Community Insights/2016-17 Report/Affiliates

Community Engagement Insights 2016-17 Report

Goal 1 - Improving new editor engagement


Question 401 (ED16)

In which country do you currently reside? (Optional)

' Median = n/a

1 – Central America (1%)
2 – Caribbean (0%)
3 – Central Asia (0%)
4 – Eastern Africa (0%)
5 – Eastern Asia (1%)
6 – Eastern Europe (19%)
7 – Middle Africa (0%)
8 – Northern Africa (4%)
9 – North America (24%)
10 – Oceania (0%)
11 – Southern Africa (0%)
12 – South America (4%)
13 – South-Eastern Asia (1%)
14 – Western Africa (4%)
15 – Western Asia (9%)
16 – Western Europe (19%)
17 – Central Africa (12%)

Question 402 (ED15)

Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself? (optional)

Median = 0

1 – Female (28%)
2 – Male (72%)
28% of affiliate members who participated in this question identified as female and 72% of affiliate members who participated in this question identified as males.

Question 403 (ED17)

What is your age range? (optional)

Median = 3

1 – 0-15 (0%)
2 – 16-24 (9%)
3 – 25-34 (49%)
4 – 35-44 (22%)
5 – 45-54 (11%)
6 – 55-64 (6%)
7 – 65-74 (2%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, the median age range was 25 to 34 years old.

Question list


Goal 2 - Improving community health


Question 405 (CE16)

Have you ever felt unsafe in any Wikimedia online or offline space, including being harassed, bullied, attacked, etc.?

Mean = 0.31

1 – No (69%)
2 – Yes (31%)
31% of affiliate member who participated in this question reported that they have at some point felt unsafe in any Wikimedia online or offline space, including being harassed, bullied, attacked, etc.

Question 406 (AL02)

In what year did you begin contributing to the Wikimedia movement or its projects?

Median = 8

1 – 2001 (1.1%)
2 – 2002 (1%)
3 – 2003 (0%)
4 – 2004 (6%)
5 – 2005 (9%)
6 – 2006 (13%)
7 – 2007 (10%)
8 – 2008 (11%)
9 – 2009 (6%)
10 – 2010 (9%)
11 – 2011 (3%)
12 – 2012 (9%)
13 – 2013 (11%)
14 – 2014 (6%)
15 – 2015 (3%)
16 – 2016 (1%)

Question list


Goal 3 - Improving collaboration and communications between the Foundation and communities


Question 407 (CS01)

Which of the following activities have you done at least once in the last 12 months? Select all that apply.

Participants could select more than one option

0% did not select an option [?]

1 – Make contributions or curate content on any Wikimedia project (e.g. editing) (95%)
2 – Attend offline Wikimedia events (e.g. editathons, conferences, hackathon) (90%)
3 – Participate in online Wikimedia events (e.g. a remote conference or meet-up) (60%)
4 – Support Mediawiki or Wikimedia software development (e.g. report a bug, test a product, have technical discussions, write software code, build tools) (35%)
5 – Organize community programs or events (e.g. editathons, GLAM, conferences, education program) (87%)
6 – Participate in a Wikimedia affiliate (e.g. Wikimedia chapter, thematic organization, user group) (90%)
7 – Conduct research related to Wikimedia (e.g. worked on a project on meta:research) (17%)
8 – Apply for any Wikimedia Foundation grant (e.g. Annual Plan Grants, Project and Event Grants, Rapid Grants, Project grants, Travel and Participation Support Grant) (63%)

Question 408 (CE19)

The following is a list of topics related to the Wikimedia movement. You may see more questions about these topics later in the survey.

Which of the following are you currently working on or have a strong interest in? Select all that apply.

Participants could select more than one option

1% did not select an option [?]

1 – Advocating to change laws that influence the Wikimedia movement (49%)
2 – Wikimedia movement fundraising efforts (32%)
3 – Partnerships with governments, universities, companies or other organizations (87%)
4 – Technical contributions, including everything from giving feedback, testing, and writing code (40%)
5 – None of the above (6%)

Question 409 (TR01)

Which of the following annual Wikimedia events that were supported by the Wikimedia Foundation have you attended in the last 3 years? (select all that apply)

Participants could select more than one option

17% did not select an option [?]

1 – Wikimania (in Esino Lario, Mexico City, or London) (66%)
2 – Wikimedia Hackathon (in Jerusalem, Lyon, or Zürich) (7%)
3 – Wikimedia Conference (in Berlin) (52%)
4 – Don't know/Not sure (9%)

Question 410 (SS19)

Have you collaborated or engaged with any staff from the Wikimedia Foundation in the last 12 months, in any way (online, in-person, etc.)?

