Community Programs team/Annual Plan 2018-19

Program Name: Institutional and Professional Outreach and Partnerships


Select the activity type, see definitions:
__x_ Programmatic activities
____ General and Administrative activities
____ Fundraising activities

Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Teams contributing to the program:
Community Programs
Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)

_____ #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content
__x__ #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
_____ #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures
_____ None of the above      

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal: The Community programs team works with extensive networks of allies and institutions to solidify the position of the Wikimedia movement within the professional discourse and practices of the library, education, and cultural heritage (GLAM) communities. This work helps develop high-level shared strategies and initiatives across our worlds, and also enables local communities and partners to better implement programs, and practices, which expand the reach of the movement.

Program Goals
The professional heritage, library, and education communities become full allies and partners to share free knowledge through and beyond Wikimedia projects.
Outcome 1
Key GLAM professional communities are more knowledgeable about Wikidata and structured data on Commons and have access to the appropriate infrastructure to gain skills, Wikimedia contacts and workflows to initiate those projects.
Output 1
Work with professional allies to create documents with broad reach in the professional GLAM and LODLAM communities, that highlight the "best practices and opportunities" for utilizing Wikidata that speaks to the landscape of opportunities in both established and emerging communities. As part of this work, we will produce a white paper and support at least 2 other publications over the course of the year which provide targeted communications to the GLAM community about the importance of Structured Commons and Wikidata for the professional space.
Output 2
Work with at least 4 influential, movement-level strategic partners and umbrella organizations with worldwide reach in the GLAM/LODLAM field, to develop joint projects that demonstrate the role of Wikidata, WikiBase or Structured Data on Commons as connective heritage platforms.
Outcome 2
Improved relationships with partner institutions in the Education space focused on helping to integrate Wikimedia projects into efforts to achieve global goals (e.g. digital literacy/21st century skills) and build awareness of projects, the movement, and content creation opportunities.
Output 3
Two external partnerships are developed by the end of FY 18-19 with 20% of Education Team staff time dedicated to developing and maintaining partnerships
Outcome 3
Improved relationships and awareness within the Wikimedia foundation/movement about the value and impact of collaboration with GLAM, Library, and Education spaces better positions Community Programs team (and WMF) to pursue partnerships, secure funding, and do external outreach.
Output 4
Four Community Programs Showcases (sharing inspirational case studies and good practices of programs activities within the movement) are held virtually by Q4
Output 5
Cross-departmental/team projects receive educational support including Global Reach, New Readers, Community Resources, L&E, etc.
Outcome 4
More librarians are exposed to the benefit of Wikipedians and Librarians collaborating.
Output 6
Maximize networks in 5 social media channels using blog posts, tweets, tweetstorms, multimedia, and reporting.
Outcome 5
Editors have more available resources for use in improving the quality of content on Wikimedia projects through partnership with scholarly publishers.
Output 7
More publishers will have joined the Wikipedia Library Partnership Program, with access distributed through the Library Card Platform.


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
Key GLAM professional communities are more knowledgeable about Wikidata and structured data on Commons and have access to the appropriate infrastructure to gain skills, Wikimedia contacts and workflows to initiate those projects. Engagement of 30 LODLAM and Wikimedia community members in community in the development of white papers and other documents created.

In theory we would like to measure the number of GLAM and LODLAM institutions and initiatives using Wikimedia’s Linked Open Data environment. In practice, neither the Wikimedia programmatic community, Wikidata nor Commons provide the infrastructure for monitoring GLAM engagement with structured data. This would require investment in community project tracking infrastructure that benefits both the institutions and community organizers.

We considered other measures of reach and readership of publications made as part of this line of effort: but we feel that those measures would be too superficial, and should not be targets by which we evaluate the success of our work.
Number of Wikimedia and professional community members engaged in White Paper and other documentation development process through authorship or feedback processes
Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
Improved relationships within the Wikimedia foundation/movement that lead to a higher level of awareness and appreciation for the role that education plays in the Wikimedia Movement 15% increase in collaborations within the foundation on education activities in the Wikimedia movement (Output #3) Quarterly report of time spent on external partnerships and outcomes achieved (Output #3)
Outcome 3 Target 3 Measurement method
Improved relationships and awareness within the Wikimedia foundation/movement about the value and impact of collaboration with GLAM, Library, and Education spaces better positions Community Programs team (and WMF) to pursue partnerships, secure funding, and do external outreach.
  1. 75% of showcase attendees report improved understanding of global programs and best practices (Output 4)
  2. 15% Increase in collaboration with external stakeholders on education activities involving Wikimedia project (Output 5)
  1. Output 4: Annual survey
  2. Output 5: Quarterly report of time spent on cross-departmental projects and outcomes achieved.
Outcome 4 Target 4 Measurement method
More librarians are exposed to the benefit of Wikipedians and Librarians collaborating. #1Lib1Ref increases number of social media posts and post reach by 25%. (Output 6) and social media platform analytics for media posts and post reach.
Outcome 5 Target 5 Measurement method
Editors have more available resources for use in improving the quality of content on Wikimedia projects through partnership with scholarly publishers. Content from 10 additional publishers are available to editors, including at least 5 with significant non-English content. (Output 7) The number of publishers open for application or access through the Library Card Platform
External publishing partners provide free access to their content.

