Report 2018 Approfondeminde sus a 'u 'mbegne d'a comunitate
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Approfondeminde sus a 'u 'mbegne d'a comunitate 2018: Promuovere 'u apprendimende pe migliorà 'u supporte a le comunitate de Uicchimedie
Jndr'à l'anne fiscale 2017-2018, une de le ttre arèe strateggeche de Wikimedia Foundation ere 'a Comunitate[1] L'obbiettive de sta arèe strateggeche ere "migliorà 'u 'mbegne de le volondarije ausanne programme, esperienze e resorse megghie megghie". Da quanne 'u piane ha state scritte e approvate, l'urteme anne fiscale, 'a Fondazione s'ha 'mbegnate sus a 'nu sacche de programme pe raggiungere stu obbiettive.'A Salute d'a Comuntiate ha state 'a cchiù granne iniziative durande l'urteme anne fiscale e condinue angore osce a die a essere 'mbortande. 'A Fondazione s'ha 'mbegnate a sostenè e dà resorse a le comunitate de Uicchimedie, e, in particolare, a le comunitate de Uicchimedie ca stonne a iessene mò.
'Mbarà a canoscere le resultate d'a fatìe d'a Fondazione pò essere difficile, specialmende jndr'à 'nu movemente suggiale e tecniche cumme Uicchimedie. 'U Approfondeminde sus a 'u 'mbegne d'a comunitate jè 'nu sondagge annuale addò le squadre d'a Fondazione responnene a le dumande d'u sondagge pa progettazzione e sus le lore obbiettive. Stu sondagge dèje 'na màne a appettà 'n'immaggine de le comunitate nuéstre e dèje 'mbormaziune sus a le progresse de le obiettive d'a Wikimedia Foundation.
Sus a sta pàgene, riepilogame le date da cchiù de 4.000 partecipande ca l'onne state cercate 170 dumande d'u sondagge ca s'avere cendrate sus a le obbiettive annuale d'u 2016-17. Ste obbiettive avènene legate a diverse teme.
- Ce jè 'a diversità de le comunitate de Uicchimedie?
- Quale jè 'a salute de mò de le comunitate de Uicchimedie? Legate 'a salute d'a comunitate, ste comunitate de Uicchimedie sò inglusive?
- Quale sò certe resultate o cunde sus a le programme nuéstre ca supportane le comunitate de Uicchimedie?
Pe 'mbarà de cchiù sus a cumme nuje amme fatte stu sondagge, lìgge 'u proggette d'u sondagge.
Ce progresse onne state fatte jndr'à diversità de le comunitate de Uicchimedie?
Diversità de le condrebbuture sus a le pruggette Uicchimedie pare ca non g'onne cangiate.
- 'Mbrà 'u 2017 e 'u 2018, nisciune cangiamende statisteche significande ha state acchiate jndr'à 'u sesse de le condrebbuture de Uicchimedie. Amme notate 'na riduzione d'a diversità de sesse jndr'à le comunitate ca stonne a iessene mò, ma non ge sime secure ce quiste avène pe 'nu cangiamende jndr'à strateggije d'u cambionamende.L'urteme anne, amme cambionate 'nu gruppe specifeche de condrebbuture ca in aggiunde a le cangiaminde jndr'à lènga lore, onne cangiate pure a Uicchipèdie in inglese.St'anne, amme luate stu gruppe e chiste ponne avè condrebbuite a 'a rappresendazione jndr'à 'u cambione nuéstre. Certe combite abbesognane de 'mbarà quale sò l'effette de stu cambione, ce stonne.
- L'età medie de le condrebbuture jè 'mbrà le 35 e le 44 anne e ave crisciute 'nu picche da 'u 2017. Mendre 'a mediane jè 'a mesure preferite pe descrivere l'età, amme notate 'n'aumende d'a medie.L'età ha state raggiunde jndr'à sette categorije. L'età medie jndr'à ste sette categorije ave 'nghianate da 3,97 jndr'à 'u 2017 a 4,0 jndr'à 'u 2018, ca jè cchiù vecine a 'a categorije de età 45-54. [2]
- Le condrebbutore avenèvane soprattutte da 'u nord d'u munne (81%). Pure ca le condrebbuture da le pajesere ca stonne a iessene mò ave diminuite, nuje amme cangiate pure 'a strateggije de cambionamende. Penzame ca ste cangiaminde jndr'à le rappresendaziune reggionale avènene probbie da ste cange de strateggije, ma non ge putime essere secure 'nzigne a 'u prossime sondagge de abbrile 2019.
