Chapters meeting 2009/Schedule


Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd Saturday 4th Sunday 5th
9:30 – 10:00 Participants arrive / Sightseeing Opening & schedule / Committee assignments Summary of Friday & schedule Summary of Saturday & schedule
10:00 – 11:00 State of the chapters
(lightning talks)
Public outreach: current practices & ideas
(F. Schulenburg)
Content liberation
Visions, forecast & long term
Birds of a feather
11:00 – 12:00 Public outreach workgroups
Working with volunteers & local communities
Wrap-up & announcements
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Funding & fundraising: current practices & ideas
(R. Montoya)
Relationships between chapters
Trademark policy and chapter agreements
(M. Godwin)
Common projects
Participants leave / Sightseeing / Committee meetings
14:00 – 15:00 Funding & fundraising workgroups
"Relationships between chapters" workgroups
Common projects workgroups
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break Coffee break
15:30 – 17:00 Funding requests process
(E. Möller)
Communication & Marketing: current practices & projects
(C. Schoneville & G. Paumier)
Committee meetings
17:00 – 18:30 Success stories
Communication & marketing workgroups
Development of chapters & relationships with the foundation
(discussion with WMF board)
18:30 – 19:00 Wrap-up
19:00 – 20:30 Dinner Dinner Party
evening Informal exchange of ideas / wiki lounge (C-base) Informal exchange of ideas / wiki lounge (C-base) / Committee meetings

Thursday 2nd


Most of the participants will arrive on Thursday evening, some on Friday morning.

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Friday 3rd


Opening & schedule


S. Moleski, G. Paumier, facilitator

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State of the chapters

Speakers: chapters representatives
Moderator: facilitator
Goal: giving all attendees an overview of the wikimedia chapters universe and sparking off ideas

The "state of the chapters" session will consist of lightning talks. Each chapter will have 5 minutes to present themselves, according to the proposed outline:

  1. Quick facts: When was the chapter created? Main changes since then, current number of members, current budget
  2. Success stories: things you're proud of
  3. Headaches: frustrating things that didn't work (why?)
  4. Plans for the future: short term (1 year) and medium term (3 years)
  5. Expectations: 3 top expectations from the chapters meeting

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Speaker: Rand Montoya
Moderator: facilitator
Session: presentation & discussion
Goal: giving an overview of current practices & ideas regarding funding and fundraising in the chapters and at the foundation
  • Current and best practices in the chapters and at the foundation
  • Breakdown of money from membership fees / donations / grants / merchandise sales / events / other
  • The annual fundraiser and chapters' participation: What worked, what didn't. See also Fundraising 2008/Report
  • Identifying key topics that will be discussed in small workgroups

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Funding & fundraising workgroups

Participants: chapters representatives, Rand Montoya
Session: workgroups
Goal: exploring & discussing ideas to come up with SMART goals to raise more money and to address the issues raised during the discussion before
Possible topics
  • Fundraising strategies: how chapters can fund-raise better
  • Government aid or European funds
  • Localization of the annual fundraiser: donation channels, local banners, local bank accounts
  • How to avoid leaning too heavily on membership?

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Relationships between chapters

Participants: chapters representatives, ChapCom (Delphine Ménard, Austin Hair, Anders Wennersten)
Facilitator: facilitator
Session: discussion
Goal: sharing experience regarding the relationships between chapters, and identifying issues to be discussed by the workgroups
  • Coordination of chapters
  • Regional cooperation
  • Real-life meetings
  • Chapters in the making: how the process goes, what existing chapters could do to help future chapters

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"Relationships between chapters" workgroups

Participants: chapters representatives
Session: workgroups
Goal: exploring & discussing ideas to come up with SMART goals to improve the relationships between chapters and to address the issues raised during the discussion before
Possible topics
  • Coordination of chapters (body/person ?)
  • Relationship of national chapters to sub-national chapters
  • Regional meetings

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Funding requests process

Speaker: Erik Möller
Mediator: facilitator
Session: presentation & discussion
Goal: presenting & discussing the WMF grants process

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Success stories

Participants: chapters representatives
Moderator & facilitator: facilitator
Session: presentations & discussion
Goal: sharing experience on things that worked
Possible topics
  • Local partnerships (WM-DE & CC, WM-SR & CC)
  • Organizing Wikimania (WM-TW, WM-AR)
  • Wikipedia takes a city, Wikipedia loves art (WM-NYC, WM-UK)
  • Local upload initiatives. Wikiportret, Pikiwiki (WM-NL, WM-IL)

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Communication & Marketing: current practices & projects

Speakers: Catrin Schoneville, Guillaume Paumier
Moderator: facilitator
Session: presentation & discussion
Goal: giving an overview of current practices & projects regarding communication, marketing & PR in the chapters
  • Best practices in a global public relations practice
  • Promotional materials: best practices; are their useful, and if yes, for what purpose
  • The PR strategy - strategy plans do we have for the next years?
  • PR material cleanup and PR material revamp