Program Name: Infrastructure Evolution


Select the activity type, see definitions:
_x__ Programmatic activities
____ General and Administrative activities
____ Fundraising activities

Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Teams contributing to the program:
Community Programs
Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)

_____ #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content
__x__ #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
_____ #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures
_____ None of the above      

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal: The Community programs team advocates for, advises, and in some cases leads the development of infrastructure and tools that help grow contribution and collaboration with the library, education, and cultural heritage (GLAM) sectors, and which better support movement organizers to implement high quality, impactful programs in these spaces.

Program Goals
Continuous improvement of the Wikipedia Library Card platform and a first-phase overhaul of Wikimedia library, education, and GLAM communications platform.

Note: We also have substantial infrastructure-related goals documented in: Structured Data on Commons, CE Services Infrastructure (re Programs & Events Dashboard), Knowledge Integrity, and Movement Organizers (research intended to identify infrastructure and tooling needs)
Outcome 1
Active Wikimedia contributors from around the globe are better able to access Wikipedia Library resources through the Library Card Platform.
Output 1
Fully integrated proxy access through the Library Card Bundle delivering instantaneous access for approximately 25,000 qualifying users (with 6 month account, 500+ edits, and 10+ recent edits) without individual signup.
Output 2
The Library Card Platform interface is localized and translated into a range of major languages, with support and processes in place for further translation.
Output 3
Fully developed search and discovery of the majority of the available 100K journals. Search will be integrated with proxy access so users can locate and then access a resource in a single workflow.
Outcome 2
External and internal stakeholders can easily find compelling information about GLAM, Library, and Education initiatives in the Wikimedia movement, and experience easy access to relevant documentation and other support materials.
Output 4
Facilitate a community consultation to determine the future of GLAM and Education contents on (including potential migration to to unite with Wikipedia Library contents)
Output 5
Issue GLAM stakeholder perceptions survey aimed at both Wikimedian and professional communities of practice, and publish results for feedback.
Output 6
Drawing from the findings in the 2017 Education Perceptions survey, establish working group to revise Education Program on-wiki presence, materials, and branding with clear points of entry, ways to get involved, and obvious benefits to less experienced Education Program Leaders.
Output 7
Develop long-term strategy for creating broad, sustainable, public-facing communications tools that can compellingly and inclusively represent the Wikimedian communities of practice in education, GLAM, and libraries, and which inform and inspire the corresponding professional communities of practice to more deeply engage, align, and partner with the Wikimedia movement.
For an ambitious Outreach migration plan, we need a contractor with MediaWiki and technical skills who can help us migrate the content from Outreach to Meta (4-6 months at ½ FTE).

Internal/external: design support for Education rebranding initiative. Possible collaboration with Communications (Blanca) or external support via vendor for Education rebranding.


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
Wikimedia contributors from around the globe are better able to access Wikipedia Library resources through the Library Card Platform
  1. 25% more contributors access full text resources from TWL partners.
  2. 20% of users access the platform in a non-English language.
  3. The conversion rate from search to access is 25% higher through our search interface than through individual partner sites.
  1. We have data from some partners on the number of full text visits. We can collect comparable data after proxy and bundle are implemented.
  2. Comparing pre-proxy user language settings with post-proxy.
  3. We have conversion rates from some partners, and will compare this to our overall data after search and discovery is implemented.
Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
External and internal stakeholders can easily find compelling information about GLAM, Library, and Education initiatives in the Wikimedia movement, and experience easy access to relevant documentation and other support materials.
  1. Consensus among representative group of users of Outreach Wiki among program leaders in GLAM and Education on question of where to communicate community of practice knowledge.
  2. Engage over 100 stakeholders in evaluating communication needs for the GLAM-Wiki space, which include a representative group of both program leaders and external stakeholders.
  3. 60% of education program leaders perceive they understand programmatic best practices and where and how to share program impact
  1. # of community members participating in RFC, cross referenced with the program areas they are active in.
  2. # of participants in survey representing each of major identified stakeholder group
  3. Survey
Dependencies (optional)

OCLC (to finalise and uphold the agreement around EZProxy authentication and Worldcat Search and Discovery)

Communications (Potential internal support for rebranding, design work)