- 'A maggiorparte de le condrebbuture onne 'na 'struzione post-secondarije. 85% de le condrebbuture onne 'n'istruzione post-secondarije. Quiste jè 'u prime anne addò mesurame 'a 'struzione jndr'à stu sondagge, accussì nuje no sapime ce stu date ave cangiate jndr'à 'u tiembe.
'Ndrucanne 'a diversità 'mbrà le crestiane de le comunitate
- Sesse: Cumme cu le date d'u 2017, le organizzature d'u programme e le organizzature affiliate onne repurtate 'a percenduale cchiù ierte de femmene combrondate cu le condrebbuture de Uicchimedie e le sveluppature volondarije. Pe le organizzature d'u programme, 'u 36% repurtate so femmene, e, pe le organizzature affiliate, 'u 26% repurtate jè femmene. 'Mbrà le sveluppature volondarije , 'u 12% repurtate jè femmene. Le organizzature d'u programme jndr'à 'u cambione nuéstre st'anne pare ca onne aumendate d'u 10% da l'urteme anne, mendre le affiliate pare ca onne scise d'u 2%.
- Età: L'età medie 'mbrà tutte le crestiane rumane sembre 35-44. Cangiature sus le Uicchipèdie asiateche e indiane,[3] cangiature jndr'à le Uicchipèdie medieoriendale e africane,[4] e le sveluppature volondarije repurtane le età minore; 'a resposte mediane ere de 25-34 da ste gruppe. Pe chiste ttre 'nzieme, almene 'u 70% de le resposte ere sotte le 35 anne d'età. Uicchipèdie inglese e uicchimediane de l'Europe occidendale[5] repurtate l'età cchiù ierte. Comungue, 'u 53% de le cangiature d'a Uicchipèdie inglese e 'u 46% de le cangiature de le Uicchipèdie de l'Europe Occidendale onne repurtate 'n'età sotte a le 35 anne.
- 'Struzione: 'A mediane d'u levèlle combletate de 'struzione pe ogne 'nzieme d'a comunitate jè 'u prime grade de l'universitate. Le organizzature d'u programme e le affilitate de Uicchimedie onne repurtate le levèlle de combletamende de l'istruzione cchiù ierte, e cchiù d'u 90% de lore ave combletate 'u prime grade de l'universitate o angore cchiù ierte. Sveluppature volondarije e cangiature de le Uicchipèdie d'u Medie Oriende/Afriche[4] e Uicchipèdie de Asie/Indie[3] onne combletate mene 'struzione de l'otre. Ogne repurtate sotte a 'u 70% cu 'nu prime grade de universitate o cchiù ierte. Chiste e ttre gruppe sò pure le ttre gruppe cchiù uagnune, ca ne piace associà a 'u lore levèlle de combletamende d'a 'struzione.
- Sciugrafije: 'A strateggije de cambionamende nostre jè stratificate, ca signifeche ca nuje specificamende
le destinaziune de certe pruggette e lènghe. 'A rappresendazione sciugrafeche, quindi, jè 'nfluenzate assaije da cumme nuje cambioname. Cumme a l'anne precedende, 'a rappresendazione sciugrafeche 'mbrà le affiliate, le organizzature d'u programme e le sveluppature jè cchiù ierte de le cangiature.[6]
Quale jè 'a salute de mò de le comunitate de Uicchimedie? Legate 'a salute d'a comunitate, ste comunitate de Uicchimedie sò inglusive?
'Mbrà le mesure de collabborazione e assunzione, le membre d'a comunitate autocosciende e cosciende de l'otre rumane 'u cchiù vasce.
