Community Wishlist/Wishes/Add size of every Wikipedia article language version on a list of all language versions/en

Add size of every Wikipedia article language version on a list of all language versions Open

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Some topics have plenty of language versions but some of them may be stubs, others normal articles and others even very big articles with a lot of information. Looking the biggest language version of an article on Wikipedia or Wikidata page often requires checking one after another. Some sign or number next to every language version which helps to find the biggest articles (with assumption that they have more information) would be very helpful for readers and sometimes for editors.

From the discussion page: As a reader, it is even more important. When I want to translate some article, I may assume that it will take longer time and checking even dozen or two links is a small % of time for whole work (nevertheless, it may be annoying). When I want to get possibly wide information about some topic, which is not strictly connected with some language/nation, I don't want to check language version, after language version. When my Internet browser can automatic translate most of languages (better or worse) then language of article stops become a problem. For example I need information about a priest who lived hundred of years ago in a country which doesn't exists, during ages area was ruled by a few empires and today lays on border area between a few countries (e.g. Dalmatia): I should check language versions of both countries (Croat, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian), of former empires (German, Italian, Hungarian, Turkish) and of course main world languages (English, French, Spanish, Arab etc.). Even then I may miss article made by some christian history enthusiast from other small country (e.g. Albania)

In summary, this is the goal to read the same article across language variants, and be able to compare the "thoroughness" of an article before opening it. (JWheeler-WMF)

Assigned focus area


Type of wish

Feature request

Wikipedia, Wikidata

Affected users

Readers and editors

Other details

  • Created: 15:28, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 15:15, 23 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: Plogeo (talk)