Mean = 0.96
5% selected "Not sure" [?]

1 – No (4%)
2 – Yes (96%)
96% of affiliate members who participated in this survey collaborated or engaged with any staff from the Wikimedia Foundation in the last 12 months, in any way (online, in-person, etc.).

Question 411 (CE17)

How familiar are you with the organizations associated with Wikimedia or Wikipedia?

Median = 4

1 – Not at all (0%)
2 – Slightly (4%)
3 – Moderately (14%)
4 – Mostly (38%)
5 – Completely (45%)
38% of affiliate members who participated in this questions are most or completely familiar with the organization or associations that support Wikimedia or Wikipedia.

Question 413 (SS14)

Before taking this survey, had you ever heard of the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)?

Mean = 0.99

1 – No (1%)
2 – Yes (99%)
99% of the affiliate members who participated in this questions reported having heard about the Wikimedia Foundation.

Question list


Goal 4 - Improving collaboration and communications around software development


Question 414 (TC15)

Over the last 12 months, in which of the following ways have you contributed to Wikimedia or Mediawiki software projects? Select all that apply.

Participants could select more than one option

0% did not select an option [?]

1 – Create software related to Wikimedia (23%)
2 – Help test new Wikimedia Foundation products (38%)
3 – Help document Wikimedia Foundation software products (15%)
4 – Submit bugs related to Wikimedia Foundation products through phabricator (60%)
5 – Use Wikimedia projects and products (95%)
6 – Other (specify): (30%)

Question list



Question 448 (GR13)

To what extent are you familiar with the Wikimedia Foundation program called "Wikipedia Zero"?

Median = 4

1 – Not at all (16%)
2 – Slightly (7%)
3 – Moderately (22%)
4 – Mostly (32%)
5 – Completely (23%)
55% of affiliate members who participated in this question reported that they are aware of the Wikimedia Foundation program called "Wikipedia Zero"

Question list


Goal 6 - Improving software for contributors


Question 415 (Q313)

Over the last 12 months, how often did you contribute to Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects?

Median = 6

1 – Less than once a month (6%)
2 – 1-3 times a month (11%)
3 – 4-5 times a month (about once a week) (10%)
4 – 2-3 times a week (10%)
5 – 4-5 times a week (9%)
6 – 6-7 times a week (about once a day) (12%)
7 – More than once a day (41%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, the median number of times they contributed to the Wikimedia projects was about once per day.

Question list


Goal 7 - Increasing software awareness and use


No pages meet these criteria.

Goal 8 - Growing the Wikimedia technical community


No pages meet these criteria.

Goal 9 - Improving information sharing for program leaders and affiliates


Question 417.01 (LE32)

We want to better understand what perceptions affiliates have about themselves and how engaged they feel in the movement.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - I understand where my organization fits within the movement

Median = 5
1% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Strongly disagree (2%)
2 – Disagree (6%)
3 – Neither agree nor disagree (2%)
4 – Agree (37%)
5 – Strongly agree (54%)
91% of affiliate members who participated in this survey agree or strongly agree with the statement: I understand where my organization fits within the movement"

Question 417.02 (LE32)

This question has a known error

This question may have issues that need to reviewed. --EGalvez (WMF) (talk) 18:57, 11 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

We want to better understand what perceptions affiliates have about themselves and how engaged they feel in the movement.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - My organization has a clear vision for the next 5 years

Median = 3

1 – Strongly disagree (17%)
2 – Disagree (17%)
3 – Neither agree nor disagree (67%)

Question 417.02 (LE32)

This question has a known error

this question may have issues that need be reviewed.--EGalvez (WMF) (talk) 18:59, 11 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

We want to better understand what perceptions affiliates have about themselves and how engaged they feel in the movement.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - My organization has a clear vision for the next 5 years

Median = 3

1 – Strongly disagree (17%)
2 – Disagree (17%)
3 – Neither agree nor disagree (67%)

Question 417.05 (LE32)

We want to better understand what perceptions affiliates have about themselves and how engaged they feel in the movement.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - My organization understands the expectations of being a movement affiliate

Median = 4
3% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Strongly disagree (2%)
2 – Disagree (7%)
3 – Neither agree nor disagree (10%)
4 – Agree (41%)
5 – Strongly agree (40%)
81% of affiliate members who participated in this survey agree or strongly agree with the statement: My organization understands the expectations of being a movement affiliate