- "Coscienze d'u se e de l'otre" condinue a tenè 'na media cchiù vasce. 'A "Coscienze de se e de l'otre" 'nglude dichiaraziune sus a cumme le condrebbuture percepiscene le coscienze emozionale de l'otre. (e.g. "'Nu sbuènne de condrebbuture de Uicchimedie so cosciende de le lore scarte e de le lore scheme de combortamende."). Le indervistate sò d'accorde o none cu ste dichiaraziune. 'A medie pe sta domande jè cchiù o mene 'u 3,05, ca jè assaije de mene respette a le oltre mesure de collabborazione e coinvolgimende. 'Mbrà le organizzature d'u programme, ha state 'n'aumende d'u 45% da 2,1 a 3,0 sus a 'na scale de 5 d'a coscienze d'u se e de l'otre.
- Le cangiaminde 'mbrà ste mesure pa collabborazione e 'u coinvolgimende parene essere vasce da 'u 2017. Le cangiaminde parene essere picche, 'mbrà 'u 3 e 'u 5%, sus a le domande d'u sondagge ste mesure d'a salute d'a comunitate.
- Pe tutte le 'nzieme 'mbrà 'u 2017 e 'u 2018, 'a percezione d'u comande de Wikimedia Foundation ave scise assaije. 'A parole pe sta domande d'u sondagge ave cangiate picca picche.Ave avute 'na variazione percenduale cchiù ierte respette a le otre costrutte cu cangiaminde de parole. Ste 'nu cale d'u 5,5% jndr'à resposte medie 'mbrà 'u 2017 e 'u 2018, ca jè statistecamende significative. Pe le affiliate Uicchimedie 'mbrà 'u 2017 e 'u 2018, 'a percezione d'u comande d'a Wikimedia Foundation ave calate d'u 18%. Quacche organizzatore de le affiliate de Uicchimedie avene frequendate 'a Conferenze de Uicchimedie, ca ave coingise cu stu sondagge, e quiste ave 'nfluenzate le resultate.
- 'Mbrà le sveluppature, ave 'nghianate d'u 20% de medie da 'u 2017 pe tutte le mesure de collabborazione e de coinvogimende. Stu cangiamende abbesogne de essere investigate de cchiù.
- Le condrebbuture d'a Uicchipèdie olandese onne state cchiù vote sus a le costrutte "Collabborazione e Coinvolgimende" e "Diversità e 'Nglusione" cumme 'nferiore respette a le otre pruggette de Uicchimedie. 'A Uicchipèdie olandese ave 'na mesure cchiù vasce d'a volondà collabborative, coscienze d'u se e de l'otre, segnalaziune e recanusceminde, 'mbegne individuale pa diversità e inderaziune 'nglusive. Ognune de ste differenze sò statistecamende significative.
Mendre le mesure de diversità e 'nglusione sò misckate, le organizzature d'u programme e le organizzature affiliate fanne 'ndrucà combortaminde cchiù forte verse 'a diversità.
- 'Mbegne individuale sus 'a diversità e 'a frequenze d'a discriminazione onne resultate a favore. 'Mbegne individuale sus 'a diversità jè cchiù ierte 'mbrà le mesure, mendre 'a frequenze d'a discriminazione jè cchiù vasce.
- Ste 'na stanze pe migliorà 'a valutazione d'a diversità jndr'à le comunitate. 'A medie de le resposte a "attitutine sus a 'mbortanze d'a diversità" jè 1,5 sus 'a scale da 0 a 4 ('a domande jè formattate diversamende da l'otre). Compared with editors, program and affiliate organizers perceive that their communities place more value in diversity, about 2.5 out on a 0 to 4 scale.
- Sentiments towards a sense of belonging and having an inclusive culture in the Wikimedia community were two of the lower scores among the diversity and inclusion measures. The scores for these constructs were 3.59 and 3.57, respectively. For measurements of an inclusive culture, the average response for women in the survey was 8% lower than men, which is statistically significant. Similar differences in gender were found among developers and low-activity editors.
- Editors on the Wikimedia projects reported statistically significantly lower frequency of discrimination than developers, affiliates organizers and program organizers. 'A cause de sta differenze jè scanusciute, accussì maggiore investigaziune ponne abbesognà.
Experience of harassment has not declined since 2017 and appears to remain steady
- Across Wikimedia audiences, an average of 22% felt unsafe or uncomfortable in any online or offline space in the last 12 months. In 2017, we asked the same question, but did not set a time limit of 12 months. So while it cannot be stated that harassment has decreased, we can say with some confidence that it has not worsened.