Learning and Evaluation (GLAM perception survey development)

Communications (and potentially Audiences) for developing external stakeholder communication tools (e.g. on or microsite)

Program Name: Program Capacity


Select the activity type, see definitions:
__x_ Programmatic activities
____ General and Administrative activities
____ Fundraising activities

Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Teams contributing to the program:
Community Programs
Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)

_____ #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content
_____ #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
_____ #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures
__x__ None of the above      

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal: Community programs are fundamental tactics for improving the health, relationships, and best practices of the Wikimedia Community, especially as focused through the education, GLAM, and library spaces of practice. The Community Programs Team at the Wikimedia Foundation identifies gaps in the capacity of the communities of practice running these programs and provides targeted help in those areas.

Program Goals
Increase the ability for Wikimedian communities of practice in the Education, GLAM and Library spaces to localize, implement and expand the impact of their programs through improved and more equitable support processes, higher quality materials and training, and new leadership development models focused on meeting communities where they are.
Outcome 1
The Wikimedia Education community experiences more consistent and timely response across regions through the development of more efficient and equitable processes.
Output 1
Bi-monthly office hours held for program leaders in target regions.
Output 2
Templates and frameworks created to improve and scale efficiency and routine support to community members
Outcome 2
GLAM, Education, and Library-focused community program practitioners have more opportunities to learn new practices related to their program areas through improved documentation and shareable resources.
Output 3
Develop at least 2 sets of training materials, focused on key strategic areas: 1. GLAM partnership skills and 2. structured data (in partnership with Wikimedia Deutschland), and deploy these materials at 4 community movement events (incl. Wikimedia Conference, regional conferences, etc.).
Output 4
Initiate research to identify and document high-potential impact models, activities and processes for running GLAM programs in emerging communities and synthesize into recommendations for the 3-5 year plan.
Output 5
Support the Wikimedia Education community to share best practices and knowledge within the movement through monthly newsletter publication, 3 facilitated meetings, and additional case studies.
Outcome 3
Wikimedian communities of practice in the Education, GLAM and Library spaces are empowered and equipped to implement programs and activities through new leadership development models designed/facilitated by the Programs Team.
Output 6
With support from TWL staff, The Wikimedia + Libraries User Group will have an active Steering Committee which is able to run workgroups, regular meetings, and projects to advance outreach and participation.
Output 7
Through the Global Branch Kickstart Initiative TWL Global Branches will have been established, with community leaders who are able to identify and obtain publisher partnerships, engage local editors, attend regional library events, and improve on-wiki reference services.
Output 8
Two education projects in emerging communities complete a leadership development program by the end of FY 18-19
  1. One incubation curriculum and materials package is published by the end of FY 18-19
  2. Two detailed case study documents are published by the end of FY 18-19
  1. Pilot project would require specific funds (Nichole’s proposal)
  2. Output 4 requires expanded GLAM team capacity.


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
The Wikimedia Education community experiences more consistent and timely response across regions through the development of more efficient and equitable processes. 51% of education community stakeholders report satisfaction with timeliness and quality of support they receive from team. Education program community survey
Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
GLAM, Education, and Library-focused community program practitioners have more opportunities to learn new practices related to their program areas through improved documentation and shareable resources.
  1. By the end of FY, 75 community members gain additional skills in GLAM partnerships or structured data during training sessions at Wikimedia movement events. At least 70% of participants in trainings describe trainings as introducing useful skills for implementing GLAM projects.
  2. We would like to sustainably grow the number of communities able to implement GLAM projects within emerging communities and that advance knowledge equity. Though unable to measure this change now, this research will develop recommendations for how we implement, measure, and evaluate that change.
  1. Participant headcount, feedback surveys at the end of training sessions
Outcome 3 Target 3 Measurement method
Wikimedian communities of practice in the Education, GLAM and Library spaces are empowered and equipped to implement programs and activities through new leadership development models designed/facilitated by the Programs Team.
  1. The Steering Committee has formed 3 workgroups, held bimonthly meetings, and organized two major projects.
  2. 10 previously inactive TWL Global Branches will have become active and self-sustaining.
  3. 50% of program leaders believe they have the knowledge, skills and support they need to implement an education program in their local context.
  1. Number of workgroups, number of meetings, number of major projects.
  2. An active branch has a coordinator, a partner request list, one person who has gone through pitch training, one person who has attended a regional event, and one improved on-wiki reference page. Branch coordinators will be considered active if they communicate with the TWL team monthly.
  3. Quarterly monitoring report, and annual project evaluation/attendance records and quarterly report

Structured Data on Commons program

Various affiliates, mainly chapters and groups of community volunteers (Structured Commons pilot case studies)

Wikimedia and Libraries User Group