Chapters meeting 2010/Schedule


Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th Sunday 18th
09:00 Participants arrive / Sightseeing Walk-in Walk-in Walk-in 09:00
09:15 09:15
09:30 Opening & Introduction Introduction 09:30
09:45 State of the Chapters II 09:45
10:00 State of the Chapters I Introduction 10:00
10:15 Professionalization II Institutional Partnerships 10:15
10:30 10:30
10:45 Wrapup developers 10:45
11:00 Break Break 11:00
11:15 Working Groups 11:15
11:30 Strategy Plan Walkthrough 11:30
11:45 Break 11:45
12:00 12:00
12:15 Wrapup, Report to the World 12:15
12:30 12:30
12:45 Lunch
WMDE experiences and practices
13:00 13:00
13:15 13:15
13:30 Lunch Lunch 13:30
13:45 Working Groups continued 13:45
14:00 14:00
14:15 14:15
14:30 Roles in the movement Outreach Case Studies I 14:30
14:45 Working Groups reporting & discussion 14:45
15:00 15:00
15:15 15:15
15:30 Break Break 15:30
15:45 Professionalization I Volunteer recruitment and support 15:45
16:00 New Chapters Outreach Case Studies II 16:00
16:15 16:15
16:30 16:30
16:45 Break 16:45
17:00 17:00
17:15 Chapter selected board seats Financial Collaboration Workshop: Grants and more 17:15
17:30 Break & Wrapup 17:30
17:45 17:45
18:00 18:00
18:15 Break & Wrapup 18:15
18:30 18:30
18:45 18:45
19:00 Welcome dinner 21:00h: Attendee Party 19:00

Thursday 15th


Most of the participants will arrive on Thursday during the day.



On Thursday evening 15th of April, there will be a welcome party and opportunity to mingle with the developers with snacks and beer from 19-22h (7 pm to 10 pm) at Zanox. We have also reserved the boat lounge to mingle, have a drink, a chat or just relax with a nice view over the river Spree later on. Please first check in at your hostel, /then/ go to Zanox to check in for the conference there and pay for the accommodation. If you arrive too late, please be earlier the next morning to check in. At the check-in you will receive a schedule, badge and public transport tickets.

Friday 16th


Opening & Introduction

Duration (min): 30

The meeting will be opened (welcome by WMDE, Zanox), and the facilitators will introduce themselves, explain how they will work and what is being expected.

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State of the Chapters I


Documentation: Slides for several countries, please see below.

Duration (min): 45
Speakers: chapters representatives
Goal: giving all attendees an overview of the wikimedia chapters universe and sparking off ideas

The "State of the Chapters" session will consist of lightning talks. Each chapter will have 3 minutes (not more!) to present themselves. They will be welcomed to introduce whatever topic about their chapter they think is important to share with the rest of the group, such as most important activities from the last year, future plans or encountered problems. Part of the chapters will present on Friday morning, part of them on Saturday morning. Please see the preparation page for more details about what to prepare.


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Wrapup developers

Duration (min): 15
Speakers: D. Kinzler
Goal: giving all attendees an overview of the outcomes of the Developer meeting previous to the chapters meeting

During the Wrapup from the Developers, Daniel Kinzler will give an overview of what results have been accomplished during the developer meeting the two days preceding the chapters meeting.

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Strategy Plan Walkthrough


Documentation: See slides below. Also: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Strategy walkthrough

Duration (min): 120
Speaker: Sue Gardner
Goal: To provide the Wikimedia Chapters representatives a high-level understanding of the outcomes of the Strategy Project.

Last July, Wikimedia launched a movement-wide strategic planning process, designed to develop a five-year strategic plan for the Wikimedia movement. Since then, over 950 people have edited the strategy wiki, and countless others have helped contribute to this ambitious initiative. Extensive research and discussions have resulted in some initial conclusions that continue to be refined. This session will be an opportunity for Chapter representatives to hear first-hand about the emerging five-year strategy and how the Wikimedia Foundation is reacting in response to this strategy, including its revenue strategy and its upcoming "boots on the ground" experiments. We hope that it will spur discussion of how the Chapters might react based on this emerging research and analysis.

