This page is a translated version of the page Chinese Wikipedia and the translation is 56% complete.




始於: 二〇〇一年五月。翌年十月始書漢文。

今其宏渺: 文凡一四六三四〇一

纂凡: 八五七九五五五八

勤筆者: 前月有七〇三七

  • 於中華人民共和國見禁(見維基媒體項目封鎖
  • 以中、港、臺等地風俗之異、譯本之差,相爭相持之事常有。其言政之文尤然。故耗時以平爭端,以築共識,實屬必要。
  • 止毀機僕甚缺。
  • 善譯者寡閒,而閒者不善譯,是以譯文常不全。
  • 網上
    Baidu Baike (百度百科)
    Britannica Online (大英在線)
    Wordpedia (智慧藏百科全書網)
    Yahoo! Answers (雅虎知识堂 / Yahoo!奇摩知識 / 雅虎知識+)
    諸站(爲鏡者(mirror sites)尤然)引白話維基之文而不思源者眾。
  • 印刷媒體
    Encyclopedia of China (中国大百科全书)
    Taipedia (台灣大百科全書 | Grand Taiwan Encyclopedia)


  • 爲中華人民共和國所封,曁解封
  • January 2005 - new Chinese mapping software
  • 二〇〇六年八月,首屆中文維基年會舉於香港。
  • Cooperation among Taiwan, HK and PRC users, has created better understanding of respective viewpoints.


What language features are challenging?
  • At least two main writing systems exist - 繁體字並簡化字 Until January 2005, zh.wp was a mix of articles of both types depending on the origin of the article creator/editors. User:Mountain helped create a generic automated mapping system which has helped other languages as well, such as Serbian. See the article: Automatic conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese
What would surprise the outside reader about the community?
What are some unique practices/characteristics?
  • TK
Who were the earliest participants, who started it?
  • Mountain & Formulax
Other prominent Wikipedians?