Question 417.06 (LE32)

This question has a known error

This question has a very low response rate which may be due to analysis. Looking into this. --EGalvez (WMF) (talk) 20:08, 12 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

We want to better understand what perceptions affiliates have about themselves and how engaged they feel in the movement.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: - My organization has a clear vision for the next 2/5 years

Median = 3

1 – Strongly disagree (0%)
2 – Disagree (43%)
3 – Neither agree nor disagree (14%)
4 – Agree (14%)
5 – Strongly agree (29%)
43% of affiliate members who participated in this question agree or strongly agree with the following statement: My organization has a clear vision for the next 2/5 years. Note that 2 years was displayed for user groups and 5 years was displayed to affiliates.

Question 419.01 (CS16)

To what extent do you feel your Wikimedia affiliate is prepared to use communications in each of the following ways: - Working with local media

Median = 4
1% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (2%)
2 – Slightly (14%)
3 – Moderately (24%)
4 – Mostly (32%)
5 – Completely (28%)
60% of affiliate members who participated in this question feel that their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared to use communications for working with local media.

Question 419.02 (CS16)

To what extent do you feel your Wikimedia affiliate is prepared to use communications in each of the following ways: - Brand management

Median = 3
2% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (8%)
2 – Slightly (15%)
3 – Moderately (27%)
4 – Mostly (30%)
5 – Completely (19%)
49% of affiliate members who participated in this question feel that their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared to use communications for brand management.

Question 419.03 (CS16)

To what extent do you feel your Wikimedia affiliate is prepared to use communications in each of the following ways: - Using social media to promote your affiliate

Median = 4
1% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (5%)
2 – Slightly (6%)
3 – Moderately (18%)
4 – Mostly (37%)
5 – Completely (34%)
71% of affiliate members who participated in this question feel that their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared using communications to use social media to promote their affiliate.

Question 419.04 (CS16)

To what extent do you feel your Wikimedia affiliate is prepared to use communications in each of the following ways: - Engaging new users

Median = 4
1% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (6%)
2 – Slightly (16%)
3 – Moderately (21%)
4 – Mostly (37%)
5 – Completely (20%)
57% of affiliate members who participated in this question feel that their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared using communications for engaging new users.

Question 419.05 (CS16)

To what extent do you feel your Wikimedia affiliate is prepared to use communications in each of the following ways: - Engaging existing community members

Median = 4
1% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (1%)
2 – Slightly (9%)
3 – Moderately (25%)
4 – Mostly (49%)
5 – Completely (16%)
65% of affiliate members who participated in this question feel that their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared using communications for engaging existing community members.

Question 419.06 (CS16)

To what extent do you feel your Wikimedia affiliate is prepared to use communications in each of the following ways: - Public relations

Median = 4
1% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (4%)
2 – Slightly (14%)
3 – Moderately (25%)
4 – Mostly (31%)
5 – Completely (26%)
57% of affiliate members who participated in this question feel that their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared using communications for public relations.

Question 419.07 (CS16)

To what extent do you feel your Wikimedia affiliate is prepared to use communications in each of the following ways: - Promoting trainings and conferences

Median = 4
2% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (6%)
2 – Slightly (6%)
3 – Moderately (20%)
4 – Mostly (33%)
5 – Completely (35%)
68% of affiliate members who participated in this question feel that their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared using communications for promoting trainings and conferences.

Question 421 (LE29)

Is your organization a member of a regional Wikimedia group? (select all that apply)

Participants could select more than one option

5% did not select an option [?]

1 – Iberocoop (17%)
2 – CEE (25%)
3 – WikiArabia (6%)
4 – Wiki Indaba (6%)
5 – Other (specify) (16%)
6 – My organization is not part of a regional Wikimedia group (29%)
7 – ESEA (3%)
29% of affiliate members who participated in this question reported that their organization is not a member of a regional group

Question 422 (LE30)

In the last 12 months, have you partnered with organizations on shared activities? Select all that apply:

Participants could select more than one option

3% did not select an option [?]

1 – Yes, we partner with other Wikimedia affiliates. Our number of partners is about: (71%)
2 – Yes, we partner with organizations not affiliated with Wikimedia. Our number of partners is about: (72%)
3 – No, we do not partner with other organizations, but hope to develop partnerships in the next year (12%)
4 – No, we do not partner with other organizations (1%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this survey, 71% reported partnering with other Wikimedia affiliates and 71% reported partnering with non-Wikimedia organizations.