- Among contributors to Wikimedia projects who reported feeling unsafe, 71% reported being bullied or harassed on Wikipedia in the last 12 months. Wikipedia was highest among the Wikimedia projects. The changes in bullying and harassment across the projects from 2017 were small. After Wikipedia, the incidence of harassment seems to decrease sharply. The second project with the highest reported frequency of bullying or harassment is Wikimedia Commons, where 21% reported being harassed followed by Meta-Wiki, where just 15% reported being harassed.
- Although 54% of Wikimedians on the projects agree they are "freely able to express my thoughts without being attacked on Wikipedia", women reported statistically significant lower scores than men. The average response from female participants was 2.66 (between "Disagree" and "Neither Agree nor Disagree") and was significantly lower than males, who reported an average of 3.43 (between "Neither Agree nor Disagree" and "Agree").
Quale sò certe resultate o cunde sus a le programme nuéstre ca supportane le comunitate de Uicchimedie?
Wikimedia Foundation teams included questions related to their programs and goals. Some teams are interested in learning whether communities are aware of the support they provide, while others might be looking to learn the outcomes of their work on the people they support. The following are a few highlights from different teams.
Communications Department: Many contributors are not using any recognized channels for learning about the Foundation's work and women seem to use certain channels more than men
Among Wikimedia editors, 44.8% reported not using any channels for learning about features and services from the Wikimedia Foundation. From those who did report using one of the channels listed, Wikimedia project pages were endorsed the most. Wikimedia Affiliates reported a wider variety of channels for learning about updates from the Foundation. Besides Wikimedia projects, they reported using the blog, local conferences, and social media more than the other categories. Women seem to use channels differently than men. 68% of males and 80% of females reported using one channel or more to learn about Foundation updates. A higher proportion of men used Wikimedia projects pages. Women editors reported a higher use of mailing lists, social media, the Wikimedia Foundation blog, and conferences.
Community Programs team: Wikimedia Commons users would like better support of multilingual descriptions of media files and be able to easily discover new or unexpected media files
The most often selected features for Wikimedia Commons, for both high- and low-activity editors, were wanting better support of multilingual descriptions of media files and wanting to easily discover new or unexpected media to illustrate other Wikimedia projects (PR30). Both were voted on about 25% of the time. Other options included better options to edit multimedia files, better options for collaborating with other projects like Wikimedia projects, and more refined ways to embed media from external websites.
Community Resources team: Local and regional events show more learning and building skills as major outcomes than larger global conferences, while Wikimania excels in discovery of the new
Participants shared which outcomes were most important from attending Wikimedia conferences,e certe fatte parevene essere megghie pe determinate resultate:
- Scoperte de pruggette nuève e idèe de ce jè megghie jndr'à Uicchimanie: While all conferences had a high proportion of participants that reported discovering new projects or ideas as the most important outcome, Wikimania had the highest proportion of them all.
- Fatte bbuène pe tutte le tipe de fatte: Across all the types of events, it appears that a high proportion of participants reported that they were able to start or improve a project because they attended the conference.
- Resolving conflict at Wikimedia Conference and national or local conferences: The annual Wikimedia Conference and other national or local conferences seemed have more reports of this kind of activity.
- Canoscere le temateche e le conferenze nazionale e locale: Participants who attended thematic events had a higher proportion who selected learning or improving a new skill as the most important result, which was followed by national or local conferences and regional events.
- Feeling recognized is less frequent at conferences: Across the different outcomes, it appears that feeling recognized or appreciated seemed to be on the lower end.
Learning & Evaluation team: Continuing to see an upward trend in evaluation capacity among program organizers & affiliate organizers
In general, preparedness for evaluation among organizers has grown since 2017 (LE07). Between 2014 and 2016, the Evaluation Pulse survey only reached program organizers who had been in contact with the Foundation through various programs.With CE Insights, the audience expanded to a broader community of program organizers who may or may not have participated in Wikimedia Foundation's capacity-building programs. Self-reported program management and evaluation capacity increased between 2014 and 2016 (in green in the graph). With the shift in audience, we continue to see an increase between 2017 and 2018 (in blue).
