Community Engagement Insights/2016-17 Report/Question 238.01-ED11

Question 238.01 (ED11)

Below, we have listed different social problems that some Wikimedians are concerned about.

Please rate the severity of each issue within the Wikimedia project(s) where you contribute: - Harassment

Median = 2
12% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – None (39%)
2 – Very mild (16%)
3 – Mild (13%)
4 – Moderate (14%)
5 – Severe (9%)
6 – Very severe (8%)
31% of sampled editors who participated in the survey rated harassment as a moderate, severe, or very severe social problem in the Wikimedia projects in which they contribute.


Response statistics Value
Total participants[?] 3439 (100%)
Answered question[?] 3337 (97%)
Skipped question[?] 102 (3%)
Dropped out[?] (not available)
Selected not applicable[?] not an option
Participants in graph (n)[?] 2951 (86%)
Margin of error[?] n/a
Descriptive statistics Value
Normal distribution[?] No
Mean[?] 2.61
Median[?] 2
Mode'[?] 1
Standard deviation[?] 1.67
Interquartile range[?] 3