Question list


Goal 10 - Developing the capacity of affiliates


Question 424.01 (LE25)

How prepared do you feel your organization is for meeting its needs in: - Communications

Median = 4
1% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (2%)
2 – Slightly (13%)
3 – Moderately (27%)
4 – Mostly (41%)
5 – Completely (17%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, 58% feel their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared to meet its needs in communications.

Question 424.02 (LE25)

How prepared do you feel your organization is for meeting its needs in: - Fundraising or grant applications

Median = 3
4% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (10%)
2 – Slightly (19%)
3 – Moderately (35%)
4 – Mostly (23%)
5 – Completely (13%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, 33% feel their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared to meet its needs in fundraising or grant applications.

Question 424.03 (LE25)

How prepared do you feel your organization is for meeting its needs in: - Finance management & budgeting

Median = 4
4% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (12%)
2 – Slightly (13%)
3 – Moderately (23%)
4 – Mostly (27%)
5 – Completely (25%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, 52% feel their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared to meet its needs in finance management & budgeting.

Question 424.04 (LE25)

How prepared do you feel your organization is for meeting its needs in: - Volunteer engagement

Median = 4
1% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (7%)
2 – Slightly (9%)
3 – Moderately (33%)
4 – Mostly (33%)
5 – Completely (18%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, 51% feel their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared to meet its needs in volunteer engagement.

Question 424.05 (LE25)

How prepared do you feel your organization is for meeting its needs in: - Project management

Median = 4
2% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Not at all (6%)
2 – Slightly (4%)
3 – Moderately (24%)
4 – Mostly (40%)
5 – Completely (26%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, 66% feel their affiliate is mostly or completely prepared to meet its needs in program management.

Question 425 (LE26)

Which of the following support or training does your organization's (Board/Leadership) need most? (Choose up to 3)

Participants could select more than one option

5% did not select an option [?]

1 – Conflict of Interest (13%)
2 – Human resources & culture (32%)
3 – Volunteer engagement (59%)
4 – Donor outreach (43%)
5 – Board recruitment (19%)
6 – Governance (27%)
7 – Non-profit Law (8%)
8 – Leadership (25%)
9 – Other (specify) (9%)
NOTE: user groups were shown the word "leadership" while chapter participants were shown the word "board"

Question 429 (LE22)

Which of the following programs does your affiliate organize?

Participants could select more than one option

1% did not select an option [?]

1 – Edit-a-thons (84%)
2 – Editing Workshops (88%)
3 – Conferences (77%)
4 – Wikipedia Education Programs (68%)
5 – GLAM Content Donations (57%)
6 – Wiki Loves Monuments (60%)
7 – On-wiki Writing Contests (61%)
8 – Other Photo Events (43%)
9 – Wikipedian-in-Residences (48%)
10 – Hack-a-thons (19%)
11 – Other (specify): (13%)
12 – Wiki Loves Earth (38%)
13 – Research Project (0%)
14 – WikiExpeditions (0%)
15 – WikiTakes (0%)
16 – None (0%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, the three most selected programs that affiliates organize are editathons, conferences, and editing workshops.

Question 432 (LE28)

Which of the following aspects of your organization do you have significant knowledge of or experience with?

Participants could select more than one option

1% did not select an option [?]

1 – Partnerships and programs (80%)
2 – Finances or fundraising (47%)
3 – Use of Central Notice, also called "the banner" (31%)
4 – I don't have experience with any of these (15%)

Question 433 (LE18)

What was the approximate spending for your organization's most recent fiscal year?

Median = 1
5% selected "I dont know" [?]

1 – Less than $25,000 (54%)
2 – $25,000 to $49,999 (5%)
3 – $50,000 to $74,999 (5%)
4 – $75,000 to $99,000 (0%)
5 – $100,000 to $199,999 (12%)
6 – $200,000 or more (24%)
54% of affiliate members who participated in this question reported that their affiliate's spending in the most recent fiscal year was less than $25,000 USD

Question 434 (LE19)

Which of the following does your organization use to fund your activities and events?

Participants could select more than one option

5% did not select an option [?]

