Gemenskapens önskelista/Fokusområden
< Önskelistans instrumentbräda
Det här är alla aktuella aktiva fokusområden. Du kan ta read på mer om varje fokusområde, granska deras påverkan, och delta i gemenskapsdiskussionen.
Template recall and discovery
Hjälp innehållsgranskare hantera sina repetitiva uppgifter mer effektivt.
Media formats, editing, and display
Underlätta för patrullerare och andra redigerare att prioritera uppgifter
Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks, so they can more efficiently review and uphold the quality of content on their wikis.
We'll know we're successful if this work improves editor or patroller satisfaction and reduces the "queue" of things to review.
Article Creation Guidance
Help newer contributors understand the status and rationale behind a moderation decision
Improved discovery of media files
Create new consumer experiences for learning from / engaging with Wikipedia content
Better stitching between Commons and other projects
Citoid improvements
Reference management
Improve how categories are presented on articles
Connecting Like-Minded Contributors