampaignEvents extension will soon be rolled out to all Wikipedias in a phased global deployment! This extension provides tools that support editors who want to organize collaborative activities (such as edit-a-thons, data-a-thons, meetups, community calls, and WikiProject events) on the wikis. There are three main tools: Event Registration (for event management), Invitation Lists (for event promotion), and the Collaboration List (which helps people find events or WikiProjects that interest them).
The extension is currently on 13 Wikipedias (including English, French, and Spanish Wikipedia), Wikidata, and Meta-Wiki, among other wikis (see above for full list). With this incremental deployment process, we ensure a smooth transition that will allow time to address any challenges along the way. Below is our draft plan, including phases and tentative timelines. We have already started speaking with the identified communities and would love to hear your feedback!
Phase | Target Wikipedia | Proposed Deployment date | Status |
Phase 1 | Wikis already using the extension | Done✅ | |
Phase 2 |
April 2025 | Gathering Feedback |
Phase 3 | release to remaining Wikipedias | May – June 2025 |
Note: Timelines and phase details may shift based on technical needs or community input. Check back here for updates as we progress!
Want it sooner? If your wiki can’t wait for its scheduled phase, you can request early deployment! Follow the steps outlined in the How to request section below to get started. Requests will be prioritized in Phase 2 or earlier if capacity allows.
For Admins
As part of this rollout, local admins will manage the Event Organizer user right. We encourage communities to draft a policy for granting/removing this right – see examples at Meta:Event organizers and Wikidata:Event_organizers for guidance. Please start a discussion on your wiki today!
The Event-Organizer right gives admins the power to decide when and how the extension tools are used on the wikis. When the CampaignEvents extension is released on a wiki, the organizer-facing tools (Event Registration and Invitation Lists) can only be used if someone is granted the Event-Organizer right, which is controlled by wiki admins. The only tool that is available immediately after release is the Collaboration List, which is a read-only page that lists events and WikiProjects that people can join.
Share Your Thoughts
We want this rollout to work for everyone. Please share your feedback, questions, or concerns on this discussion page on or before March 31, 2025. Let us know what you think of the plan or if your wiki has specific needs!
Communities can also request the extension anytime by filling this Phabricator ticket
How to Request the CampaignEvents Extension for your wiki
We are committed to enabling the CampaignEvents extension on more wikis. If you wish to see this extension enabled on your local wiki project, we invite you to follow the steps below:
- Get Community Consensus: Start a discussion on your community’s central discussion page (e.g., Village Pump) to get consensus for enabling the CampaignEvents extension.
- Note: If you have any questions, need a demo, or would like assistance with a community office hour, please feel free to get in touch with us. We are here to help!
- Utwórz zgłoszenie w Phabricator: Utwórz zadanie w Phabricator w ramach projektu "CampaignEvents", załączając link do dyskusji prowadzącej do osiągnięcia konsensusu przez społeczność. Użyj następującego szablonu dla zadania w Phabricator:
Important Things to Know Before Enabling CampaignEvents on Your Wiki
Before you ask to Enable the CampaignEvents extension on your wiki, consider the following points:
- Event Organizer Right: Some features/tools in the CampaignEvents extension such as the Event registration tool and the new Invitation list, require a special user right called the Event organizer right. This right grants users access to these tools/features.
- Your wiki admins will be responsible for managing who gets the Event organizer right. your community/admins will need to decide the criteria or rules for who can get the Event organizer right. For example, they might require that a User must have No active blocks on the wiki, have a minimum number of edit counts on that wiki, etc.
- Granting and Removing Rights: Admins will give the Event organizer right to users who meet these criteria, and they can also remove the right if needed.
- Using the Meta Criteria as a Sample: If your community is unsure how to set these criteria, you can look at the Meta Event Organizers page as an example. This shows the criteria used on Meta Wiki, and your community can use it as a sample to create their own rules.