  • Strategy Presentation

Media:Wikimedia Foundation Strategy Project Chapters Presentation 2010.pdf

  • Chapters Market Penetration April 2010

Media:Wikimedia Chapter Market Penetration April 2010.pdf

  • Wikimedia Strategy Plan Summary

Media:Chapters Wikimedia Strategy Plan Summary.pdf

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Roles in the movement


Documentation: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Roles movement

Duration (min): 60
Introduction: Jan-Bart de Vreede and Arne Klempert
Goal: Introduction and discussion about "organizational development" of the Wikimedia movement in general and especially about a process to get clarification around roles and responsibilites

see mail on internal-l

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Outreach Case Studies I


Documentation: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Outreach I

Duration (min): 60
Introduction: General introduction: Frank Schulenburg or Pete Forsyth, case introductions: Mike Peel and Pete Forsyth
Goal: Get an in-depth understanding of the offered cases, the encountered difficulties and advantages. Explore the options to scale up to multiple chapters / use elements of the concept.
Description: Outreach is one of the larger activities of the Wikimedia chapters. This session will contain two case studies of outreach projects:
  • "Public Policy Initiative and Bookshelf Project" (Wikimedia Foundation) - introduction Pete Forsyth

The Wikimedia Foundation is embarking on a 17 month Public Policy Initiative, which aims to support public outreach to universities and other new Wikimedians in two ways: (1) by establishing a model for engaging academia in our projects, and (2) by developing infrastructure (such as a commuity of "Wikimedia ambassadors," a live chat system, etc.) that will support such efforts going forward. The Public Policy Initiative will also be our first major effort built around the educational materials developed in the Bookshelf Project. We hope to hear about relevant experiences the chapters have had, and to discuss ways to work together in engaging academia in our projects.

  • Britain loves Wikipedia / Wiki(pedia) Loves Art (Michael Peel)

Britain Loves Wikipedia was a photo competition held in 20 museums across the UK, which yielded 560 high-quality photographs of museum objects. However, participation was not as high as was expected; this session explores what worked and didn't work with the project, compared with more successful projects carried out by WMNY and WMNL. Slides

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Professionalization I


Documentation: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Professionalization I

Duration (min): 60
Introduction: facilitator (Anja)
  • Get an overview of the current status of professionalization:
    • Which chapters have reached a certain level of professionalization staff wise
    • Which chapters are working on it
  • Share some experiences and lessons on how to approach this
  • Find out if there are ways to help each other

Several chapters have been working on professionalization of their organization in one way or another. Other chapters have been thinking about this, and are trying to hire staff.

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Chapter selected board seats


Documentation: private: on the chapterswiki

Duration (min): 60
Introduction: (deputy) moderator selection process
Goal: Set up a profile of the ideal candidate.

The chapters are allowed to select two board members of the Wikimedia Foundation every two years. In July 2010, two seats have to be filled again. This session is about those two seats, and what kind of candidates would be most suitable.

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Volunteer recruitment and support


Documentation: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Volunteer recruitment

Duration (min): 60
Introduction: Facilitator (Anja)
Goal: Get an overview of the problems that play around volunteers in Wikimedia Chapters, define some of the problems and possible solutions.

Wikimedia Chapters are all floating on their volunteers. It is however not always easy to get new volunteers for the chapter activities, and to retain the current ones. This session is about those volunteers.

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Financial Collaboration Workshop: Grants and more

Duration (min): 60
Introduction: E. Möller
Goal: Give an overview of WMF's chapters grant funding process and planned grantmaking activities, and discuss other funding collaboration models.
Description: Beginning in the fiscal year 2009-10, the Wikimedia Foundation has instituted a grantmaking program which funds chapter projects. In this workshop, we'll review the projects funded so far, what's worked well and what hasn't, and the parameters of the 2010-11 grantmaking process. We'll also discuss about other models of financial collaboration - jointly funded projects, chapter grants to other chapters, etc.