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Communication & marketing workgroups

Participants: chapters representatives, Catrin Schoneville, Guillaume Paumier
Session: workgroups
Goal: exploring & discussing ideas to come up with SMART goals to improve communication, marketing & PR
Possible topics
  • Possible cooperation in creating and distributing better promotional materials
  • Our official face online
  • A short media relations training opportunity

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Saturday 4th


Public outreach: current practices & ideas

Speaker: Frank Schulenburg
Moderator: facilitator
Session: presentation & discussion
Goal: giving an overview of current practices & projects regarding public outreach in the chapters and at the foundation
  • Overview of the current practices amongst chapters
  • Public outreach at the foundation
  • Overview of existing outreach tools; Which tool for which purpose?
  • New ideas (including the "bookshelf")

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Public outreach workgroups

Participants: chapters representatives & Frank Schulenburg
Session: workgroups
Goal: exploring & discussing ideas to come up with SMART goals to improve the public outreach activities of the chapters
Possible topics
  • How to approach different groups, e.g. universities
  • How to get people involved in editing or how to get the academic circle to participate in the quality control of articles

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Content liberation

Participants: chapters representatives
Mediator: facilitator
Session: presentations & discussion
Goal: sharing experience regarding a few examples of content liberation following collaborations between wikimedia chapters and organizations

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Working with volunteers & local communities

Participants: chapters representatives
Facilitator: facilitator
Session: discussion
Goal: sharing experience & issues regarding the recruitment & motivation of volunteers & the relationships with local communities
Possible topics

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Trademark policy and chapter agreements

Speaker: Mike Godwin
Moderator: facilitator
Session: presentation & discussion
Goal: presenting & discussing changes in the trademark policy & chapter agreements
  • Recent and upcoming changes in the chapters agreements and in trademark policy
  • New logo to be used by the chapters

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Common projects

Speakers & participants: chapters representatives
Session: discussion
Goal: sharing experience regarding common projects & ideas, and identifying a few specific topics to be discussed by the workgroups
  • Regional cooperation
  • Political lobbying
  • Technical stuff
  • Events

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Common projects workgroups

Speakers & participants: chapters representatives
Session: workgroups
Goal: exploring & discussing specific topics to come up with SMART goals to plan common projects
Possible topics
  • Regional cooperation
  • Political lobbying
  • Toolserver
  • Mediawiki development
  • Year of the picture

Note: Technical discussions (Toolserver, Mediawiki development) may be moved to the BOF on Sunday morning, depending on the availability of Duesentrieb, Brion & Tim.

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Development of chapters & relationships with the foundation

Participants: chapters representatives, board & executive staff of the Wikimedia Foundation
Facilitator: facilitator
Session: plenary session; presentation & discussion
Goal: presenting the "Strategy development process" and discussing communication issues between the chapters and the foundation
  • Strategy development process for Wikimedia
  • Communication between Foundation Board, Officers, Committies and Chapters. How to improve it.
  • "Foundation FAQ for typical queries" and "service paths" for typical office actions

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Sunday 5th


Visions, forecast & long term

Participants: chapters representatives, general public
Session: workgroups or discussion
Goal: discussions about long-term goals
  • "Be bold"
  • What do we want for the future?

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Birds of a feather

Speakers: chapters representatives, general public
Facilitator: facilitator
Session: workgroups
Goal: discussing specific topics identified during the meeting

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Wrap-up & announcements

Speakers: chapters representatives
Moderator: Catrin Schoneville
Session: announcement
Goal: wrapping-up the meeting and announcing its outcomes
Possible topics
  • Agreements
  • Chapter-selected board members

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Participants: chapter representatives, WMF staff members
Goal: discussing specific topics in small persistent groups
  • focused topical, small workgroups of interested participants who meet several times over the course of two days
  • results are intended to be presented to, debated by and adopted by the whole group
  • some workgroups may remain functional past the event
Possible topics
  • creating a common set of expectations for fundraising with the foundation
  • setting up common projects undertaken by multiple chapters
  • negotiating business development/trademark usage rules for chapters

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Summary & schedule

Speaker: facilitator
Goal: reminding the participants of the outcomes from the day before and announcing the schedule of the day

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Speaker: facilitator
Goal: Summarizing outcomes of the day.

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Coffee breaks


Tea, coffee & orange juice will be proposed.

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Lunches will be served at the venue. Vegetarian food is possible on request.

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Dinner on Thursday will take place in a Greek restaurant called dionysos. Dinner on Friday will be served at the venue. Food on Saturday evening will be proposed during the party.

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The office of Wikimedia Deutschland is currently trying to organize some sightseeing for Friday evening. In any case, participants who arrive early or leave late are welcome to organize other visits on WMCON/Sightseeing.

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We're planning a party at the C-base (venue of the MediaWiki Developer Meet-Up) on Saturday night.

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