Community Wishlist/Wishes/Add preference option for green and yellow wikilinks to denote Good and Featured Articles/en

Add preference for green and yellow wikilinks to denote Good and Featured Articles Open

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Featured Article icon
Good Article icon

Currently, there are two standard wikilink color options: blue if there is an article, and red if there is not. For editors who wish to enable it in their preferences, I would like to see green wikilinks to denote Good Articles, and gold wikilinks to denote Featured Articles.

Purpose: The main purpose of this feature would be to help users tell at a glance if an article has achieved one of these high status', without having to visit/click on the article. If not just for personal interest, this could be used to tell how close a topic is to becoming a Good or Featured Topic, and likewise to tell if a Good or Featured Topic should be delisted if a link suddenly loses its color.

Formatting: Said green wikilinks could look like option #1 or option #2: with option #2 being the obvious choice for color blind users and being interface accessibility-friendly. Likewise, said gold wikilinks could look like option #1, option #2, option #3, or option #4: with option #4 being the most interface accessibility-friendly option. The color pallets of all the potential wikilinks above were taken from their respective article status badges for Good and Featured articles respectively (see images to right). As an alternative option to gold, however, a strong violet such as option #5 could be used as to better differentiate a Featured Article wikilink against another gadget which displays disambiguation links in orange. The difference in color between gold and orange is not strong enough to be a required change, but should be mentioned. In the future, these wikilink colors could be changed to slightly different hues to denote if a wikilink has already been visited, the same way blue wikilinks turn a faint purple, and red wikilinks turn a pink-maroon color.

Scaleability: As pointed out by users A09 and Goombiis in this wishlist item's discussion tab, this feature would be most useful and find the majority of its users on English Wikipedia, as it holds more Good and Featured content than any of the other language projects. On top of this, the colors denoting Good and Featured articles sometimes differ on other language projects: as seen on French Wikipedia, which instead uses a grey and light-yellow pallet for Good and Featured articles. For these reasons combined, I believe it is wise to first only implement this feature on English Wikipedia, but leave it available as an optional plugin for other language projects to adopt at their own discretion in the future.

Assigned focus area

Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks

Type of wish

Feature request


English Wikipedia specifically, but as an optional plugin to other language projects to adopt at their own discretion in the future

Affected users

Interested English Wikipedia users and editors

Other details

  • Created: 01:39, 27 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 09:28, 14 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: Johnson524 (talk)