Results show that the team's strategy of capacity building through online resources, tools, and leveraging peer networks is on track. The data show that there is increase of use Program & Events Dashboard, that organizers gain skills through in-person trainings, and that program organizers mostly go to friends or to Meta-Wiki for support.This data is in line with the team's work on the Wikimedia Resource Center, learning workshops at conferences, and curating online resources for learning.
Legal team: Communities seem to be mixed about content policies related to Biographies of Living Persons and Paid Editing
From a sample of community members, results show that opinions are mixed as to whether the Foundation "should be doing more to curb paid editing on Wikipedia." From this sample of 184 editors, 52% agreed with the statement, while 32% selected "neither agree nor disagree" and 16% disagreed. No significant differences were detected among editors with different activity levels.
Wikipedia editors who participated in this survey are divided about whether a person's information should be removed from Wikipedia when that information is considered private in the person's country of residence. Wikipedia articles sometimes have information about living persons that is legally allowed on Wikipedia, but that would be considered private information where the article subject lives. Wikipedia editors were asked whether private information should be removed when this situation happens. The results are also mixed. From 516 editors, about a third agree, a third disagree, and a third selected "I don't know."
Partnerships & Global Reach team: Focus on emerging communities shows through awareness of partnerships support.
The majority of affiliate organizers (61%) were unaware of the Partnerships and Global Reach team. 74% affiliate organizers reported being unaware that the Global Reach and Partnerships team could help support the creation of partnerships.
Emerging countries reported being more aware (59%) of the Partnerships and Global Reach team than program organizers from Global North countries (41%). We asked all organizers whether they were aware that the team is available to help with partnerships. Only 26% of all organizers reported being aware of this support resource. More organizers from emerging communities reporting being aware of this support (41%) than organizers from emerging communities (19%).
Technical Collaboration team: Contributors prefer giving feedback about new software features on the wikis, and Tech News is by far the preferred way to get technical news
Editors reported highly preferring Tech News for receiving updates and news about WMF software development.For high-activity editors, Wikimedia community pages such as local village pumps and Wikimedia news sites like the Signpost or the Kurier were also highly selected. Wikimedia mailing lists and Wikimedia Foundation products seem to be the third group of preferred sites among high-activity editors. For low-activity editors, social networks, the Wikimedia Foundation blog and community pages were preferred after Tech/News. Differences between 2017 and 2018 CE Insights survey were checked, but no significant differences were found.
Conclusions and next steps
- There is room for improvement in diversity of the movement, as well as in improving specific aspects of both collaboration and engagement and diversity and inclusion, which are essential for achieving knowledge equity, one of the areas of focus in the 2030 strategic direction. The focus of the strategic direction is to be the essential infrastructure for free knowledge in the world. There are two branches to this direction, and one is knowledge equity. This direction demands that we examine how well we are working to "break down the social, political, and technical barriers preventing people from accessing and contributing to free knowledge."[7] Being a diverse, inclusive community that is welcoming to all is essential to reach this goal. Awareness of self and others, a sense of belonging, and attitudes towards valuing diversity could be improved to reach this aim.
* Eleven teams at the Foundation are working to decide how they will use their data. Some teams have already published their next steps on their report pages. Currently, teams continue to explore the results and making decisions on how to use the results. In every report, teams are reporting their most useful findings as well as how they intend to use the results. * Continue to improve the survey experience, in order improve response and completion rates. The response rates this year improved for contributors, but more work needs to be done to improve the experience for users. We aim to shorten the survey as well as to conduct user testing to improve the experience for contributors. This survey will be used to measure aspects of the Community Engagement Department's strategy.
- ↑ 'Ndruche
- ↑ Le resultate onne state pesate pe l'età de le condrebbuture.
- ↑ a b Quiste inglude giapponese, cinese e cambiune de tutte le lènghe origgenarie d'a reggione Asie/Indie.
- ↑ a b Quiste inglude arabe e cambiune de tutte le lènghe origgenarie d'u Medie Oriende e africane.
- ↑ Inglude le lènghe italiane, frangese, olandese e le otre de l'Europe occidendale. Esclude Spagne e Portugalle da quanne sta comunitate ca jè divise 'mbrà Americhe Latine e Europe.
- ↑ 'U date presendate pe sta particolare domande non è pesate purcé 'u date avessa essere spezzate jndr'à cchiù reggione cchiù piccenne.
- ↑