Community Engagement Insights/2016-17 Report/Question 517-TC55


Question 517 (TC55)

Which of the following Wikimedia Foundation supported projects have you heard about (select all that apply)

Participants could select more than one option

0% did not select an option [?]

1 – Code of Conduct for Wikimedia technical spaces (77%)
2 – Technical Collaboration Guideline (39%)
3 – Community Wishlist (82%)
4 – Google Summer of Code (90%)
5 – Outreachy (46%)
6 – Google Code-in (55%)
7 – Wikimedia developer events (e.g. Wikimania or Wikimedia Hackathons) (92%)
8 – Tech News (69%)
9 – VisualEditor newsletter (51%)
10 – Discovery weekly (35%)
11 – Collaboration team newsletter (24%)
12 – Trello (4%)
13 – IRC (55%)
14 – Other (specify): (8%)
15 – Gerrit (38%)
16 – Wikitech (30%)
17 – Tool Labs (41%)
From the technical contributors who participated in this question, the four Foundation supported projects that technical contributors reported being aware about were Wikimedia developer events (92%), Google summer of code (90%), Community wishlist (82%), and Code of Conduct for Wikimedia technical spaces (77%). The projects that technical contributors were least aware about were Trello (4%), Collaboration team newsletter (24%), and Wikitech (16%).


Response statistics Value
Total participants[?] 71 (100%)
Answered question[?] 71 (100%)
Did not select an option[?] 0 (0%)
Dropped out[?] (not available)