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Saturday 17th


State of the Chapters II


Documentation: See slides linked below per country

Duration (min): 75
Speakers: chapters representatives
Goal & Summary: see State of the Chapters I


  • France slides (paper version also available during the chapter meeting)
  • Hungary (slides)
  • Indonesia
  • Israel
  • India
  • Italy
  • Macedonia (unable to make it)
  • Netherlands
  • Norway slides
  • Philippines (slides)
  • Poland (slides)
  • Portugal
  • Serbia
  • Russia
  • Sweden
  • Ukraine (slides)
  • United Kingdom - slides
  • United States - New York

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Working Groups


Documentation: Per working group. See below.

Duration (min): 90+60+45
Introduction: Facilitators
Summary: There will be 4-5 working groups during this session. Topics are currently under consideration. Please join the topic process on this page.

Working groups:

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New Chapters


Documentation: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/New chapters

Duration (min): 90
Introduction: Chapters Committee representative
  • Define what the balance between control and accessibility for new chapters could/should look like
  • Define problems that chapters-to-be currently are encountering
  • Evaluate some possible solutions

Candidate chapters are going through a process that is watched over by the chapters committee to become a chapter. This session is about that process, the balance that should be struck and in which ways candidate chapters can be supported in their process. Another possible angle would be to look at what happens to chapters once approved: in which way can they be helped to get on the rail and running.

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Outreach Case Studies II


Documentation: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Outreach II

Duration (min): 90
Introduction: facilitator (Anja), Jose (WMNL)
Goal: See Outreach Case Studies I

Two more case studies:

Wikimedia Nederland and public libraries in the Netherlands have initiated a joint project to promote the quality and use of Wikipedia. The project aims at establishing a structural and lasting cooperation between Wikimedia and the public libraries sector. The activities will focus on media literacy and local cultural heritage.

The Netherlands Public Library Association supports the project and has formally commissioned the library of VLissingen to establish the cooperation and develop and test materials and best practices. The project will address proper (active and passive) use of Wikipedia, careful and accurate content creation and the development of library services to foster the quality of Wikimedia's projects.

All materials and best practices that will be developed and tested in the pilot project in Vlissingen are designed to be adopted by other libraries.

  • Also a broader discussion of 30 minutes about the big picture, lessons to learn and combining the insight from all case studies.

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Wikimedia Deutschland experiences and practices


Documentation: ??

Duration (min): 60
Introduction: Sebastian Moleski
Goal: sharing our experiences with those chapters interested in them

This optional session during lunch is an open exchange about Wikimedia Deutschlands experiences and practices as it has developed into the organization it is today. This is an opportunity to ask questions and discuss over food in a relaxed setting.

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Sunday 18th


Professionalization II


Documentation: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Professionalization II

Duration (min): 90
Introduction: Facilitator (Anja)
Goal: Get an overview of processes that can be professionalized better...

Professionalization in working methods etc can happen by empowering the volunteers to let them do their job on a more professional level. This session is about how this can be done, how volunteers can be helped to work more professionally.

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Institutional Partnerships


Documentation: Chapters meeting 2010/Documentation/Institutional Partnerships

Duration (min): 90
Introduction: Asaf Bartov
Goal: Share knowledge, lessons learned and ideas about current, coming up and potential institutional partnerships.
  • What are institutional partnerships
  • What kind of partnerships are already happening
  • What are some of the possible benifits to both parties
  • What are institutions usually looking for, and what absolutely not
  • What are some lessons that have been learned
  • Some other relevant things you might think of

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Report to the World


Documentation: ??

Introduction: Facilitators
Goal: Write a comprehensive short report about the discussed topics, some of the most important outcomes and lessons.

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