Community Insights/Community Insights 2020 Report/Collaboration, Diversity & Inclusion (2020)/Data appendices

2020 Collaboration, Diversity & Inclusion Supplement

Appendix: Changes from 2018 to 2019

Collaboration & Engagment Factors
Construct Mann-Whitney U Change Notes
Mean 2019 Mean Rank 2018 Mean Rank 2019 Change


Awareness of Others 3.29 570 610 0.048 All Items altered from "Most people" to "People"
Awareness of Self 2.70 569 500 0.000 All Items altered from "Most people" to "People"
Collaborative Intention 3.43 644 590 0.010 All Items altered from "Most people" to "People"
Engagement (Key to Inclusion) 4.04 1147 1095 0.061 Some items altered from "Wikimedia" to "Wikimedia projects"
Fairness 3.60 n/a n/a 🔻 0.000 No items were altered
Feelings of Belonging 3.43 1104 1003 🔻 0.005 No items were altered
Movement Leadership 3.34 1101 995 🔻 0.000 No items were altered
Movement Strategy 2.83 n/a n/a -- All new items
Problem Solving & Negotiating 3.25 n/a n/a 0.000 All Items altered from "Most people" to "People"
Diversity & Inclusion Factors
Construct Mann-Whitney U Change Notes
Mean 2019 Mean Rank 2018 Mean Rank 2019 Change


Sig. Mean 2018
Non-Discrimination 4.27 1162 1052 🔻 0.000 No items were altered 4.58
Inclusive Interactions 3.67 517 736 0.000 No items were altered 3.20
Inclusive Culture 3.43 1007 870 🔻 0.000 No items were altered 3.68
Individual Commitment to Diversity 4.01 637 577 0.005 Single item altered from "to take appropriate action to respond to incidents of harassment" to "to respond appropriately to incidents of harassment" 4.10
Wikimedia community attitudes toward value of diversity 3.50 269 712 0.000 Response scale changed from binary to likert to align with other indicators 1.00

Appendix: 2019 Descriptive statistics


*** Visit our Google Data Studio interactive report space to play with and/or download the aggregated means by any audience or demographic group.***

The sample used for key analyses was as follows:

Editors On-wiki Admins Developers Movement Organizers Movement Organizer Admins N Overall Mean Cronbach's Alpha
n Mean SE n Mean SE n Mean SE n Mean SE n Mean SE
Awareness of Others 470 3.3 0.04 45 3.2 0.11 27 3.1 0.18 106 3.4 0.09 37 3.4 0.14 685 3.3 0.67
Awareness of Self ' 441 2.7 0.04 43 2.9 0.11 24 2.4 0.19 97 2.6 0.09 36 2.6 0.11 641 3.45 0.60
Collaborative Intention 480 3.4 0.04 46 3.5 0.10 28 3.4 0.18 107 3.6 0.08 37 3.7 0.11 698 2.67 0.83
Problem Solving & Negotiating 457 3.2 0.04 46 3.3 0.12 28 3.2 0.20 101 3.4 0.10 37 3.4 0.14 669 3.26 0.80
Engagement *** 1517 4.0 0.02 131 4.1 0.06 108 3.8 0.08 294 4.2 0.04 121 4.4 0.06 2171 4.06 0.80
Fairness*** 1383 3.6 0.03 126 3.9 0.10 90 3.4 0.13 277 3.4 0.07 120 4.0 0.10 1996 3.59 --
Feelings of Belonging*** 1442 3.4 0.02 129 3.5 0.07 102 3.3 0.09 286 3.6 0.05 120 3.6 0.07 2079 3.45 0.73
Movement Leadership* 1468 3.3 0.02 130 3.2 0.08 109 3.1 0.10 293 3.4 0.05 121 3.3 0.08 2121 3.32 0.82
Movement Strategy*** 1152 2.8 0.03 103 2.7 0.10 90 2.8 0.12 266 3.5 0.06 116 3.4 0.08 1727 2.91 0.85
Leadership Commitment to Diversity*** 445 3.5 0.04 40 3.6 0.11 42 3.7 0.14 75 3.7 0.10 44 3.6 0.14 646 3.52 0.96
Non-Discrimination*** 1444 4.4 0.03 126 4.2 0.09 105 4.0 0.13 286 4.0 0.07 115 4.0 0.12 2076 4.27 0.89
Inclusive interactions* 463 3.7 0.04 41 3.7 0.11 44 3.6 0.13 77 3.8 0.09 45 3.8 0.14 670 4.03 0.48
Inclusive Culture*** 1260 3.4 0.02 122 3.3 0.08 97 3.5 0.10 284 3.6 0.05 120 3.8 0.08 1883 3.67 0.79
Individual Commitment to Diversity** 468 4.0 0.03 43 4.0 0.10 34 4.0 0.14 104 4.2 0.06 38 4.3 0.08 687 3.45 0.70