1 – None (5%)
2 – Membership fees (50%)
3 – Other (specify): (23%)
4 – Grants from the Wikimedia Foundation (77%)
5 – Endowment (7%)
6 – Income tax deductions (16%)
7 – Major gifts/corporate donations (25%)
8 – Grants from public institutions (e.g. government, EU) (20%)
9 – Grants from private institutions (e.g. foundations, corporations) (32%)

Question list


Goal 11 - Developing the capacity of program leaders


No pages meet these criteria.

Goal 12 - Improving access to research materials by contributors


No pages meet these criteria.

Goal 13 - Improving understanding of movement fundraising and fundraising needs


Question 435 (FR25)

This question has few responses.

Be cautious with interpreting the results.

Does your organisation currently use Central Notice (also known as "the Banner") on Wikimedia projects?

Mean = 0.83
4% selected "Not sure" [?]

1 – No (17%)
2 – Yes (83%)
83% of affiliate members who participated in this survey said that their organization currently use Central Notice (also known as "the Banner") on Wikimedia projects.

Question 436 (FR26)

This question has few responses.

Be cautious with interpreting the results.

How important is Central Notice ("the banner") in the delivery of your organisation's programmes?

Median = 5

1 – Not at all important (4%)
2 – Slightly important (8%)
3 – Fairly important (4%)
4 – Quite important (24%)
5 – Very Important (60%)
88% of affiliate members who participated in this question reported that the central notice banner is fairly, quite or very important in the delivery of their organisation's programmes.

Question 440 (FR18)

What are your current main challenges with fundraising/fund development? (select all that apply)

Participants could select more than one option

5% did not select an option [?]

1 – finding appropriate funding opportunities (61%)
2 – finding partners for joint proposals (32%)
3 – capacity (abilities and time) to complete proposals and applications (59%)
4 – carrying through with funded activities (14%)
5 – evaluation (18%)
6 – sustainability (43%)
7 – Other (specify): (14%)
Affiliate members who participated in this question reported that finding appropriate funding opportunities (61%), capacity to complete proposals and applications (59%), and sustainability(43%) were the top three main challenges with fundraising/funds development.

Question 441 (FR20)

Is your organization planning to develop your fundraising activities the coming year?

Mean = 2.08
9% selected "Dont know/Not sure" [?]

1 – No (21%)
2 – Yes (15%)
3 – Maybe (64%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, 15% reported they are planning to develop fundraising activities and 64% reported that they may be planning to develop fundraising activities.

Question 442 (FR21)

Are there any Wikimedia movement resources you regard as useful for fundraising?

Mean = 1.57

1 – No (57%)
2 – Yes; please share which: (43%)
43% of affiliate members who participated in this survey reported that they have found Wikimedia resources that are useful for fundraising.

Question 443 (FR22)

Which one of the following ways of support would you appreciate the most to become more active and effective with fundraising and partnerships? (select all that apply)

Participants could select more than one option

12% did not select an option [?]

1 – Regular meetings (51%)
2 – Materials, tools and templates (44%)
3 – List of open calls (40%)
4 – Mailing lists (35%)
5 – Group training (58%)
6 – Joint work sessions (40%)
7 – One-on-one mentoring or support (49%)
8 – Other (specify): (7%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, the top three ways of support for fundraising and partnerships is group training (58%), regular meetings (51%), and one-on-one mentoring or support (49%).

Question 444 (FR23)

How would you like to work and learn with other movement entities on fundraising? I am willing to: (select all that apply)

Participants could select more than one option

5% did not select an option [?]

1 – share tools and templates (38%)
2 – write learning patterns (36%)
3 – share grant applications on-wiki (48%)
4 – work on joint proposals with other Wikimedia organizations (64%)
5 – help involve non-Wikimedia partners (48%)
6 – attend work sessions and trainings (74%)
7 – provide or help organize work sessions and trainings (48%)
8 – Other (specify): (2%)
From the affiliate members who participated in this question, the top two selected options for working and learning from other movement entities were attend works sessions and trainings (74%() and work on joint proposals with other Wikimedia organizations (64%).

Question 445 (FR24)

To what extent are you satisfied with the Wikimedia Foundation's support to your organisation in improving your ability to fundraise?

Median = 3
15% selected "No opinion" [?]

1 – Very dissatisfied (9%)
2 – Dissatisfied (17%)
3 – Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (26%)
4 – Satisfied (40%)
5 – Very satisfied (9%)
49% of affiliate members who participated in this question reported that they are satisfied or very satisfied with the Foundation's support to their organisation in improving their ability to fundraise.

Question list


Goal 14 - Increasing awareness of GLAM and Libraries


No pages meet these criteria.


No pages meet these criteria.