Chapters meeting 2009/Preparation/Wikimedia Indonesia

Quick facts

When was the chapter created?
22 Nov 2006: first discussion at a Wikipedia meetup
5 Sep 2008: notary deed signed
7 Oct 2008: approved by WMF
31 Oct 2008: first annual meeting
20 March 2009: officially announced in Indonesia.
What are the main changes that affected the chapter since then? (if any)
Number of members
19 (founders)
Around 300€ at the end of 2008, 4600€ planned for 2009

Success stories

  1. Two times invited in national seminar (INAICTA 2007 and 2008), although not yet formed as legal entity.
  2. Appointed as Affiliate Institution for Creative Commons in Indonesia
  3. Successfully negotiated a famous public figure (actor) as a "goodwill ambassador"
  4. Started a good relationship with the government (Ministry of Communication and Informatics)


  1. Lack of member/volunteer participation
  2. Lack of funds
  3. Lack of "benefits" for members

Plans for the future

  • Plans for the short term (1 year)
    1. Start relationships with more government institutions
    2. Increase number of members
    3. Organize routine Wikipedia workshops/seminars
    4. Finish "porting" Creative Commons into Indonesian jurisdiction
  • Plans for the medium term (3 years)
    1. Become government partner in spreading knowledge
    2. Achieve financial sustainability


  1. Learn about possible chapter projects and activities
  2. Learn about building a community: getting members and volunteers
  3. Learn about effective fundraising