Key Demographics of the analyzed sample set

Frequency Proportion
Language Fluency Oth Lang Native 1419 82.1%
English Fluency 1294 74.8%
No English Fluency 435 25.2%
English Native 310 17.9%
Male - Non-Male Non-Male 308 17.9%
Non-Binary or Other Gender 120 7.0%
Male 1408 82.1%
Online Wikimedia Space Wikipedia 1224 66.5%
Commons 245 13.3%
Wikidata 59 3.2%
Other Wikimedia 312 17.0%
Continent coded Africa 60 1.7%
Asia & Pacific 321 9.0%
Europe 2523 70.4%
North America 416 11.6%
South America 263 7.3%

Appendix: Mapping of metrics to Foundation goals and movement strategy aims goals


Each of the social climate factors align to the Foundation MTP Thriving Movement goal. Two factors, Movement Leadership and Movement Strategy may also be relevant to the  Global Advocacy goal.

The factors are also highly relevant to many of the Movement Strategy recommendation’s specific aims as outlined in the table below. Again, the two factors, Movement Leadership and Movement Strategy aligned to three additional movement strategy recommendations not in the table below: Prioritize Topics for Impact; Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt; and Plan Infrastructure Scalability.

#1 Promote sustainability and resilience

Support dynamic, volunteer base; staff; and local groups in new acquiring funds and resources.

#5 Ensure equity in decision-making

Ensure a diversity and richness of perspectives, by focusing on the knowledge and communities that have been left out due to power and privilege.

#2 Create cultural change for inclusive communities

Foster an inclusive, welcoming, safe, and collaborative environment for future growth.

#6 Foster and develop distributed leadership

Train, support and retain socially- and technically-skilled individuals from different backgrounds that reflect the diversity of the global communities.

#3 Improve user experience

Research, development and testing new features to enable contributors from all backgrounds to enjoy a fluid, effective, and positive experience.

#7 Invest in skills development

Foster technical and people-centered skills - e.g. communication, conflict resolution, intercultural dialogue.

#4 Provide for safety and security

Ensure contributors have the proper conditions and resources enabling them to work without compromising their security.

#9 Coordinate across stakeholders

Cooperate and collaborate with different stakeholders to advance towards more equitable decision-making, with relevant training and enabling systems.

Factor/Metric Reporting Favorable Conditions YoY Trend #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #9
Individual Commitment to Diversity 85% O
Engagement 83% O O O O O
Non-Discrimination*** 82% 🔻 O O O O
Fairness** 62% 🔻 O O O
Leadership Commitment to Diversity 61% O O O O O
Inclusive Interactions*** 59% O O O O O O
Collaborative Intention 59% O O O O O
Feelings of Belonging*** 58% 🔻 O O O O
Awareness of Others 57% ^ O O O O
Inclusive Culture*** 55% 🔻 O O O O O O
Problem Solving & Negotiating 54% O O O O O
Movement Leadership*** 51% 🔻 O O O O O O
Movement Strategy 35% O O O O O
Self-Awareness 19% O O

Appendix: Social Climate Factors by Project Space and Significant Dominant Traits
